Posted by Lower Chance of Cub Death without Nest

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 04:33:54
Title says all. The chances for a litter of cubs to die when a lioness isn't nested is WAY too high, especially considering studding is a thing that you have to pay for. If someone pays for a stud, they should get what they paid for, and that is cubs, point blank.

It makes no real sense that ALL cubs would ALWAYS die if a lioness doesn't have a legit nest- lions don't even nest in real life, they just give birth in some random ass location I'm pretty sure.

Either the chance should be rolled PER CUB or strongly decreased altogether. I shouldn't be penalized for not being able to afford nesting material when I ALREADY paid for the stud.

This suggestion has 133 supports and 66 NO supports.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 05:12:51
I'm kind of confused by this. How can you not afford to spend 60 SB to buy nesting material in the event that you don't have any of the other nesting items, but can spend a lot more to pay for the studding? It's not so hard to get that amount of currency.

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 05:42:19
bc by the time i went to bed on the day they were supposed to give birth, I didn't have enough sb?

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Bitterwood (#14624)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 06:21:16
I support because if nothing else, I sometimes forget to nest the ones that I have in my hunting parties. If I could have then nest with them still being able to hunt it would be no problem, I'd just have them nest immediately like I do with the others. However, because I can't do that, I have to wait until the last day and then nest them near the end of the night. I forgot to do that last night because I fell asleep only to remember when I woke up this morning. Lost the two main litters that I wanted from my main Queens and the kicker is they are now too old to breed. Really salty about that. :(

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Vanagandr (#85363)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2017-06-02 08:34:47
Nesting material is not expensive, you can either buy it or find some feathers in explore, I mean you have more than one day to nest her, if you can't do that in this time because of money reasons I don't know what you are doing.
And for your information, at least cats prepare a nest, so the probability of other felines doing it too isn't that low ;D

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-06-02 10:14:02
I don't bother nesting my lionesses until the last day due to the fact that I hunt them a lot and tbh, sometimes people simply forget, especially for hunters- this case was a combination of forgetting the fact that they were due today and thus not buying nesting material beforehand and not having enough left by the time i went to bed anyway.

Either way, whatever the argument is on how 'easy' it is to nest, it's still ridiculous that ALL cubs in a litter would ALWAYS die if a lion is not nested. The grass is no less safe than a nest to give birth in. Like yeah, I can understand adding a _small_ chance of miscarriage if a lion isnt nested, but the chance is WAY too high as it is. It makes no sense and penalizes people way too much for tiny mistakes like forgetting or not being able to collect/afford material.

It also punishes people who have paid for a stud, which is even worse.

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GrimCamel (#99374)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 03:18:30
All cubs dont die if Im correct? I mean if youre unlucky yes but I had this inactive time period I wasnt very active due to mental illness and I didnt bother to nest any of my lionessess but I still had cubs. Not a lot but a few. I dont think the death rate is 100%...or im just high??

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 03:26:29
Sorry, no support. 3 days is a lot of time and hunting isnt a a good reason not to nest, really.. just nest and hunt your team 1 lioness short, it doesnt really affect hunting chances.
They dont always die, it's 50/50 chance if litter will survive or not. 50% is a good fair chance of fail when you prefer to risk it for a few more stats and not nest untill the very last moment. If all your litters died so far, it was simply a strike of bad luck.

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Gizani🐺Leo (#8877)

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Posted on
2017-06-03 03:47:17
No support. This was one of the measures put in place a few years ago to lessen the tidal wave of cubs Lioden was amassing. I'd rather not have that economy-bane come back again.

3 days is plenty of time to nest your lioness and if you're so short on GB, you can always sell things to Monkey Business.

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🐐Cold follower of
Goat Lord (#102158)

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Posted on
2017-09-19 10:24:46
This isnt a good idea. Hunting dose not take long and if 1 of your lionesses cant hunt it wont impact your hunting (only if all your lionesses remain level 1 because u didn't thought of leveling them up.Or u simply have just 2 lionesses in your whole den)
The amount of large leaves,underbrush,feathers and other such items are easy to aquire if you explore. Wich is an important feature of the game.If you rollover everyday sometimes you get nesting material for just that.Your cubs dieing for not nesting is a sign of not taking care of them.You can spare 3 days of not sending that lioness to hunt and simply replace her with another lion.

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Mandala (G3 Rose
Gold) (#84696)

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Posted on
2017-09-19 10:37:10
I'd just like to throw in my input, if that's okay?
I mass-breed girls, I mean look at my den! A lot of times (and I mean A LOT) I forget to nest. The survival rate is 50/50 like hyena said, which I think is totally fair. When I forget to nest, I hardly ever lose cubs. It's in my user log. When I forget to nest and I lose cubs, its my own dang problem if I lost out on a pearlie or pie. SB is never a problem for me, and if it is for you, you can always bundle the sb you make from selling the carcasses you get from hunting.
A 50/50 rate for something that is relatively dirt cheap is extremely fair. It keeps the cub market down, especially when you breed with something with a high fail (like pearls), and from a mass-breeder perspective, sometimes its easier for a girlie to have her cubs die and then go into heat again 3 days later. Cheaper than a crb, less wait time than if they survived, and I just dont have the room or broodmothers.
Sorry, no support.

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) (#353362)

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Posted on
2022-10-25 14:01:47
I’m not sure what to think abt this, I kind of agree it is kind of high— but like lionesses in real life will leave the pride/sneak away from the pride to build a shelter and/or a nest, such as bushes and even caves until the cubs are about 3 months. So nests are extremely important as for the cubs, so I also disagree but it is kind of high but like the minimum cubs I’ve had in a litter was 2 but I’m also kind of new and if a cub as a mutation when it’s born then the best could also help with that, so your kind of wrong lmao

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~Briar~[G2 Tobiano] (#263161)

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Posted on
2023-05-05 17:23:46
I highly agree, not everyone can afford nesting materials, and you can't be guaranteed to get enough feathers and stuff through exploring to make a nest. I've had 20 sb this whole week, because I can't sell any food, and I don't get enough materials for a nest, so I have nine lionesses (At the time of writing this) that will probably loose all their cubs. I didn't pay for a stud, it's all from my main male.
I believe it's just another 'money grab' because your only options are either A) Hope the cubs don't die, or B) scavenge to get sb/gb really quick, most of the time resulting in buying GB. For example I have ten trades, and one of them is as 'cheap' as 150sb, for a cub with goddess fertility, and I have the offer option on ALL of them, not a single offer.

You are right, lions don't make nests, most will leave the pride to have cubs for a little bit of time to make sure the male doesn't kill them right away.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2023-06-13 00:08:31
ive lost countless important litters - some because my net's gone out thru the whole day. but it was my fault for not nesting them immediately

if you can't afford to properly maintain your pride, lower the number of lions you keep.

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