Posted by Civil War [Character Sheets]

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-07-15 11:06:18

Main Roleplay Thread



Character Sheets [You are here,]

Roleplay Thread


I know ya'll are self sufficient and can make your own sheets, but here's a skeleton if you'd like. v v v v v v v






Place in the war

Where does your character fit in? What do they do to help the effort?






Background Story


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Edited on 15/07/17 @ 11:10:39 by Archie (#Menhit) (#104190)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2017-07-17 02:15:28


Old-world Vampire

Old as heck



Place in the war
Likely a position of power, probably military based.

The war brought out the worst in Gabriel. He's given in to his more predatory instincts. Previously described as "fatherly", he's now a cold and violent creature. He has little issue dispatching opponents and actively hunts down threats. He rarely takes prisoners, and those he does never live. Though he's kinder and softer around fellow supernaturals, it takes very little for his mood to frost over.

Gabriel had always been an intimidating figure, even before his death. His height and build only assist to highlight his looks. His glance always appeared serious but combined with time and tragedy only seemed to double in intensity. Stern lips, tensed brow, and weathered skin make up the majority of his features. His eyes are a deep hazel and compliment his golden-brown skin. He has an odd accent, almost germanic, almost irish, but not quite either. Older creatures and linguistics majors would recognise it as a left-over from Middle English. Pronounced with a deep rumble, his words have a tinge that is something between fatherly and predatory. Though he may have been handsome or at least average in looks at some point, the years have not been kind. He is covered in scars ranging from polite cuts to gauges. He is missing a few toes, a chunk of his right ear, and his left pinky finger.

Gabriel's "bat" form is a strange mix of creatures. It is similar to a bat in that it has leathery wings, fur, and is warm-blooded. Its front limbs are similar to a wyvern's in that the wing/arm can be used for walking as well as flight. The front limb has a 3-fingered hand (two fingers, one thumb) at the midpoint of the total wing. Two spurs point back from the hand and serve to control the wing allowing flight and complex maneuvers. Its back legs are furred and end in curved talons. It has small spikes along its spine hidden amongst the fur that end at the tail. Speaking of tails, the creature has one. It's short, only the length of the body. There is a ridge of fur that forms a mane around the neck and runs down the back to the tip of the tail. Its head is the same as a bat's but with a longer snout filled with fangs.
Its body is only 2 meters long with half of that being the tail. Its wingspan is 3 meters. The body retains the scars of his human form, though their position is more bat-wyvern appropriate.

Turns into a giant heck-off bat-dragon thing, vampire strength, KNOWLEDGE

Steel, sunlight, silver

o p e n

Background Story
Orphaned at a young age, Gabriel was sent to the local orphanage and abbey. As an adult he decided to stay and join the clergy. With his quiet and sweet nature, he was quickly put in charge of the children and would watch over them diligently. Things were simple for a number of years, until they were not. Children went missing in the night with Gabriel being the only culprit. He started a night watch to ensure nothing would harm his children. It turned out the real culprit had been an old-world vampire. He was able to heavily wound the creature, though not without injury. He quickly turned, but instead of turning on the abbey, he became a protector. The child-snatching vampire quickly met its match with their new guardian, as did many other creatures.
In more recent days, he'd founded a number of orphanages, some specified for humans, others for various supernaturals. He had little time for human discrimination until the riots and war. Suddenly he was in the midst of it.

there better not be any sneaky passwords i s2g







Place in the war
Where does your character fit in? What do they do to help the effort?






Background Story


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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 12:04:49
Candice, Cassidy, Cassandra (C.C.C)

Cerberus/Hell hound

9 years

All three are female

Heterosexual, Bi, and Hetero

Place in the war
Soldiers, They fight and stuff cuz they r cool xD

C.C.C, mostly known as Candice, Cassidy, and Cassandra, are really misunderstood, often being said to hurt others, be extremely aggressive and all that bull. All three of them are pretty respectful and kind. Candice is a more patient one out of the tree, 'sisters'. Cassidy is a more spunky, and playful one. Cassandra gets more annoyed than the two of her sisters, but shes friendly otherwise.
But the war changed them. They know how to control themselves, but they are more aggressive than normal and cold. Its not that uncommon to see them being aggressive, but its also not uncommon to see them acting more friendly. They have grown to despise humans in a way, since they always tried to prove themselves to them that they were good, but "No they look aggressive so they are aggressive," Which doesn't make sense and, "They are freaks."

Lets tal about their body first, then their heads. They are 9x bigger than the average dog, not as giant as most ceberus you'll see. They are PURE back with a sleek/shiny short coat. They have rippling muscles, though its not the most muscles you ever seen. They have normal tails and back, but on command they can breath fire. Its pretty rare for them to do it but when they have to in a fight, they'll do it. Or maybe they do it to break a fight.
They resemble much of a pitbull, for short.
They each have cropped ears, Cassidy having the longest cropped ears, but they are not s big as a doberman crop. They all have red eyes, with large, round pupils.
Candice has brown markings on her face like a doberman, short cropped ears and each have 3 inch long, razor sharp teeth.
Cassidy's head is pure black, with a pink and black nose. Cassandra is black too, with a white chin.

They can breathe fire and they have great stamina, Breathe fire

Speed isn't a thing they have, haha, but they have a burst of it fr a few seconds, after a while they get terribly slow, they aren't the stalking kind of animals, they charge instead of sneaking around.


Background Story
They were quite small when they were born, and as soon as they were people noticed they were odd looking Three heads!! They were on all tv's and news papers, being called a "Miracle,'' That they didn't die at birth. They mostly remembered the flashing lights of cameras and all that. They grew bigger and were treated like normal dogs, well, famous ones until they gotten a little bigger than the averag dog. They passed it off as "An xxl" pitbull Once they got bigger than a great dane though, the people suspected them in being Cerberus's.
People started to fearthem, and soon they had no home. When the war began they found the cratures and settled with them.

They have a companion guardian raven named Storm. Shes pure white with blue eyes and as the power of ice, spears and spikes, and can freeze people. Her brother, Ember, a red raven, has the power of fire.

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Edited on 18/07/17 @ 14:38:32 by Skazzle Skittz (#83026)

Darkness (#102911)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 12:43:42



Uhhhhh... Yes. >v>"
Idk like 20-ish spare me the details I don't knoww-

Lemme check- Yup, female.


Place in the war
A scouting-based position or healer.

Lorelai is cautious and thoughtful, always able to give wise advice or guidance if requested (and sometimes even when it's not requested). Because of her naive nature at a younger age as well as a different way of thinking she's become very uncertain and has low self-esteem. She is extremely kind and heartfelt and emotional, having a poetic, romantic soft side that she only displays around people she holds dear.
She is however pretty flirty and enjoys being seductive every once in a while to test her limits and break out of the comfort zone. As she spends most of her time in the parts of the forest humans rarely reach, she preffers to go 'all natural' and walk around with little or no clothes.

Although being a shapeshifter, it's hard for her to completely turn into an animal and prefers to only shapeshift partially. Most oftenly she turns into a Forest Nymph-like form, with stag legs and large horns with many branches and ram horns at the same time, with deer and squirrel ears or legs of a white horse of a breed similar to a hybrid between Andalusian and Shire, with large feathery hooves and long feathers on her arms as well. Along with shape she changes the color and style of her hair: fiery red and reminiscent of a lion's mane in 'deer form' and long, straight and pure white in 'horse form'.
Ocassionaly she chooses a 'wolf form' in which she takes on the legs and right paw of a grey wolf but with much longer and sharper claws.
In 'human form' she looks completely average, both in height, build, etc. because she wants to be mostly invisible among the humans. Her eyes are a bright cerulean blue in any form though, which makes her easy to recognize.


-Animal cruelty
-Literally any type of weapon. Like, whose weakness wouldn't that be?

-too lazy to make this stuff up-

Background Story
Lorelai grew up only with her parents around, pretty much away from society. And even now, with them gone into the afterlife, she continues to live mostly into the forest where she can shift at will and scare the superstitious humans. She's always lived quite a bland life, the only things actually catching her attention being her parents' lessons of crystal healing, enchanting and even the little bit of alchemy she managed to learn.
At the moment, her occupation as a librarian and substitute biology teacher are pretty unstable, but she doesn't care for them too much either.


Theme Song
The Paper Kites - Willow Tree March




AGELESS HON Honhohn h on baguette hon hon

...I don't think they know either...

How do I figure that out if I can't figure out their gender?...
Let's say pansexual, with a preference for men.

Place in the War
A high-ranked or leader position or a stealthy assassin

Ailee is a man(?) of few words, getting their job done as concisely and as fast as possible.
Whenever relaxed, alone or around friends (or drunk) however they become extremely passionate and would openly discuss anything, no matter how taboo the subject might be. They're very dirty-minded and can get foul-mouthed, but usually avoid fights that go beyond fights of the intellect because of their proud and sometimes even arrogant demeanor.
They tend to get bossy with people of lower ranks or people they view as being of a lower rank.
They are however pretty soft-hearted and develop deep passions and even obsessions easily, and lacking the emotional intelligence they can end up creeping on their object of desire. They are however pretty harmless. Usually.
Rejections though are something they get over very difficult.
When speaking, they use the royal "we".
They occasionally let out short painful wails that vary in length depending on how close the person dying in that moment is, wherever they might be in the world. If the said person is close, of course, their wailing will be much longer and more painful.

Now, Ailee can be two things: a rather masculine woman or a rather feminine man.
Depends on who you ask really.
They have knee-long auburn hair that fades into bright red, orange and eventually yellow, resembling a flame. They tend for their hair with furious care and have never been seen cutting it, although rumors say it has happened more than once. They keep their hair up into a neat bun held together with a long silver pin so large and resistent it could serve as a weapon. Only one long strand of hair escapes from said bun, hanging right over the middle of their face.
Ailee has shark-like irregular teeth that give them a monstrous look whenever they smile, thus around humans they wear a false set of normal human teeth over their own.
Their eyes are also completely white, with a slightly darker patch serving for pupil. Around humans of course, they wear contacts.
They prefer wearing clothes dark in color, suits of all kinds and gloves at all times. Their dress however doesn't reflect a specific gender.

-Very stealthy (excluding the moments of wailing)
-Can teleport on short distances and stay suspended on walls, ceilings, etc.
-Unfazed by most tragedy unless it's love-related

-Prey-like conservatory instincts (gets scared easily)
-Teleporting and suspending on plain surfaces takes a fairily large amount of energy
-Frail construction
-Fear of loneliness and never finding love from another

None. At least none that they know of.

Backround Story
Eversince they knew themselves, Ailee has been working like all Banshee, haunting gloomy places and announcing death. They got involved into the war however when many fellow Banshees mysteriously started disappearing, most likely in an attempt from the humans to wipe out the whole species. Having gone through many sessions of torture themselves, they decide to fight back.

They change accents depending on moods (British-Fancy diva; American-Soldier used with any kind of shit the world has to offer; etc.)

Theme Song
Lorde - Yellow Flicker Beat

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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 15:41:59 by SurveyingDarkness (#Apollyon) (#102911)

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 13:46:42
you can delete this mods! This was a WIP before I couldn't keep up with it!

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Edited on 06/08/17 @ 19:27:44 by BritishAce (#78363)

Mylo (#104190)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 16:37:17



Finley is not his real name.


Scottish Water Kelpie







Place in the war

Scout, spy. He can easily fill multiple positions. Reluctantly, he’ll even allow people to ride on his back for cavalry reasons, though he’s always uncomfortable with it.


Finley is an interesting man indeed. He’s rather suave and flirty, not afraid to swagger his stuff and can seem unimposing. But he can go from 0-100 real fast, ready to slit someone’s throat or what he could usually do, which is drown them. He’s loud and proud, able to yell to the roof tops about how glorious him or his friends are. Though, as shown by his refusal to share his real name, he’s secretive, or probably just knows names hold power. Intelligent and cunning, he sure knows how to bend people to his will with words, a simple touch on the shoulder, a few kind words and a defeated smile can get you a long way. Finley seems like a snake, slippery and secretive, but in reality, he’s a huge dork, he gets flustered easily, and is smiley and joyful like a little boy. He does hold an intense hatred of humans in his heart, saying they treat animals like crap and grumbling about how badly they treat people who are different, claiming he witnessed it first hand after being enslaved for forever.


Finley has two forms, one of which is his equine form, and the other being his human form.

In his equine form, the male is seen as a large draft-type horse, though not associated with any specific breed, he seems to closely resemble a Clydesdale with his sloping head and feathered hooves. He’ll stand at about 17’8 hands, and weighing nearly two tons at around 1,900 pounds. This male is a handsome stallion, his coat being a pitch color, with a small blaze on his nose. He has a curly black mane to match his coat. His coat and male seems to be a rich, dark brown in certain lights. His eyes and hooves give him away, his eyes being a scary black, with no noticeable whites, and his hooves, being reversed from that of a normal horse’s. When he ‘catches’ a victim, his skin becomes an almost inescapable sticky adhesive, which he would than use to run into the water, to drown the victim.

When not an equine, the male is a handsome human, being tall like his equine form, he stands at around 5’10, and weighs around 150 pounds. This male has untamed curly hair, which is a dull jet that matches the black coloring of his equine form’s coat. He has a more boyish look to him, not quite broad shoulders, and a less-so chisled face. Though he can still be considered handsome. He has more tan, ruddy colored skin from being outdoors most of the time. A give-away to his species, is if you dig in his hair, you might be able to find pieces of seaweed. Finley’s eyes are a rich dark brown color. He can usually be found, instead of usual military wear once they make it to the war effort, wearing a light, airy white hoodie, and cargo jeans, though he will wear the issued combat boots shoes.


Finley, in his equine form, packs the same strength and stamina of the great beast, easily breaking bones of weaker animals. As an equine, he may make his skin adhesive at will, to trap victims who decided to come close and touch him, where he can proceed into the water to drown said person. As a kelpie, even in his human form, this male is a fantastic swimmer, and cannot die by drowning. Other than his kelpie born advantages, he is rather intelligent, and despite his boyish looks, knows how to be quite the charmer. He’s quiet on his feet, and can use his kelpie form to get close to unsuspecting humans, and could quite easily be a spy.


If caught in his equine form, a halter may be forced onto him, stamped with a cross, and can easily be turned into a slave afterwards. Silver bullets and or heated spears can kill him with little to no struggle. If someone were to start to flirt back with this kelpie, he could get quite nervous and be a smol dork, as he doesn’t really expect anyone to flirt with him. He also can get skittish around fire, snarling and fleeing if the flame grows too big for him. When sulking, this male will often flee to the bottom of a deep lake, where no one can reach him, other than sirens and mermaids, and any other water creature.


Mary | Mother | Deceased |

[??] | Father | [Unknown] |

Background Story

This male was raised alone by his mother in the wild of [Did I seriously say England??] Scotland. When they moved to America, where they heard of plentiful food and dumb humans, they celebrated. It proved to be quite deadly, as his mother was quickly murdered when they sought out the wrong victim when he was just 14 years of age. He quickly moved away from those lands, and fled into a colder area, where he nearly froze to death. When he was found by a young woman in his equine form, she took him in. When they thought they’d tamed the young male, they enslaved him for three long years, placing a halter with a cross burned into it, without even noticing that that had kept him from running off and drowning them. During those years, the male had been treated poorly as a riding horse. Fed once every other day with food filled with poor protein that he needed. When they took the halter off one night, and left the barn door open, he made his escape, fleeing far away. Three years later, after the civil war started, he managed to find a group of creatures, and joined in with them.

Theme Song

Bad Bad Things - Andrew Jackson Jihad

"And I got to thinking..

If I don't go to Hell when I die, I might go to Heaven (x4)

I might go to Heaven-

But probably not.


My boi has a scottish accent.

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Edited on 19/07/17 @ 19:13:58 by Archie (#Menhit) (#104190)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-01 04:27:35

Alistair Simmons


36 years old.



Place in the war
He has a dominant personality and would likely push himself as a leader given the opportunity.

Haughty and authoritative, Alistair is far from being easy to deal with. Viewed as ice cold and humorless by his underlings, one might wonder if it is respect or fear that keeps them in line. He is a strict man who expects all of his orders to be obeyed, demanding absolute loyalty from his followers. Alistair is not entirely unkind to his own, but crimes will be punished accordingly and he is a stickler for rules.

Despite his cold exterior, he does have compassion for most creatures. At his core he is a man now ruled by his own fears and trauma, ignoring his true emotions and replacing them with something hard and unforgiving. He was always a tad arrogant and superior minded in his youth, but there was no question his intentions were pure. He wished for little more than safety for all sentient creatures, striving for peace and prosperity. In the present Alistair cares for few, or so many assume.

He is more than a little egotistical, spending hours a day tending to his appearance simply for his own satisfaction. His vanity should not be mistaken for prissiness, he is not afraid to get dirty and if moved to violence he can prove quite monstrous. His patience only stretches so far, and it's better to simply do as he says and stay in his good graces unless you want a good telling off. His tongue is just as sharp as his claws and he's not afraid to use either if pushed.

Alistair is considerably tall, reaching an even 6'0". A refined gentleman (or so he would call himself), he is elegant and cultured in appearance, manner and taste alike. His wispy hair is kept short and neat at all times, never reaching past his ears. If touched it would prove to have a soft, almost downy texture and is a bright shade of ginger. His build is willowy and graceful. Alistair appears to be of mixed European heritage and speaks with what could be considered an upper class English accent.

His skin is fawn colored with warm undertones, dappled by dark red freckles while his eyes are a shimmering copper with an upturned shape. His nose is narrow and slightly pointed, his jawline angular and cheekbones well defined. Alistair has an overall almost fragile appearance, fine-boned as some might call it, but leanly muscled. He is light weight even for a man his height, his bones hollowed out more than most to allow flight. Darkly colored, retractable talon-like claws can appear whenever needed as can his wings.

In full Phoenix form he appears as a large, graceful bird unlike any other species with a mix of orange, red and gold plumage. He has long trailing tail feathers that curl at the ends and an impressive wingspan. His eyes remain the same sharp copper color and his beak is a dark shade of yellow and ends in a deadly hook. His talons are black and curved. His neck is long and arched and thin curled feathers line the top of the head. He is often seen clocked in flames when in flight.

- Can wield and control fire.
- Is technically immortal as when he dies he will be reborn.
- Enhanced speed.

- Weak to water and potentially electricity as well.
- If killed he will return to the living world as an infant incapable of caring for himself without outside help. He ages as a normal child would and does not retain knowledge from his previous lives.
- Appears to have an aversion to witches/warlocks. An infamous witch by the name of Piper Grayback managed to kill a phoenix in the early 1500's. He was not reborn. Fear of witchcraft is an ingrained fear of all phoenix.


Background Story
WIP. I will get back to this after I have achieved sleep.

Theme Song
Set The World On Fire - Black Veil Brides.

Where's the secret password m8.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Devdan Malhotra


23 years old.


Bisexual | Biromantic.

Place in the war
Soldier. He's happy to serve as the muscle for whatever cause he aligns himself with.

Cocky and egotistical. Devdan is a bit self-absorbed. His name does mean "gift of the gods" after all. He can come across as either charming or smug depending on his mood and whether or not he's trying to leave a good impression on whoever he's talking to. Impulsive and stubborn, he often rushes right into a situation head on instead of planning it out first. He's a brute strength over brains kind of guy, thinking a show of force will solve all of his problems.

Crocotta are said to be the mortal enemy of both men and dogs, but Devdan absolutely loves dogs and volunteered at a local animal shelter in his spare time before the war, also owning many dogs himself, somehow managing to make peace with them. Humans are considered one of the Crocotta's main food sources and he at times finds it difficult to resist sinking his teeth into their flesh. He understands hunting humans for food would be considered barbaric despite them not exactly being on friendly terms with supernatural kind and attempts to avoid it, going so far as to request aid from other supernaturals to keep his urges under control.

While he can make quite the nuisance of himself he is loyal to those he befriends and is not quite as unintelligent as many might assume, just easily guided by emotion and unsure how to apply his smarts in heated situations considering he usually proves quite rash and hot-tempered. He has a violent streak and tends to hold grudges for a very long time, but overall isn't too bad of a fellow and could probably shape up quite nicely with better influences in his life.

In humanoid form Devdan retains no traits to signify any difference from an average man of Indian descent, his complexion a cool light brown while his hair is short and charcoal black. The sides and back of the head are clipped close to the skull while longer, subtly wavy locks can be found near the top, often combed backwards. His hooded eyes are large and a shade darker than his hair, like deep pools of ink. He has a slightly rounded nose, an oval shaped face and a thin layer of dark stubble stretching from his jawline to above the upper lip. His build is stocky and compact, made up of firm muscle.

In his beast form, which is arguably his natural state, there is really no other way to describe Devdan other than some strange cross between a wolf and a hyena. His fur is shaggy and dark cream while his eyes change to a deep shade of crimson. Long, yellow bone-like teeth line his mouth and overgrown black claws extend from his toes. The front paws are flexible and almost cat-like in mobility. He has a bushy tail, strong legs and large pointed black ears that curl inward at the tips. His muzzle is short and broad with an upturned dark gray nose. His back is considerably sloped with the front legs being shorter than the back. Distinctive black striping covers his thick pelt. His legs and paws are also solid black.

- Can mimic human voices after hearing a person speak.
- Drains humans of their souls and absorbs their energy.
- Superhuman strength.
- Unbreakable teeth and the ability to unhinge his jaws.

- Impalement through the spine.
- Clumsy. He might be strong, but he also tends to be impulsive. If he were chasing someone for example he'd probably be so focused on the pursuit he'd run into a brick wall.

I probably need more weakness please help me.

Open for a sister.

Background Story
Born within the forests of northern India, Devdan and his twin sister Anisha spent most of their younger years hidden away from humankind beyond the trees, only venturing close to villages or cities when they needed to feed. Dogs were a constant enemy as the more primitive beasts knew of their species and were always on high alert for their presence, prepared to warn their humans. Devdan always admired their courage and loyalty though he could not converse with them, even snatching a few dogs away from their homes to try and keep as pets before his parents would force him to return them.

His mother and father decided to leave their old traditions behind during his early teen years in favor of becoming part of a community, moving their children to a new country and immersing in everyday life. Devdan's parents quickly found they didn't share his or Anisha's self-control and made the decision to return to the forests of India while their children remained in their current home, staying with relatives who had always lived in the area. Devdan discovered resisting hunting humans grew harder with each passing year, and eventually found it was somewhat easier to resist when surrounded by others who could hold him accountable.

Theme Song
Impossible - Manafest ft. Trevor Mcnevan.

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Edited on 01/08/17 @ 04:29:13 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

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