Posted by Erm Closed. Haha this is awkward.

ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:24:10
Closed cause 50% say no. So yeah...... heheh.....
Ok. So here is my long rant. I know I'm gonna get someone saying that I am being silly and bla bla bla, but here I am. Fite Me!
(oh and sorry for the caps. Sigh.)
The play all feed all tool should be changed so that Feed all includes the food. Here are the reasons I think this should be changed.
1. WE PAYED 5 GB FOR IT. Good grief, this was not a cheap tool. When I bought it, I was not satisfied. The play all is awesome, it doesn't require feathers; why couldn't the feed all tool do the same? 1 GB can buy OVER 100 USES of food. 5 GB can buy up you a half useless tool if you don't have food. *Plays sad music*

2. MISLEADING TITLE. Was it just me who first thought the feed all tool would feed all your lions in one click? Probably not. The feed all tool still makes you click a bunch of times. (Once for each food item) Since I am a person who proportions food- Adults get fed, anyone younger than 1yr11mth Doesn't. -I have limited food, and it fed all my cubs. Because of this, 4 OF MY LIONESSES LEFT YESTERDAY. That's 800 SB down the drain. Without that tool, I would have been able to feed all my Lionesses. But since it fed my cubs, welp. I'm broke. ;-;

Please give us the food included w/the tool. It would be a button you only have to click once, just like the play all tool. Thank you for reading this messy post, could you maybe support?

Make it clear that food isn't included?

This suggestion has 20 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 19:19:35 by Jeannine #TeamTurtle (5/10 GB) (#110629)

ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:28:44
Im impatient lmao. Halp.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 18:44:43 by Jeannine #TeamTurtle (5/10 GB) (#110629)

b u m b l e ! 🍂
[2G Pie] (#4497)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:32:01

Give people time to respond. I personally don't support because I don't think it is THAT hard to get the food for yourself, with just hunting your lionesses every couple of hours I get enough food to feed my pride. And I think if you are spending 5 GB on an item that isn't necessary I doubt that it is THAT hard to buy/get food.
I may be wrong because I am not super familiar with the struggle of a big pride but just my two cents.

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junebeetle (2.5k
sunset) (#115487)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:32:38
Play all doesn't include feathers because there's a free 'play' interaction available, feeding a lion will always take food. Only having to click once may feed an important stat-food item to the wrong lion. If you can spend 5 gb on the feed all button, why don't you have enough food? --The reasons why I don't support.

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ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 15:35:59
Sorry lol. I'm an impatient person, and this tool is killing me. 0-o
Thank you for your response. Buying food is not the problem. I had five GB. Thought it would be better to get the tool instead of the actual food, because I don't have all the time in the world to feed 40 Lions. So I bought it. Bam. It wasn't what I expected. I thought it would feed my lions WITHOUT the me having to have food. Wrong! So yeah. Now I'm dead broke with 4 lions gone, and a tool that I thought would be useful. That's why, haha.

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ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 18:40:26
@Casper Just seeing this now, sorry! I explained all that in my post above. :) ^^^^

Thank you two for being responsible and telling me why you don't support.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 18:41:15 by Jeannine #TeamTurtle (5/10 GB) (#110629)

sheepguts (#112546)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 18:45:59
hi cape
I support. I don't use the Feed All Play All because I don't need it and I usually have zero gb, but I've seen people struggle with the issue of having to click Feed All multiple times. Don't want a stat food item to be accidentally consumed? Bury it for feed it to the lion manually. It just seems wrong to me that playing is done with one click, yet feeding isn't.

edit: idk how i feel about food being included. it's your fault imo that you didn't have enough food to feed your pride and there are various ways to get more than enough food, even for free.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 18:48:23 by Yuriko (#112546)

ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 18:50:13
Ok. Thank you for supporting, and telling me why you also don't support! :) Yeah I guess maybe, but still.... probably should have bought food with the 5 GB, lol. XD

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✨ Acari ✨ (#66877)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 18:56:12
I support because I went through a similar thing when I got it. Thinking it came with food, I scraped together 5GB by bartering the heck outta people and when i got it, I was unsatisfied..

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ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 18:59:11
Yay!!! You understand!!! Awesome! Yes, I sold my hoard for that...... ;-;

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TigerMcFluffy (#107604)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 18:59:44
I don't support, because of the simple fact, which you stated, that you can get 100 uses of food with 1 GB. If you need the food that badly, just but all the food you need with the GB rather than wasting it on the tool.

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Sans the Comic (#24943)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-07-29 19:01:02

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ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 19:02:11
Ok, listen everybody! I think everyone is calling me out for this, but I've explained several times in my post, I thought it would include the food, obviously it didn't. Lol, I need a chill pill. XD That's why. :)

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Sans the Comic (#24943)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-07-29 19:03:49
You should probably look more into what you're buying before you buy it then. :/ Even in a virtual game, you shouldn't just buy something and assume that it will do exactly what you'd want it to.

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ModbotFanClub [Jean] (#110629)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 19:06:07
That's exactly why I'm making this post to change stuff..... 50% Say yes, 50% say no..... so maybe I should just stop caring so much about this waste of 5 GB? Hahahaha I feel like this is always what happens when I make a suggestion.... ;-; Ahhh well. Thank you for replying.

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Draconus (#15003)

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Posted on
2017-07-29 19:09:24
No support, 5 GB is a good price to avoid the hassle of manually feeding and playing with a whole pride of lions. However, I'd support a suggestion to make it clear when buying the Feed All/Play All tool that it does not provide food.

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