Posted by Cub Sale Modification - Survival Bar

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 10:43:51
Many buyers are facing a dilemma.
They really like the cub that is for sale. But the trade is non-buyout. The survival bar is dangerously close to 50%. They are about to go to bed but... what if their trade gets accepted after they fall asleep and the rollover happens.... the cub might die....

What if they got the warning from others that they should only buy cubs that are above a certain survival %? But then I ask... what is the point in having cubs in trades that are close to dying anyway? Isnt this an unnecessary risk for the buyer?

This thread actually contains 2 ways we could solve this problem. Please vote for your favorite.

Suggestion no. 1:
Only allow cubs in trades in TC if they are assigned to a brood mother.
- The survival bar will be constantly at 100%
- No more worried buyers
- If the cub gets removed from the broodmother, the trade gets automatically cancelled.

Suggestion no 2:
Only allow cubs over a certain survival % to be in a trade. (my suggestion is 60%)
- No need for a broodmother
- Cub will surely survive even if it has an accident at rollover
- No more worried buyers
- If survival % drops below 60%, the trade gets automatically cancelled.

Lets make the market a bit more convenient for the buyers!
Thanks for reading.

This suggestion has 17 supports and 1 NO support.

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Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 10:49:31
A trade bonus for unprotected cubs in TC has been suggested

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 10:51:05
I do not believe giving bonuses is a good way due to possible abuse.
This is why I made this suggestion instead.

There is seriously no way to abuse this one or bypass the need for broodmothers. If anything, this suggestion actually makes sellers pay closer attention to their cubs instead of allowing them to let them sit in trades unprotected.

Let us keep the whys off of this thread, though. This isnt that suggestion. And it isnt about that either.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 10:57:36 by Axel (#6627)

Tahara (#22721)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 10:55:11
I support. It would make people consider which cubs are worthy to make it into the market and protect those.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 10:57:54
That was the idea too :D

Thank you for the support.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 10:58:28 by Axel (#6627)

Siliandra (#1137)

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Posted on
2017-07-30 22:20:21
I support both suggestions since they will reassure the buyer of the cub's survival.

Suggestion no. 2 sets the bar at how high survival has to be and since removing a broodmother makes survival drop to 60-70% immediately I'd opt for survival rate to be the benchmark for trade cancellations rather than just removing a broodmother. Sometimes broodmothers die off/run off and I've had it happen with nurturing ones, if all those 6 cubs had been in trades but their survival was high it would be annoying to have to re-do each trade.

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🐱HM|Main🐱 (#74195)

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Posted on
2017-07-30 22:46:21
I support option 2
I dont always have cubs under brodmothers but I keep their survival up.

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