Posted by Quad glacial maneless adol?

Snow [Sunset Ferus] (#11844)

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Posted on
2017-08-05 05:25:23
I bred this handsome boy during my endless quest for a leopon. He's got all four Glacial markings, and although he unfortunately has a fugly dun base, that can easily be changed. He's also got the maneless mutation :O

Dun (White Nose)

Slot 3: Glacial Lace (93%)
Slot 5: Glacial Glaze (48%)
Slot 7: Feline 7 Onyx (48%)
Slot 8: Glacial Frosting (15%)
Slot 9: Glacial Points (19%)

Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Common
Eyes: Starshine
Mane Type: Katanga
Mane Color: Unholy
Mutation: Maneless

He only has 420 stats but he's 23% on the cub training bar and I'm sending him out with my sub-male to get his adol training, which I'll continue to do until he's sold.

I was just wondering how much I could sell him for? :) I've got my heirs planned out for the foreseeable future so somebody else can probably make better use out of him. I'm hoping to get GB for him thanks to his mutation but any price advice would be much appreciated!

Thanks <3

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