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Posted by | ideas for personalities |
![]() zo (#33097) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-06-28 12:45:35 |
One of my favorite parts of lioden is the RP aspect of lion personalities so I made a list of suggestions for personalities if more are ever added. Rather than go through the hassle of giving every personality an individual buff, i think it would probably be much easier if we could have multiple personalities share the same buff, that way we have a lot more personalities to play with and add character our lions. Examples: Mysterious (Neutral) additional battle damage during night time battles --- Quiet (Neutral) additional battle damage during night time battles Brave (Good) additional battle damage during night time battles Crafty (Snarky) additional battle damage during night time battles Deceitful (Evil) additional battle damage during night time battles if you have any ideas for more personalities or how they can be implemented/changed please share -----suggestions so far----- Adaptable adaptive Adventurous affectionate Aggressive Agreeable Airy Alert Aloof Ambitious Amoral Angry Anxious Appreciative Argumentative Artful Aspiring Assertive bad-tempered Balanced Barbaric Bashful Brave belligerent Benevolent Bewildered Big-headed Big-thinking bitchy bitter Bizarre Blunt boastful Boisterous Boorish boring Bossy Boyish Brave bright Brilliant Brutal Busy Calculating Calm Careful Careless Caring Casual Cautious Charismatic charmer Charming Charmless cheeky Cheerful Childish Chummy Clever clingy Clumsy Cold Colorful Compassionate Competitive Compulsive Confused Considerate controlling Courageous Cowardly Crafty Crazy Creative crooked Crude Cruel cunning Curious Cute Cynical Daring Deceitful Deceptive Decisive Dedicated Delicate Demanding Dependent Destructive Determined Devious Dignified Diligent Diplomatic Direct Disciplined Discreet Dishonest Disloyal Disobedient Disrespectful Docile Dominating Domineering Dramatic Dutiful Earnest Earthy easygoing Elegant Emotional Empathetic Encouraging Energetic Enthusiastic Envious Excitable Extravagant Extreme Fabulous Faithful Fanciful Fearful Fearless Fickle Fiery Finicky Firm Flamboyant flatterer Flexible flirtatious Focused foolhardy Foolish Forceful Forgetful Forgiving frank Friendly Frivolous Fun-loving funny fussy Gallant Generous Gentle Genuine Glamorous Gloomy Go-getter Good-natured Graceless Gracious Greedy Grim Grumpy Guarded Gullible Hardworking Hardy harsh Hasty Hateful Haughty Hearty Helpful Herioc Hesitant Honest Honorable Hostile Humble Humorous Hypnotic Idealistic Impish impolite Impressionable Impulsive Incisive Indecisive Independent Inpatient Insecure Insightful intellectual Intelligent Intense Irrational Irresponsible Irritable jealous Jolly joyful judgy Keen Knowledge laid-back Lax Lazy Leaderly Logical Lonely Lovable loving Loyal lucky Malicious manipulative Maternal Mature mean Meddlesome Mellow merciful merciless Messy mirthful Miserable Misguided Modest Moody Morbid Naive narcissist Narcissistic Narrow-minded nasty Naughty Neat Neglectful nervous nice nosy Obedient Obnoxious Observant Obsessive Odd Old-fashined Opportunistic Optimistic Organized Outspoken overemotional Overimaginative Paranoid Passionate Passive Patient patronizing Peaceful Perceptive Persistent Persuasive Perverse Petty Picky Playful plucky polite Political Pompous Popular Possessive Power-hungry powerful Practical Predictable Prim Private Progressive Protective Proud Provocative Pure Quarrelsome quick-tempered Quiet Quirky Rash Rational Realistic Rebellious Reflective Relaxed Reliable Resentful Reserved Resourceful Respectful Responsible Rigid Romantic Rowdy Rude Ruffian ruthless Sadistic Sarcastic Sassy schemer Scornful Secretive Self-centered self-confident Self-reliant Selfish Selfless sensible Sensitive Sentimental Serious Shallow sharp Shortsighted Shrewd Shy Silly Simple sincere Skeptical Skillful Sloppy Slow Sly Smooth Sneaky snobby Sociable Soft Softheaded Solemn Sordid Steadfast Stern Stiff Stingy Stoic straightforward Strict Strong-willed Stubborn Stuck-Up Studious Suave Submissive Suck-Up Sullen Superstitious supportive Surly Surprising Suspicious Sweet Sympathetic Tactless talkative Tasteful Tasteless Tense Thievish Thorough thoughtful Thoughtless Timid Tolerant Touchy Tough Treacherous Trendy Troublesome Trusting Uncaring Uncooperative Understanding Undisciplined unfaithful Unimaginative Unkind Unlovable Unpatriotic unpredictable Unreliable Unrestrained Unruly Unsentimental Unstable untrustworthy uptight vain Valiant vengeful versatile Vulgar Vulnerable Warm Weak-willed Whimsical Willful wise Wishful Witty Youthful Zany ------------------------------------ ps. sorry in advance for any spelling mistakes. |
shadowqueen (#77712)
Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-06-28 13:33:25 |
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