Posted by The Guardians- OOC & Info

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-16 00:16:34



The Guardians

Long ago, before humans tainted the earth with their evil, the world was bursting with life. The sprawling wilderness teemed with living things, unabashed in their quests to survive, the balance that they brought easing the strain on mother nature. Everything was peaceful, until the day that the world was attacked by a vicious cycle of storms and insidious monsters. It was said that Hades, the god of the Underworld, whom Gaea locked away inside of Earth's core, was the one sending the evils that plagued the once calm world. His accomplice in this war was Hecatoncheires, the brute that controlled the undying storms. Seeing that all that she had created was in danger, the great Mother Nature gave life to four powerful lions, primal in nature and steadfast in their quest to conquer their enemies. These new heroes were given unnatural powers to defeat Hades and Hecatoncheires, two each sent to both scorned gods. The lions were named Fotiá- The lovely enchantress of fire, Aéras- The calm commander of air, Gi- The stoic sentinel of earth, and Neró- The aristocratic authority of water. Together, they were called The Gennaíoi.

Decades passed as their constant battle continued, each team fighting day and night to finish their enemy off. It ravaged the area where it took place, eventually turning it into a wasteland of sand and rough mountains. Little vegetation survived, and all animals living there were evacuated or eviscerated. Gaea, having given birth to the land, was heartbroken at its destruction, but she understood that it was a necessary sacrifice. Millennia passed slowly, until finally Hecatoncheires fell, leaving Neró and Aéras successful. It would take another twelve years for Fotiá and Gi to vanquish Hades, leaving the Earth slightly dented, but safe. In thanks for saving her beloved Earth, Gaea granted all four of her children mortality, freeing them and allowing them to live beyond the wills of the gods. As a tribute to the war, Mother Nature also soothed the stripped land, so that it would heal slowly with time. The Gennaíoi scattered to the four corners of the battle ground, building tribes of their own, leaving a legacy behind.

The Tribes

Once the great war ended, the four heroes settled into their own corners of their new territory, creating new tribes with them as leader. As the centuries passed, they grew old and died, leaving their respective heirs to take over. These heirs were primal creatures as well, and so were their children, and so on for generations. Today, a new threat has arrived; a bloodthirsty pack of drooling monsters, sent as a last ditch effort by Hades to reclaim his place on Earth. Will the tribes survive?

The Fylí
The descendants and followers of Fotiá, these lions live in the hottest corner of the territory. Here there is little shade, and the tribe takes shelter in a dormant volcano. A small crack in the cliff above their hunting grounds is the entrance to their den. Inside, a small, natural, spring-fed pool serves as their only drinking water. Each lion has the power to control fire, some are more powerful than others, but the Chief is the strongest of them all.

+ Thinner fur to combat the intense heat
+ A stockier build, short and compact
+ Lighter colors
+ Have immense stamina
- Males have little to no mane
- Cannot handle cold climates
- Cannot swim
- Short tempers

The Tou
These lions are the descendants and followers of Neró. They live in the marshlands of the territory. Here it is almost always drizzling and muggy, and there is little dry land to speak of. Their den rests inside of a massive, ancient hollowed out tree. Water is plentiful, so wandering to take a drink is common, as there is no direct source in the den. All of these lions possess the ability to control water in any variation, some are more powerful than others, with the Chief being the strongest.

+ Water resistant coat
+ Webbed toes
+ Fantastic Swimmers
+ Quite fast
- Small bodied, delicately built
- Males have sleek, usually heavy-looking manes
- Slightly arrogant

The Tis
The descendants and followers of Gi, these lions reside in the lowest part of the territory. The dirt isn't packed down by grass, leaving it loose and hard to walk on. Rocks are plentiful however, and provide footholds for the inhabitants, and the odd visitor. Prey is hard to come by, but they make do with rabbits, moles, and other small mammals. The rare gazelle or wildebeest is treasured, and the lions have learned how to store their meat underground for periods of famine. This tribe calls a smattering of hollow hills their den, all tunnels lead to a large cavern, where an underground river runs through. Rock and earth bends to these lions' wills, if they so wish the ground will thunder with each step they take. Some of them are more powerful than others, with the Chief as the strongest.

+ Strong, powerful
+ Broad-bodied and broad-footed
+ Skilled climbers
+ Can go long periods without eating
- Stubborn
- Coarse, unrefined coats. Males have thick, frizzy manes
- Quite slow
- Unkempt

The Oura
The descendants and followers of Aéras, these lions reside in the highest peaks of the territory. Their prey consists of goats, eagles, and hares. A massive waterfall serves as their water source, providing them with cold, untainted liquid. The cold stone mountains are harsh during winter, and these lions stay inside and stash their prey whenever winter rolls around. During spring, summer, and especially fall, a few skilled hunting parties will venture down to the hills below, and bring back whatever big prey they can catch. The lions of this tribe have the ability to manipulate air, some are stronger than others, with the Chief being the strongest.

+ Thick coats
+ Skilled climbers
+ Unparalleled sense of balance
+ Great jumpers
- Cannot handle hot climates for long periods of time
- Can be cold and distant
- Slow

The Ranks

Chief- Usually a direct, primal descendant of one of the four heroes. Can be challenged by a lower-ranking tribe member.
Right Hand- The second-in-command. This lion helps lead the tribe. They take over if the chief dies without an heir, or lead in their stead when the chief is sick, gone, etc. Can be challenged.
Healer- The medical expert of the tribe. They must have an extensive knowledge of herbs. They are deeply respected but hold no authority. Cannot be challenged, but they can have an apprentice.
Guards- The toughest, strongest of the tribe. These lions protect everyone from danger and are the first to fight off enemies. There will usually be one lead guard, they will have the most experience.
Hunters- These lions bring back as much food as they can for the tribe. They consist of skilled, stealthy lionesses, with the odd male in the mix.
Caretakers- Mostly comprised of nursing females, young lionesses, and others that just want to nurture, these lions watch cubs, take care of elders, and keep the camp clean.
Apprentices- The adolescents of the tribe. They are training to be a deputy, a healer, a guard, a hunter, or a caretaker.
Cubs- The youngest and most vulnerable, they do not yet have a role, but are taught daily by the caretakers.
Elders- The oldest and wisest of the tribe, these lions have seen everything. They are deeply respected but hold no authority.


- All Lioden rules apply! I don't want to get in trouble and I don't want you to either.
- No explicit scenes allowed. Fade to black.
- This a semi-lit to literate RP! That means you must write at least one well fleshed out paragraph per post (6 sentences). I understand writer's block, but if you reply with one line more than twice, you will get a warning. If you understand this, put Primal in other.
- Be kind! Hate the character, not the player. If you have a feud with someone, take it to PM's.
- Romance is encouraged! But please message the player of the character yours is interested in first.
- Absolutely no god modding, mary sues/gary sues. No character can be all powerful. When writing, please do not take control of someone else's character either, it will not be tolerated. You will be warned twice before being banned indefinitely. If you agree to this, please add Warrior to Primal in other.
- No text talk! Either when RP'ing or here in the OOC chat. Just because you understand something doesn't mean others will.
- This RP is realistic. That means your lion cannot be an unnatural color, have wings, etc. Primal mutations and things like that are allowed!
- Have fun!


Fyli RP Thread/Apps
Tou RP Thread
Tis RP Thread
Oura RP Thread

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 14:06:37 by Arcan (#97595)

-active} (#111404)

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Posted on
2017-06-20 19:27:34
I'mma subscribe to this and watch it for a bit :)

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-06-20 19:38:27

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Bis_Cat (#105895)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-06-21 14:41:24
- Subscribing cause of Minnie ^ -

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Sama (Thakkadis) (#108463)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 14:42:35
Subscribing :)

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Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-06-21 15:35:10
Been subscribed -nudges arcane-

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-21 15:41:10
Hi everyone! I hope you all end up joining :)

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Adian (#117052)

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Posted on
2017-06-23 16:26:33
Might join

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-06-23 19:12:38
Everyone should join up~ All the characters being made are great and it seems like it will be a good Roleplay

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-23 20:49:27
I'm still open to fine-tuning it (I literally wrote the entire thing at 3 in the morning, so I was pretty much dead) so if you have any suggestions please feel free to tell me about them!

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Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-07-29 14:10:02
Hello everyone! I've decided to add a little something to get this going again. Now all of your characters can have the ability to control an element. Please read the description for each tribe to figure out what element they are attuned to. The strength of your powers can range from a 1-10. Only the leader may have a rating of 10! I will only allow a couple of 9 & 8's, so please don't be offended if I tell you to edit your application. Thank you and I'm hoping this will bring more interest to the RP!

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