Posted by Civil War [OOC Chat]

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-07-13 00:11:39


Character Sheets

Roleplay Thread

Chat [You are here,]


For countless centuries, creatures of all kinds have hidden away from humans. Recently, they've rallied together and slowly, but surely, reintroduced themselves into the human's society, finding jobs to help out, trying to make the world a better place. Mermaids and sirens are helping out in ocean exhibits, teaching children of the ocean's life, elves and faeries are helping to cure diseases we'd never have a cure for for hundreds of years, they're becoming helpful members of society.

Or, well, they're trying to. Humans are discriminating them, judging these friendly creatures and causing uproars and protests. Of course, there are the few people, claiming they're only trying to help. "But what if they decide they want the world for themselves?" Many others ask.

In a short time, these creatures are being slaughtered in plain sight, commercials are advertising as,"Our home security will keep even the toughest monster out,", protests are organized until it advances into riots, and eventually, chaos.

The government, desperate to keep their country from tearing itself apart, attempts to speak to other world leaders to help them attack the new 'threat', and relocate them to a secluded island. Eventually, the plan goes into action, and many creatures are killed as they attempt to fight back, trying to stay with family, trying to stay in their homes, with their new belongings.

When the monsters got riled up, and realized,"This isn't how things work, this isn't normal, we aren't supposed to be scared all the time," They rallied, and began fighting back.

Years later, it's turned to full-scale war, a civil war in fact. Our group of protagonists starts off as survivors rallying together, they eventually join the war effort to help fight, scout, heal, farm,
etc. They're sent to the battlefield or taken back.


I love ya'll and know you can follow rules.
Basic rules, follow lioden rules at all times, etc etc. Be nice, etc. no god modding, mary sues, etc. check with others for plot lines. It's all a group effort, Ill be honest when I say that I'm not gonna act as leader, mostly just answer about the universe and help around. Lol jk, ya'll can all have a maximum of two characters.



The group starts off as survivors rallying together, they eventually join the war effort to help fight, scout, heal, farm,
etc. They're sent to the battlefield or taken back.

Main plots [Only one will be chosen, this will be the main line that we follow,]:

Secondary plots [vote for these as well, eventually, we'll do most of them that get added,]:

Maybe a human is a spy, and eventually manages to capture one of the creatures, to which a rescue group is organized and have to go rescue said creature. The roleplayer can decide if experiments are preformed on their character or not. Others can roleplay the human.

[To be added,]



Ser Isles


Skazzle Skittz

Potato Lord


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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 08:12:41 by Archie (#104190)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-08-07 16:26:36

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Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 23:05:26
Hey guys, I'm gonna be going on a short short hiatus while I try and get my shit together before school starts. Sorry, y'all can roleplay without me. Ill be online to rollover and care for my lions.

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Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2017-08-08 23:58:52
OK, friendo, take care of your shit! OwO

I've still got a few weeks left before school. >v<"

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Edited on 08/08/17 @ 23:59:33 by Surveying Darkness [WCU] (#102911)

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