Posted by In-Heat Lioness Idea

Florence (#117796)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:13:19
So I was stalking the mutation file status page (Here; and I found out that they are planning to make a Tigon! Personally, I love tigons, so I couldn't believe it was actually happening! I was sitting (loneleh) on my bed, and a sudden thought hit me like a pile of bricks. How did members get these cool lions? A couple of my friends had leopons and primals, and it had never occured to me that, scientifically, a lion(ess) needed a (fe)male leopard (Depending on lion gender) to have leopons, same for lipirds (Male lion/female leopard) and tigons. I was thinking about it for a long time, nearly 1 hour, and I think I've found a more realistic way to get tigons/leopons, and also a way to add new, ultra-rare mutations/hybrids (Lipirds/Ligers)

Now, you're probably all wondering what the heck my idea is. As you all know, lionesses that that are in-heat (Not pregnant) can hunt. My idea was that every time they hunt, they have a 20% chance to meet a male Tiger/Leopard/Jaguar. If they do meet one of those, they have a 10% to 30% chance to be distracted from the hunt and frolic with the male. If all goes correctly, the male has a 5% chance to get the lioness pregnant. If he succeeds, at least 1-2 of the lionesses' cubs will be a hybrid. The hybrid cubs will not have danger surviving, like other harmful mutations. Actually, the cubs might have a BETTER chance of surviving.

Why is that? Well, for starters, lions are the kings of the plains, the whole world accepts this. But Tigers are better with ... stamina. Cheetahs are faster. Jaguars have more smarts. etc, etc, etc. So that way, a Liger cub would have a stamina boost. A Chion would be faster. and a Jaglion would have, say, +10 smarts when born. I know this would take some time to code and figure out, but it would kinda follow the current birth patterns, just not with the stats randomized.

Please support <3 If you don't support, please tell me why not so I can edit some things.

EDIT: Your lionesses would still be able to bring back food, so no hunting would be interrupted. Also, Chions wouldn't happen. Yep. Failed my logic there. Also, Jaglions would be at least 10% lower than other hybrids bcz Jaguars would have to escape from zoos.
UPDATE: Lowered the chances and made it so that you can only get one 7 times a year.

This suggestion has 29 supports and 30 NO supports.

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 11:31:38 by 〖𝓦𝓒𝓀〗𝓒𝑒𝓇 (#117796)

Space (#116493)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:17:03
No support, sorry! I personally like how rare leopons are; it makes them more of a treat to have! Perhaps lower the percentages even more. Not only that, but I hunt all day every day for food stores; I'd rather it not be disturbed by other encounters! It's a swell idea, but perhaps there's another way to make it happen!

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Notevy |
Çß | (#115741)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:17:15
This is nice and all but... Leopons and Tigons are purposefully hard to get. Maybe with the percentages you gave it doesn't seem like much to you, but this would heavily decrease their value because it'd still be way more common. As much as I want a leopon, I know it shouldn't become that easy to get one. So no support :c

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Evacu33 (#117420)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:17:59
This is really smart and well thought! i like the idea of them having higher stats in certain fields, that could be really fun to play around with!

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Florence (#117796)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:18:32
Ha, yeah xD Also, I'd make it so you can only have one encounter per month/week depending on the rarity. Also, your females would still be able to bring back food! Just that they'd also bring back a pregnant lioness... I think i'll lower everything by 10%.

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cake πŸ’« (#53239)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:18:53
Firstly, Cheetah/Lion hybrids will never happen as Lions are in the Panthera family, and Cheetahs in the Acinonyx family, so breeding between them cannot happen. Jagions are also even more unlikely than Tigons, as Jaguars are native to the South Americas.

On Lioden we only get the hybrids that have lioness mothers, and tiger/leopard fathers - the Lipard encounter is just for fun, we won't be getting Lipards or Ligers added into the game besides encounters.

For Leopons and Tigons, they just happen randomly. As far as everyone knows, there is no special way to influence them happening as first generation hybrids. However, mutation items can increase the chances of them spawning, just as they can up the chances of all other mutations appearing.

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Florence (#117796)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:19:15
@FoxxNote check what I told Nairobi.

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Notevy |
Çß | (#115741)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:23:22
Ok so let's see... 10% to meet, 10% to frolic, 10% to breed with then a hybrid chance... that's a .1% chance... Maybe that'd be ok, but I'm not sure if any of the admins would agree to it either way, that still might be too common... maybe if the breeding chance was 5% it would be better, because then it's .05% chance of getting one. That might be low enough...

EDIT: However, even with that chance, the issue is people WILL take advantage of it. You will see plenty of in-heat lionesses being hunted purely for the chance of getting something so rare. With so many people trying to get that, there will still be a decent increase in the amount in-game.

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 11:25:51 by FoxxNote [Main] (#115741)

Florence (#117796)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:25:03
@FoxxNote. Hmm, 10% for everything? K... I could make meet 20% and everything else lower.
20%meet, %10frolic, and 5%breed.

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Lex πŸ¦‹ (#56485)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 12:27:10
The story for Tigons will be that this tiger owned by an admin "ran away from a zoo" and randomly mates with lionesses.
As it's just a decor and also cannot stud, there is no way to breed to it to any lionesses for an increased chance for a tigon. It's just a fun story that gives an excuse to have Tigons in game, when in any other sense they would not be.
Tigons will also be the exact same mechanic as a Leopon, and randomly occur in a litter.

So, for that reason, i'm no supporting.

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Florence (#117796)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2017-08-09 13:31:38
@Lex I understand what you mean, but, the story is kind of exactly what I'm doing???? The male tiger will be that that tiger ran away from the zoo and is now interrupting the patrols...

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Lex πŸ¦‹ (#56485)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 13:35:39
No, this idea would be taking a mutation with a rate of less than 1% to appearance in a litter randomly, even with mutation items, and making it appear much more than that- basically tanking all value the mutation would have (which will be hundreds when it comes out).

I don't think it's a good idea and i don't think it should be implemented at all.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2017-10-28 17:35:30
This is kinda just lowering the value of leopons. No support :(

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