Posted by Get told karma points when ridding of beetles

Cobia (#95963)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 17:37:01
Hello, everybody! This is my first forum post but it is an idea that came to mind. I was unable to find another one like it around on the suggestion boards so I apologize if it has already been suggested/denied.

If you did not know already, a simple part of the LioDen expirience is raising, battling, and breeding different species and colors of beetles. Many players are looking for more rare colors or species. Alot of the time, you end up with a ton of common larvae taking up precious beetle slots and no need or desire to keep them. Then, you turn to the three options of getting rid of this pests. Should you release the little guy back into the wild, donate him to the kitten-garden, or eat the tiny sucker up? VVell, sometimes you forget about a little fact: It affects your karma.
"Oh Lemon, how am I supposed to know that?" Is one thing you may be asking, along with, "Lemon, that is stupidly obvious by the options you are given." *sniffle* Some of us are not as intelligent, alright?
You could buy the 1,000 silver beetle costing addition that tells you when your karma is affected right at the decision. That will tell you exactly what happens when you turn naughty or nice with your insects, right?

My karma before killing one larvae was -1138. After slurping down that tasty grub, I was uncertain if my karma had been changed as I had been given no karma-changing "notification" after the generic text calling me a bastard. [ ;) ] Note: I have bought the 1,000 SB option to see my karma gains and losses.
Upon visiting the karma snake, I discovered my karma had dropped and had become -1141.

Getting to the point, I believe that if a player buys the ability to see when their karma is lost or gained, they should be able to be told of their changing karma when ridding (rather good or bad) of an unwanted larvae or beetle.

I believe it would be beneficial for LioDen residents that are highly conscious of their lion's karma, or for people who really want their money's worth for their SB purchase of the automatic karma telling.

(This does not really need to be a priority as I am certain there are other updates more necessary to this site's improvement! c8 )

**I apolgize for errors. I am not very good at posting yet but I would love to improve!

This suggestion has 30 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 17/07/17 @ 17:37:59 by King Lemon (#95963)

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2017-07-17 18:52:44
That would actually be helpful. Like how much do I gain by setting my beetles free to kittengarten? I usually set free the common ones.

But it is a good idea. I know it tells you how much karma you gain/ lose if you either help a cheetah cub or kill it, or what have you in explore. So seeing how much is gained or lost with beetles I like.

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