Posted by Searching For Possible Roleplayers?
navyroses (#117761)

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Posted on
2017-06-30 20:34:10
Hiya, I'm a newbie on Lioden and yeah. According to the subject I wanted to find a few people to have a group to roleplay in. Like, 3 other people. I'm a goofy person who likes internet memes and doesn't mind OOC chats during roleplay! Also, regular conversations aren't a big deal either. I always feel good being able to talk to people I participate with.

- Looking for semi- literate to literate people! I'm not so literate myself but at least have grammar. Paragraph length or sentence length doesn't matter either!
- I have bad memory! It's nothing short-term but I tend to forget subjects, characters or even conversations without being reminded myself especially if they have tons of detail. (I might sometimes even forget to check Lioden.)
- I'll roleplay as anything and allow anything, but I'm strictly against furries/anthros, no bueno.
- Most plots are ok to me! Just no mature content like drugs or sexual topics. (I find that purely disgusting to even bother roleplaying, just why?)
- Mostly looking to do human, canine, feline, or horse-related roleplays!
- Most definitely won't be a long term group!
- I live in the eastern timezone but it's fine if you're out of eastern!
- Also doesn't matter to me how frequently we roleplay, and the whole group doesn't have to participate at the same time! I'm pretty busy myself over the summer so it's no big deal if you can't join!
- If you want to contact I'd probably use Lioden for private messages and Skype for actually roleplaying. But most likely Lioden! I might even set up a Discord if I can.
- Hoping others in the group won't mind being patient because sometimes it gets discouraging to roleplay.
- If you're interested please privately message me on Lioden! Thanks for reading my long boring topic!

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Edited on 30/06/17 @ 20:35:52 by NavyNerd (#117761)

¹ (#108248)

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Posted on
2017-09-03 18:55:17
I have a RP sign up forum I just started.

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