Posted by Rise {Open || Applications}

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-17 15:20:11

Please refer to our main thread before applying!
Once accepted, please post your character sheet here.

Application Prompts

Desired Rank:
Roleplay Sample Prompt: Please choose from the prompts below.
Roleplay Prompt Response:

Prompt #1: You're an adult member of the Clan, and today you have been given the honor of leading a hunt. Despite the fact that the weather has been a little warm lately, you decide to lead your party onto the frozen lake that borders the territory. Things are going well until you're halfway across the lake. Suddenly you hear a loud cracking sound, and the ice begins to fragment beneath your paws.

Prompt #2 You're enjoying a meal at the Clan camp when you notice a young kit stumble across the clearing. She is obviously too young to be out of the nursing den, but is highly curious. As you get to your paws to escort her back, you notice a hawk that has also spotted the kit and is circling overhead.

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Edited on 17/05/17 @ 15:31:55 by Transkitty #exiled (#101285)

.3k] (#101361)

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Posted on
2017-05-17 19:56:18
Name: (My name???)
Desired Rank:Bearkit (Wolfkit)
Roleplay Sample Prompt: #2
Roleplay Prompt Response:
Wolfkit stretched out comfortably as he took another bite of prey though he could barely swallow it in excitement. Today was his apprentice ceremony! The large grey kit scanned the camp for his littermates, but instead spotted young Lilykit near the middle of camp, he wondered how such a young kit, only one moon old, could have made it so far and why no one had taken the curious kit back to the nursery yet. As Wolfkit abandons his half eaten vole and makes his way towards Lilykit, a screech makes him look up, the largely sized tabby grey kit freezes in terror as he spots the biggest bird he's ever seen. That's not the only thing he notices, he notices that it's been circling a certain small kit that has wandered out of the nursery, from high up. Panic runs through the veins of the tom-kit.
Wolfkit surges forward just as the hawk makes it's move. Lilykit, oblivious of being preyed on by a large hawk, spots Wolfkit and runs away from him, thinking it's a game. "L-lilykit!" Wolfkit yowls as the hawk lets out another loud screech, now much closer to the earth than before. That sure draws the attention of the other cats. It doesn't take a genius to find out what it's here for. The now-afraid Lilykit, stops running and let's Wolfkit attempt to nose her back to safeness inside the nearest den, the Warrior's den. Rainflight pounces into action, not wasting a second, he faces the swooping hawk and let's out a loud screech that echos through the camp. The warrior is quickly joined by Shadefall and Breezefeather, the three warriors prepare to fight. The hawk swoops up last minute, as Shadefall jumps, the claws of the hawk slash across Breezefeather's face, the tom yowls in pain. Shadefall lands gracefully on the back of the hawk, he grips it's wings tight as it tries to rise but can't due to the weight of a full grown cat.
Wolfkit watches in amazement as the young warrior attempts to bring the hawk down. He almost forgets about Lilykit. Wolfkit hurriedly picks up the young kit, who's shaking in terror, Wolfkit knows he wouldn't to get her to take another step. He half lifts, half drags the kit into the warrior den where she's attended by Petalfrost. Wolfkit turns around and continues to watch the warriors fight, fur bristling in excitement, not understanding how dangerous a bird of prey could be. Breezefeather has been pushed back into the Medicine Cat den, wailing that he couldn't see, Shadefall is still riding the unsteadily flapping hawk, he can't steady himself enough to land a bite on the neck, just as the hawk gets lower to the ground, Rainflight leaps up, raking his unsheathed claws along the belly of the hawk. In seconds, the hawk is on the ground, Shadefall tumbles off the hawk, exhausted. Wolfkit doesn't waste a second and bounds up to the warriors.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-17 20:29:19
Can you role-play in the past tense?

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.3k] (#101361)

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Posted on
2017-05-17 20:30:51
Should I write it again in past tense? Or do you just want to know if I can, cause I can!

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-17 21:33:58
Rewrite it for me please!

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Razhor's AI (#109883)

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Posted on
2017-05-18 13:32:42
Name: Cherrypaw
Desired Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice (If you'd rather me be the Med. Cat because there is none, let me know)

Roleplay Prompt Response:

You're enjoying a meal at the Clan camp when you notice a young kit stumble across the clearing. She is obviously too young to be out of the nursing den, but is highly curious. As you get to your paws to escort her back, you notice a hawk that has also spotted the kit and is circling overhead.

The sky was growing pale with the arriving dawn, the morning dew lay heavy on the camp. Cherrypaw was already wide awake with anticipation of the upcoming day, she had pawfuls of work to do with the recent bouts of sickness in the clan. She struggled without a mentor, but the prickling of her pelt along her spine gave her the excitement and nervousness to get over her fears. Cherrypaw had just completed her last few tasks of the morning, which included bundling certain herbs for the sick, and gathering herbs near the river that would help with the ill and their fevers. She tugged at the neatly folded leaves to keep them in place when suddenly, she heard it. A screech.
Cherrypaw's heart dropped to her paws. Immediately, she spun around and out into the clearing, barging through the hanging ferns of the medicine cat den. Horror clawed at her heart as she spotted one of Lionwhisker's young kits, Goldenkit, screeching at something from above. A flurry of dark brown mixed with black swooped from above, talons outstretched, aimed for the young she-kit.
Cherrypaw's heart raced as she sprung herself forward without thinking. Her mind was boggled with the undying need to save her clanmate, she had recently lost a patient - she was not about to let it happen again.
"Goldenkit, watch out!" She thought she had yowled, but the only noise out of her mouth was a terrified wail. Her body collided with the hawk, just barely in time for the young she-kit to tumble over her pawsteps as she moved out of the way. Cherrypaw's heart sunk when she realized that she, herself, was not exactly a big cat - barely bigger than Goldenkit. The hawk's cries rung throughout her burning ears as she dug her claws and teeth into the ruffled feathers, refusing to let go. And then, suddenly, she felt nothing beneath her paws.
The hawk was trying to fly. Cherrypaw's legs turned to jelly as she couldn't feel the ground for what seemed like hours - but the hawk barely could take off and she found herself grounded once more. Cat claws dug into Cherrypaw's flank as she began to hear stern yowls underneath her. The claws pulled from the hawk, who took off immediately into the canopy above.
"You're the medicine cat, and our only one! What do you think you're doing?" She could barely hear as the sound of her heartbeat filled her ears. Adrenaline blurred her vision and made her weak.
Only one thing was running through her mind, however. This was her job - to save her clanmates.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-18 13:36:08
Accepted! If you're ok with not having a med cat, she can stay as the apprentice until Redstar realizes and changes that. Just pm me with what you want her name to be!

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-05-18 17:34:49
~Twistedfeather and Doestalk are my own cats~ Both I will be using, if needed I can make another roleplay sample for Twistedfeather
Name: Minnie
Desired Rank: Deputy or warrior
Roleplay Sample Prompt:
Doestalk prowled lazily towards the rabbit her sister was sitting next to, she greeted her sister with a lick to the ear and settled down digging into the rabbit just as her sister did. The brown female watched around the camp, her interest caught when Twistedfeather, a large tom cat, slipped into the camp well past his patrol time, her ears perked towards him as he walked up to the two females, his orange head ducked down as he muttered something to her causing her to lift into a sitting position her eyes flashing towards the sky. Based on what the tom just told her a hawk had been flying around the camp for a few days, her ears flattened as she walked towards the leader's den where she knew her good friend would be. She walked by the nursery where a small kit stumbled out excited to talk to the legendary female, Doestalk ignored her more focused on finding her leader to report this. They needed to take care of it as soon as possible. The kit followed after her stumbling a little bit before tripping and laying there watching the older cat walk off. Doestalk turned at her name being called out in a sharp cry by her sister, her ears flattened at the shadow that cast over her head towards the kit that was batting at a leaf. Doestalk moved forward in a few leaps picking the kit up almost dropping it as she ducked out of the way of the sharp claws of the hawk, she dove into the nursery frightening the nursing queen. The deputy dropped the kit and slipped back outside where Twistedfeather and her sister were trying to pin the hawk, she launched forward knocking them off of it watching the now bleeding bird fly off quickly.

Roleplay Prompt Response:
Prompt #2

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Edited on 18/05/17 @ 17:52:32 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-18 19:40:31
Accepted. You may post your character sheet!

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AVOIID (#103536)

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Posted on
2017-05-18 21:19:42
Name: Haze (Not entirely sure if you would rather a clan name, or a rogue one?))
Desired Rank: Arsonist
Appearance: I am not sure if you have much in plans of how he looks, although, I did notice you typed him to have smokey coloring. If I may be allowed to suggest - Link
Roleplay Sample Prompt: Prompt #1
Roleplay Prompt Response:
A group of lean warriors padded through a chilled forest, and out into the warmer air above the lake. The sun shone brightly, even for winter, and the surface of the lake was slick, but thick. Even so, they moved quickly, set out on an important hunt. The clan had grown precariously low on food, pelts were growing thin, and tempers sour. At the head of the hunt, a fiery orange tabby led the way. The end of his tail was clearly broken, the last two inches snapped, and facing towards his right.
It bothered the tom none, even as he now led his group forward, over the dangerous ice. He knew it was a deadly risk to cross the ice, and he argued heavily with his clan-mates about it, but, whatever happened, he knew it could not be worse than letting his clan starve into nothing. With a small signal of his broken tail, he ushered his group to go faster, but, before they could, a loud crack rang in their ears. The tom froze, his pelt bristling in fear of his untouchable foe. He had dreaded the sound, and now, hearing it, he felt chilled to his bones.
He looked at his warriors, sorrow and fear written on his usually stoic face. Speaking lowly at first, he gave each warrior a look in turn. “I-I am sorry. This is my mistake. Please, run! Run back home!” The warriors stood stock still for several moments, until another thunderous crack sounded from below. They started in fear, and scrabbled to turn on the ice, their movements shaky with terror, running back towards safety, as the ice cracked horrifyingly below their feet.
The fiery tom who had led the hunt, began his trek across, making sure the others were well ahead of him. He would make sure they survived, it was his own fault, and he would risk his life for them. Blood roared in his ears, adrenaline coursed through his veins, but he stopped upon hearing a loud cry of panic and fear. He changed course, heading for the sound, and seeing a cat scrabbling on ice, as it dipped drunkenly from side to side, the area around it broken away to reveal the frigid depths below.
It teased the cat with each movement, threatening the prospect of being tossed into the icy water. The fiery feline charged forward, ignoring the loud cracking of ice that followed him, determined to save the life of his clan-mate.

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-18 23:34:52
Accepted! Please post your character sheet on the character sheet thread. Both the name and appearance are alright with me!

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-19 14:48:06
Name: Frostkit >>Frostpaw>>Frostfang
Desired Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Click all three names.. Srcs located on bottom
Roleplay Sample Prompt: 1

((Role Play Response))
: Frostfang hair bristled as he heard the ice crack underneath them. "Everybody spread out slowly and carefully unless you want to fall through." Her voice strong and full of order as the others with her began to slowly walk away in different direction. "Frostflight th-the crack it's.. Coming straight for me." A small tom with strong amber eyes said panic in his voice. "Blackpaw calm down you a shivering to much so just..*crack*.. Shadowpaw no." She shouted as the apprentice fell under the ice, and disappeared only bubbles remained where he once stood. She was frozen her heart racing as her mind raced a hundred miles per minute. "Frostfang, Frostfang snap out of it." You hear sunpelt yelled the orange she cat had fear written all over her face. "Ok, everybody flat on you stomach. We will slowly crawl our way out of this." Frostfang yelled in a demanding tone, she had seen a fox do this once when it wanted to get to a frozen moose that was half frozen in the lake. Frostfang slowly began making her way towards the shore ice cracking with every movement. She quickly looked back to see if the other were following, and to make sure they stayed on their bellies. "Keep moving foward, don't stop." She yelled as the wind began to pick up. She hissed in retaliation at the wind and she continued to crawl. "Frostfang, I can bearly see anything in this wind." A brown tabby tom yelled as he clawed the ice and continued to drag himself across the ice. "Just keep doing straight we should get to land soon enough." She said as exhaustion began to take it's tole, her body began to feel ten times heavy. She pushed herself well beyond her limits her muscles ached and burn, as her breathing became more labored, the hard wind blew lose snow all around them making it hard to see anything. When it looked like all hope was lost Frostfang felt the familiar texture of pebbles under her paw. Using the last of her strength she made a huge leap making it on land. "Yes, yes sweet starclan yes." She mumbled her breathing heavy, soon Sunpelt, Mudclaw, and Foxtail came leaping onto land all as tired as she was. Frostfang stood up looking into the ice she was soon joined by Sunpelt. "Sorry Sunpelt, I know he was your apprentice.." Frostfang said a deep sincere tone in her voice. "He was a fine apprentice and would have made a excellent warrior. He hunts with starclan now and he will watch over us." Sunplet said before she turned around and padding back to the others. Frostfang let Sunpelt's words sink in for a moment. "Come on let's get back to camp, we have had enough adventure for one day." Frostfang ordered as she began to pad away the others close behind her.

Src of Pics

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Edited on 25/05/17 @ 01:40:50 by RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-05-22 19:47:53
Name: Rainstone
Desired Rank: Deputy
Roleplay Sample Prompt: #1
Roleplay Prompt Response:

A warm breeze fluttered through Rainstone's fur, refreshing after the devastating winter that had plagued the clan for the past few months. Large paws padded over the icy surface of the lake, as Rainstone and those who followed her during the hunt carefully made their way over the surface of the water body. Rainstone had come up with the idea that the hunting party should risk crossing the frozen surface if it meant a better hunt to stave of the starvation that was slowly eating away at the clan warriors. The warriors in her party had agreed to follow the risky decision.

It seemed as if Rainstone's gamble had paid off, until a resounding crack echoed over the lake surface. Instantly the five cats froze, and Rainstone turned her head to see those within her party looking to her for direction. She would never truly forgive herself if her actions caused the death of one of her clanmates.

"We need to reduce the weight the ice is carrying....Thundercloud aim to the left and walk slowly towards the shore."

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-05-22 22:48:18

Name: Icefur.

Desired Rank: Queen/Warrior.

Roleplay Sample Prompt: Prompt #2.

Roleplay Prompt Response: The rabbit's succulent flesh tasted bitter on Icefur's tongue and it took everything in the white she-cat to choke it down, aware concerned eyes were watching her. Greystar lingered close, an appropriate distance between them to offer the grieving warrior the space she needed, but near enough that he would be with her in seconds if she called for him. Icefur's skin flushed beneath her sleek pelt and her heart felt ready to burst with the affection she felt for her mate. What had she ever done to earn such love and devotion? Forcing another bite, finishing her meal steadily became easier.

The scuffling of young paws reached her ears only seconds later and Icefur's emerald gaze landed on a small tabby she-kit rushing after a falling leaf. The small kit's stubby legs had her tripping over her own paws and the leaf was swiftly carried away on the wind. Icefur's tail flicked with amusement and she rose to her paws, preparing to escort the kit back to the nursery. It was Mintkit, one of Astertail's daughters,. She was far too little to be away from her mother's belly. Astertail must have fallen asleep. Sorrow soon replaced her mirth as she watched the scampering kit. They shared no relation as far as she knew, but Minkit resembled the brother she had lost so closely that memories of when they were kits chasing each other around the camp flooded her mind. Astertail had never revealed her offspring's father...and hope flared inside her. Could a part of Sagestorm still be with her?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a raucous cry from above and Icefur's head shot upward, horror washing over her as she spotted a hawk diving for Mintkit, cruel talons stretched toward the kit. "No!" Icefur hurtled forward, her lithe build and long legs helping her gain on the predator. With an outraged caterwaul she leaped at the hawk and knocked it to the ground, The bird recovered quickly, lashing out at her with razor sharp claws and powerful wings. Icefur gasped in shock as its talons pierced her pelt, panic and pain all she felt as the hawk pulled her off the ground, struggling to lift her into the sky. "Greystar!" She yowled in fear, kicking and thrashing in the hawk's grip.

The next few moments were a blur. The angry voices of her Clanmates rang in her ears, her vision blurred and abruptly she sensed the scorching pain in her back lessening as she slumped to the ground, the hawk fleeing with furious cries. For a time she only knew swirling darkness until frightened mews brought her back to reality and she found Mintkit staring at her with round blue eyes. "Are you ok Icefur?" She squeaked, her whole body trembling. Icefur breathed a sigh of relief as the world around her became more clear. "More than alright now that you're safe," she whispered.

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Edited on 22/05/17 @ 22:50:26 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-23 09:27:56
Accepted! Feel free to post her character sheet!

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-05-23 12:25:21
Am I accepted as well?

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