Posted by Kushinda Pride (Main Chat/General Info)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 14:07:58


One and a half years ago, two broodmothers ran away with a gaggle of adolescents and cubs when their kings were obviously losing a hostile takeover. Since then, the lionesses have been living a harsh, nomadic life. It was a challenge to keep young cubs alive while also training the adolescents to become efficient hunters. Now that all the cubs are adults and the males have wandered off to try to find their own way, it's time for the lionesses (some of whom are experiencing their first heat) to find big, strong males so they can form an official pride and carve out a territory of their own.

Main Chat || Applications || Roleplay || Character Sheets


Protectors of the Pride
- Sefu (Jalesi) - Ushindi (Transkitty) - Kondo (Soltero) -

The two broodmothers who ran away with the cubs. Took on a matriarchal role.
- Aziza (Wolflord) - Mlezi (Polopony) -

The lionesses who stay back and care for the cubs while the rest are hunting. There are currently no broodmothers, as they aren't needed until there are cubs.

The general bulk of the pride. All lionesses help in hunts.
(Unlimited number, currently all are 2-3 years old)
- Kahawia (Knobb) - Kali (Arcan) - Jelani (Silence)

One year olds. They follow the adult lionesses around to learn how to hunt.
(None currently)

(none currently)

1. All of Lioden's roleplay rules apply.
2. This is a semi-lit realistic roleplay. Posts must be at least 5 sentences long and absolutely no godmodding, powerplaying, or allowed.
3. Realism should be maintained, meaning no lions who are albino, black, chimera, etc. White lions will be RARE due to it being a recessive trait. Males with lightly colored or scarce manes will be considered less desirable or unattractive by lionesses. All lions with light colored eyes will be at a disadvantage due to being sensitive to light. This also means you can NOT use lioden images for your characters.
4. Golden Rule of RPing: Hate the character, not the player!
5. Drama Free Zone: All players are assumed to be 13+ years old and are expected to act as mature adults. I'm not your babysitter. If you have a problem with someone, take it to pm and find a way to either resolve it or agree to disagree.
6. Fighting: Killing someone else's character is only allowed if both parties agree to it in advance. Males can only lose to females if four or more females have ganged up against a single male. Otherwise, the female WILL lose every single time. Applicants put the phrase cat bull terrier somewhere in your application.
7. In order to keep things PG-13, all breeding, birthing, gory injuries (any time one can see that which should be covered by skin), or killing of prey will be kept vague. There's not really any need to go into descriptive detail of these things. If you feel the need to, you can fade to black.

Litter Rolls
Litter size, 3 6-sided dice added together
3 - 6 = 1 cub, 7 - 10 = 2 cubs, 11 - 14 = 3 cubs, 15 - 18 = 4 cubs
Genders, 1 2-sided dice rolled for each cub
1 = Male, 2 = female

Excused Absences
Knobb - 6/18 to 7/1 - character can be used as npc briefly to end non-important interactions only

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Edited on 19/06/17 @ 20:51:39 by Jalesi (#99503)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-06-28 22:30:46
I'm going to drop out of this RP...I feel like it has died....

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-29 12:46:43
It hasn't. Just Transkitty has been busy and I think Soltero is too. Kitty has promised a reply today however

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Transkitty (#101285)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-29 12:48:22
Yeah, sorry. I work a full time on call job and only get one day off a week. I'll be replying today!

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-07-02 07:52:59
I've been working all week without 2 days break in which I was preparing stuff for college, plus my spotty internet

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