Kuma's CRB Journal: Journey to Breeding a Hybrid
So, I've noticed that many other players have been documenting their CRB project results via forums. I'm hopping on the bandwagon and noting down all of my CRB success and failures right here for the public to witness and watch, if they so wish.
My CRB project began September 2016, near the end of the month. I started equipping CRBs onto every lioness I had that came into heat.. and I mean every single heat had a CRB used on it. This went on for 5 months or so, and I even popped out a couple lethal mutations along the way. I didn't document my progress then, but now that I've taken the project more seriously, I started documenting in May of 2017. This forum page will start out from my first batch of 50 NCLs, which were bred May 30th I believe. From now onwards any progress I make will be noted here, and in my Projects cave. My ultimate end goal is producing the elusive First Generation Hybrid.
If you're interested in looking through the lionesses and cubs, they will be in this cave during active breeding sessions!
Total CRBs Documented: 1125 (updated July 13th, 2024)
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1st Group, Born June 5th, 2017 (Red Cocks used on all 50)
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 75
Total Mutations Born:
1x Folded Ears
2x Bobbed Tail
2x Achromia
2nd Group, Born June 25th, 2017 (no Red Cocks)
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 45
Total Mutations Born:
2x Tailless
1x Bobbed Tail
1x Folded Ears
4x AMPs
3rd Group, Born June 28th, 2017 (no Red Cocks)
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 42
Total Mutations Born:
2x AMPs
4th Group, Born July 30th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 69
Total Mutations Born:
1x Achromia
1x Folded Ears
1x Primal
2x Bobbed Tail
1x Tailless
3x AMPs
5th Group, Born August 9th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 47
Total Mutations Born:
1x Achromia
1x Folded Ears
1x Primal
6x AMPs
6th Group, Born August 18th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 81
Total Mutations Born:
3x AMP
2x Bobbed Tail
2x Folded Ears
1x Primal
1x Smilus
1x Tailless
7th Group, Born October 5th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 88
Total Mutations Born:
7x AMP
1x Achromia
3x Folded Ears
1x Melanism
2x Primal
8th Group, Born October 16th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 39
Total Mutations Born:
3x AMPs
1x Bobbed Tail
1x Folded Ears
1x Tailless
9th Group, Born November 19th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 83
Total Mutations Born:
4x AMPs
3x Bobbed Tail
1x Polycaudal
10th Group, Born December 19th, 2017
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: oops
Total Mutations Born:
3x AMPs
2x Achromia
2x Bobbed Tail
1x Piebald
1x Polycaudal
11th Group, Born February 13th, 2018
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 33
Total Mutations Born:
4x AMP
1x Achromia
1x Patches (Dense)
12th Group, Born November 4th, 2018
Total Lionesses Bred: 45
Total Cubs Born: 68
Total Mutations Born:
1x AMP
2x Folded Ears
GMO x CRB Results:
Total Lionesses Bred: 5
Total Cubs Born: 10
Total Mutations Born:
1x Achromia
2x AMP
1x Blind
1x Bobbed Tail
1x Clawless
1x Folded Ears
13th Group, Born November 22nd, 2018
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 89
Total Mutations Born:
2x Achromia
11x AMP
1x Melanism
14th Group, Born February 14th, 2019 (Lion Meats Used)
Total Lionesses Bred: 20
Total Cubs Born: 33
Total Mutations Born:
1x AMP
2x Bobbed Tail
15th Group, Born June 20th, 2019
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 86
Total Mutations Born:
2x Achromia
6x AMP
1x Felis
1x Folded Ears
1x Tailless
16th Group, Born July 6th, 2019
Total Lionesses Bred: 20
Total Cubs Born: 33
Total Mutations Born:
2x AMP
2x Ferus
1x Folded Ears
1x Melanism
17th Group, Born January 23rd, 2020 (Lion Meats Used)
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 35
Total Mutations Born:
3x AMP
18th Group, Born September 24th, 2020
Total Lionesses Bred: 60
Total Cubs Born: 94
Total Mutations Born:
1x Achromia
2x AMP
1x Folded Ears
5x Piebald
1x Polycaudal
1x Tailless
19th Group, Born February 11th, 2021
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 37
Total Mutations Born:
2x Achromia
2x AMP
1x Piebald
20th Group, Born February 15th, 2021
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 35
Total Mutations Born:
1x AMP
2x Achromia
1x Clawless
2x Folded Ears
21st Group, Born February 26th, 2021
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 83
Total Mutations Born:
1x Achromia
7x AMP
2x Bobbed Tail
2x Folded Ears
1x Melanism
1x Overgrown Tongue
5x Piebald
1x Tailless
22nd Group, Born February 27th, 2021
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 41
Total Mutations Born:
3x AMP
1x Piebald
1x Tailless
23rd Group, Born March 11th, 2021
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: N/A
Total Mutations Born:
(totally forgot to record the mutations down before chasing.. whoopsies. nothing notable was born though! was around 84 cubs.)
24th Group, Born January 30th, 2022 (Lion Meats Used)
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 76
Total Mutations Born:
2x Achromia
4x AMP
2x Bobbed Tail
2x Ferus
1x Folded Ears
2x Primal
25th Group, Born February 26th, 2022
Total Lionesses Bred: 30
Total Cubs Born: 52
Total Mutations Born:
3x AMP
1x Bobbed Tail
1x Folded Ears
1x Melanism
2x Overgrown Tongue
26th Group, Born March 19th, 2022
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 35
Total Mutations Born:
1x Achromia
2x AMP
1x Blind
2x Bobbed Tail
1x Clawless
1x Folded Ears
27th Group, Born May 7th, 2022
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: (forgot to count and they died!)
Total Mutations Born:
Nothing of note - didn't keep track!
28th Group, Born November 6th, 2022
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 38
Total Mutations Born:
2x Achromia
2x AMP
2x Bobbed Tail
1x Primal
29th Group, Born December 7th, 2022
Total Lionesses Bred: 50
Total Cubs Born: 87
Total Mutations Born:
4x AMP
2x Bobbed Tail
1x Conjoined Cubs
1x Folded Ears
1x Piebald: Tobiano
1x Polycaudal
1x Primal: Ferus
30th Group, Born July 5th, 2024
Total Lionesses Bred: 25
Total Cubs Born: 44
Total Mutations Born:
1x Bobbed Tail
1x Clawless
1x Folded Ears
1x Overgrown Tongue
5x Piebald: Magpie