Posted by Roleplay Partners?

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2017-05-16 12:44:30
Hey guys! You may know me formerly from my HORSE and WOLF roleplay forums, shown below! I am not interested in Lioden Game play anymore HOWEVER am still interested in roleplaying both HORSE and WOLF! I am strictly realistic, and already have some ideas for a new horse forum. (Continuing Picasso herd only - wip) (Paused for now)
[I want to start something new, and already have an idea for a new horse thing]

1. Please let me know if you are interested in some Horse roleplay!
(I prefer people who do not mind joining Discord(Its like Skype but better) as a better form of communication for me!

2. I would like some of my former roleplay partners to help me staff and piece things together! As well as become main members of the starting / base herd or pack!

3. Upon becoming interested, maybe join this group chat that I just recently opened on Discord JUST FOR THIS! - Excuse it being empty of chat, because I JUST opened it!

4. I am a stay home mom (: I work from home selling ItWorks! And my little boy is 19 months old! I have lots of time on my hands between cleaning, playing, and working!

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