Posted by The Guardians- Tis RP Thread

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-20 15:05:17




Name: Must be of Greek or African origin (i.e no Stormbursts, Jessicas, etc.)
Age: (How old are they? Either in moons, or years + months)
Gender: (All gender identities are accepted. If you're uncomfortable with that, then this isn't the RP for you)
Orientation: (All sexual orientations are accepted as well)
Description: (Due to this RP having some mutations obviously not found in the wild, you can use the Lion Wardrobe to create your character! You are of course welcome to use a normal picture as well. However, a detailed description -1 paragraph or more- is needed.)
Personality: (1 paragraph or more)
Strengths & Weakness: (At least 3 each)
Backstory: (Optional)


Chief- 0/1 (Open)
Right Hand- 0/1 (PM me)
Healer- 0/1 (PM me)
Healer Apprentice- 0/2 (Open)
Guards- 0/4 (This includes lead guard)
Guard Apprentices: 0/3 (Open)
Hunters- 0/4 (This includes lead hunter)
Hunter Apprentices- 0/3 (Open)
Caretakers- 0/4
Caretaker Apprentices- 0/2 (Open)
Elders- 0/Unlimited (PM me)


OOC & Info
Fyli RP Thread/Apps
Tou RP Thread/Apps

Character Sheets

View and Post Character Sheets

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Edited on 20/06/17 @ 15:14:50 by Arcan (#97595)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-20 15:19:01
Please post all apps in character sheet thread, I will look through them and PM you

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