Posted by Allow Males to Carry Female Mutations

Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:36:50
Ever wished your male cubs could carry female mane mutations and such, even if they couldn't display it? That way even if your cub was born a male, if you were to sexchange it, it would have a chance of having a female AMP? Or what if you were able to LTF your king, and he turns out to have one of the female mane mutations when you change his gender appearance?

I'd love to have an LTF'ed king display a female-specific mutation like one of the manes, as I prefer the female art overall and the maned females look pretty nice- so what if your king could have it if under LTF?

So, essentially, my idea is to not completely lock mutations to specific genders and allow opposite genders to carry the mutation of the other, so that if sex changed or LTF'ed, the opposite gender's mutation can show up.

This suggestion has 23 supports and 17 NO supports.

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Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:38:36
Support, perhaps mutations on opposite genders than they're meant to be could display as manes on females on pride overview - in italics? To show that there's a mutie but it isnt visible.

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Watch Dog (#94771)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:42:25
i think that a lot of primal breeders like that mane mutations are female-exclusive, that way they can use red cocks to make the primal mutation easier to pass.

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:43:20
@MadHyena Ye, that's what I'm thinking! Males carrying female mutations could display "[Carried] Silky Mane" etc as an adult or "[Carried] Female Adult Mutation" as a cub or similar for females carrying male mutations. Then if that lion is sexchanged, the mutation is no longer "carried", but actively present, and if LTF'ed, it's still stated as "carried", but it will show on the art.

@Watch Dog, I'm pretty sure Primal rolls last in all mutation rolls, so having this available would in no way impact Primal breeding, as the Primal roll overwrites other mutations that might have been rolled before it.

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 13:47:20 by Synchron[Mottled King] (#75103)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:45:17
Watch Dog, I dont see why that matters? Mane mutations cannot pass from lions, males or females, and lion scrotum is female only - so it wont matter at all in breeding, just for the looks.

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 13:46:46 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

Arista Light (#31020)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:48:17
This seems somewhat pointless to me, as well as overall unnecessary. No support.

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Edited on 16/07/17 @ 13:48:58 by AristaLight (#31020)

Watch Dog (#94771)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-16 13:57:25
it's an interesting idea, but could this be done with a custom decor or something instead? (genuinely asking, might be easier to implement into the game than the actual mutation) plus then you could actually choose the mutation and I think I've seen custom decors with main adaptations and stuff
Something like this

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-07-16 14:23:24
"It's pointless" isn't a very good reason to nonsupport tbh. There are a lot of things ""pointless" in this game- and it's not pointless if some people would genuinely enjoy it. I personally would love if opposite-gendered mutations could be carried and thus show up if sexchanged or LTF'ed.

Also, custom decors aren't the same thing... you have to pay over 5GB+ for those and they don't work with LTF. You cannot apply female decors to male lions, even if LTF'ed, I'm pretty sure. :/

I see nothing wrong with legitimately allowing males to carry female mutations and vice versa.

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Arista Light (#31020)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 14:37:16
I'm pretty sure that you can apply a LTF to a lion with custom decors, and it will show with the female decor. Again, this really does nothing. If you really want a mutation on your female king, then you can use a decor like Watch Dog has suggested. I'm not trying to bash the idea, I'm just saying i don't see the point.?

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Tosca [Clean
Interstellar] (#75103)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 16:57:02
There is not a custom decor that exists that EXACTLY resembles all female mane mutations in all possible base/mane colors.

It would literally take more work to remake the female mutations as custom decors than it would to just... Unlock mutations for the opposite gender?

For example, a silky mane decor would have to be made in every single base color and secctions for every single possible marking combination for it to look authentic.

Not all mane muts work as custom decors.

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— alois (#108236)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 17:00:39
Okay so..
How would the decor work?
You'd ahve to make all the mane colors. The infernal onyx etc.
A whole lotta work.

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