Posted by Forum Subscriptions: Bumped Posts

Virus [Message #275]
-(CCC) (#123)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-03 04:18:31
So subscription notifications are great, we can all agree that knowing when someone posts on a thread that's important to us is pretty great. We don't have to miss out on any important updates.
But bumps? Why the hell do we care? Bumps really aren't meaningful to most if not all people, so why do we have to be notified whenever they happen? I for one used to get really excited when I got a forum notification, but it's always disappointing to see that nothing has actually changed.

I guess I can see how they're useful if people bumped the thread after editing a post, but it still feels more obnoxious than anything. Maybe if people are opposed to removing bump notifications completely there can be a change to the notification system to express that it's a bump before you click, or perhaps an option to opt out of bump notifications?

TLDR- Remove bump notifications on subscribed forums

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