Posted by Experimental || RolePlay

DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 11:21:14
This is the roleplay thread for the roleplay Experimental
Do not post here if you have not been accepted on the sign up thread! If your simply asking where it is here's the link!

Sign Up Thread

This is where we post roleplay responses, the sign up thread is for OOC and Forms!

Now for the roleplay!

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DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 19:45:20
Chatter from behind the one way mirror into the main room sounded, as scientists quietly spoke to each other. Though the experiments could not hear it, it still happened.

Several words floated around the room, before one dominated them all. "STOP! Stop this madness! Everyone, we have important news. There should be a good amount of new experiments before next week coming in, so prepare yourselves." The scientists nodded, and observation began once again.

Nakita Whitson

A quick riser, a late settler.
She had been up for a good while, and had already finished a movie she had watched a hundred times. They never got anything new in here... Though when they did it was an amazing event, though it rarely happened. Nakita was soon up, no longer sprawled around the couch in a lazy manner.

Giving a stretch and a yawn, she found herself sprawling out on the couch again.

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 20:20:38
Blaire - female - coyote - open

Blaire sulked in a corner of a dark space. Maybe it was a cage, maybe it was a room. She didn't care. She had been stuck here, told to wait for the doctor. The only thing keeping her here was the prospect of being cured...

Reed - male - deer - open

Reed stood at the steps of the laboratory, slip of paper in his calloused hands. The reward notice said ... a lot. He needed that. If he got the money, he could quit his construction job and maybe go to school and get an AA. He smiled and walked up the steps, opening the door.

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DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 20:44:09
(( Your characters are in the waiting room, yes? If not I'll change my post! Also I'll have multiple side characters, scientists, that'll pop up when needed. ))

Mrs. Wicks (Scientist)

"Blaire Watters?" A female voice, followed by the creak of a closing door sounded from the opposite end of the room. "Blaire Watters?" A dark haired, light skinned female covered in freckles who appeared to be in her late twenties. She was holding a board, and didn't take notice of the new comer appearing in the room.

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 20:46:57
Blaire - female - coyote - Mrs. Wicks

Blaire pulled herself out of both her imagination and her chair. The room was airy, actually. "That's me," Blaire said, approaching Mrs. Wicks slowly. She didn't mean to be wary; she just was. "Is what they say true?" She asked, trying to see the clipboard.

Reed - male - deer - open

Reed entered the lobby and got himself registered. As he sat down, he saw a jittery-looking girl walk away with a young doctor. He shrugged; this WAS an experimental facility. He made himself comfortable and began to people-watch.

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DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 20:53:33
Mrs. Wicks

She was quick to move to guard the checklist, blocking the contents from view.
"I'm sorry but I can't say anything for myself, I haven't been very far into this facility. But all I can say is they'll try. Besides that, please come with me into the room. When we're done you'll be taken to the lab room, and then somewhere else, classified information for lower positions."
She was quick to open the door and try to usher the woman into the room. It was small, only enough room for the two chairs, desk, and a small path to another door. It was slightly dimly lit, but light enough to see.

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 20:55:29
Blaire - female - coyote - Mrs. Wicks

Blaire almost balked and backed out. But she wanted to be cured so badly.....

She walked into the room and sat down in one of the chairs. "Now what? Do you need my vitals?" She asked, fidgeting a bit. She squinted in the light, beginning to doubt this place's authenticity.

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DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:04:08
Mrs. Wicks

"We'll take your Vitals in the next room. I won't but someone else will. You just have to answer these questions." The woman sat down in we own chair, and retrieved a pen from her pocket.
"Answer these in order, please." And with that, she began her questions.

"What is your age, what is your mental condition, what is your physical condition, and do you have any close family or relationships?" Odd questions, but the rest would be obtained from their files.

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Sirius [Tri-Rosette
Ice] (#22397)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:07:07
Ridge Wolfe
The young man strolled into the building. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a plaid flannel over his navy blue t-shirt. The cowboy boots he wore were sure to bring attention those inside the room, although that wasn't his intentions. Ridge didn't look in any direction other than where he would register himself in. Anyone else in the room would be insignificant to him. Papers were signed without hesitation, for his little sister, Holly. They promised she would be cured of the illness that struck her. For her, he was willing to go through whatever they threw at him.

Ridge turned in whatever papers they told him to sign and found a seat near the wall. He sat quietly, awaiting the moment someone would call upon hom.

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:07:49
Blaire - female - coyote - Mrs. Wicks

"Alright..." Blaire said, a little more hesitant. She skimmed the list of questions, then picked up the pen. "Age is 18, I think. Mental condition is sharp. Physical is skinny but good, if you don't count my ears. And, ah, no. No close people," she remarked as she wrote, a tinge of sadness creeping into her voice at the last response.

"Here you are," she replied briskly as she returned the form, trying to sound confident.

Reed - male - deer - Ridge

Reed watched Ridge intently, gauging his every move. That was what he did; watch and analyze. He was meant for so much more than construction....

On a whim, Reed stood up and approached Ridge. "Hi. Did you see the reward notice too?" He asked, internally wincing at his bluntness.

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Edited on 06/06/17 @ 21:09:44 by ScottishCoyote (Scotty) (#87211)

DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:15:23
Mrs. Wicks

She gave a nod. "Thank you, please move on through the door, someone will be with you in a moment." With that she stood up, and moved to call the next person. Suddenly her face fell. Oh... Two at once? Maybe they were expecting a lot of people this week... She was probably supposed to do two people in that one as well.

"Ridge Wolfe and Reed... Schmidt?" She thought that was how you said it...

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Scottie (Lights ON!) (#87211)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:18:09
Blaire - female - coyote - open

Blaire did as she was told, swallowing in nervousness. The room was bigger, but scarier. There were cabinets on the walls, and her mind began to fill with wild ideas of what might be locked away in them.....

Her hands gripped the counter lip and she eased herself up onto the counter.

Reed - male - deer - Ridge, Mrs. Wicks

Reed's brow furrowed. Why were they both being called? Nevertheless, he left the other man's side and walked friendly-like up to the doctor. "Hi, I'm Reed," he said, holding out his hand for a shake. "I saw the reward notice."

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Sirius [Tri-Rosette
Ice] (#22397)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:23:27
Ridge Wolfe
Minding his own business, Ridge hardly noticed a person approaching. He glanced up with a puzzled look, barely catching the last bits of what came from the guy's mouth. He seemed rude, when he looked away to the feminine voice calling his name. Ridge stood after he heard his name, as well as another name, which he presumed to be the guy's who had tried speaking to him.

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Drkshdw (#97838)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:24:43
Avalynn Axter
Ava bit her lip lightly as she slumped farther into the chair, silently hoping that these people would end up not calling hers and her brother's names. But then she sighed, reaching up to rub her face lightly. They needed the money, and this was really the only way they could get it. She glanced over at her brother, who had his arms crossed over his chest and was lightly tapping his foot on the ground, which was just beginning to drive her insane.

Denzel Axter
An irritated sigh escaped him after a moment of just sitting there, and he switched the tapping from his foot to his fingers, looking over at Ava to make sure she was alright. He smiled a little at how she was sitting, shaking his head. After another few seconds he made a move to get up, but stopped when small fingers dug into his arms, and he met his sister's furtive green gaze, "Are you crazy? Just wait for them to call us!" He grumbled to himself once more, prying her hand off of his arm before moving to sit in a slightly more comfortable and slouched position, just subjecting himself to waiting.

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DXS [Side] (#115257)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:26:40
Mrs. Wicks

"Hello, please go into the room and sit down." She gave a light handshake, it didn't last long as she took another form from the clip and handed it to him. "Please fill this out. There should be another pen on the desk." She said, waiting for the other male. "You too, Mister Ridge!"


Mr. Sonner

An old man, hair shot through with grey came in from a side room. "Hello hello!" He gave a light chuckle, going through the cabinets. "Needle or pills?" He gave a random question, taking a needle and a bottle of pills in hand. "I can give you water for the pills if needed." He sat them down on the counter beside her, before giving her a grin and running his hand through his hair, for some odd reason.

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Edited on 06/06/17 @ 21:28:12 by FireFlame (#115257)

Sirius [Tri-Rosette
Ice] (#22397)

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Posted on
2017-06-06 21:31:37
Ridge Wolfe
Wanting to get this over with, Ridge was quick to go to the woman. The handshake was short and sweet, which was good. He filled out the paperwork he was given. What it showed have him no insight as to what was going to happen, although for Holly, he was still willing. She meant the world to him, and he was going to do whatever it took to save her from suffering.

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