Posted by Territory Expansion Guide

SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2017-08-16 14:33:11
As a new player, you start with few territory slots and even fewer pride members to fill them. But as time goes on, you'll start to notice that lionesses in explore are no longer claimable, because you lack the territory to house them. This guide seeks to not only explain the various ways of obtaining territory, but also discuss which ways are optimal at which times.

Table of Contents
-What is Territory?
-Buying Territory (SB)
-PVP for Territory: Finding Other Kings
-PVP Explanation
-Buying Territory (GB)
-Sub Males and Frozen Slots

What is Territory?

Territory determines how many lionesses, or females 2 years old or older, you can have in your pride. This number does not include your king, your submales, or your frozen lions. It does not directly include your cubs, however, if your territory is full you will be unable to breed your lionesses until you get more territory. This is to ensure you have space to care for the cub when it ages up - once a lion reaches 2 years of space, you will need to make sure you have territory for it to grow up, or it will run away.

Your maximum number of lionesses will be the amount of territory you have - for example, if you have 6 territory, you can have up to 6 lionesses. You can free up territory by chasing, killing, or nature preserving a lioness, but for the purposes of this guide we'll focus on getting more territory instead. There is no limit to how much territory you can have, but certain methods of gaining territory do cap out at certain numbers. For example, territory can be bought with SB only until 20 territory has been reached, after which you must attack other kings for territory.

Information about your territory can be found by going to your Den page and scrolling down to your king's portrait. The boxes next to him will list information such as level, stats, and cave slots, but for right now we're only interested in territory.


The number is how much territory you currently have. A new player will start with 2 territory, meaning you can have 2 lionesses before it's time to expand. The + next to the number will allow you to expand your territory by the method of purchasing more. This is not the only way to gain territory, but as it is the simplest method, we'll start there.

Buying Territory (SB)

Buying territory is the most straightforward method, and a good place to start for your first few territory gains. Territory purchases will start relatively cheap, but slowly grow more expensive the more territory you buy.

To purchase a territory slot, simply click the + next to your territory number.


If you have enough SB, clicking Expand will increase your territory! To view the SB amounts required for each continuous purchase of territory, you can view the wiki for a detailed breakdown.

Purchasing territory works great for newer members, as SB costs are low and selling a few hunts in Monkey Business should get you enough SB to purchase some much-needed space. You can continue buying territory up until 20 territory, after which territory can no longer be bought and the + next to the number will be removed. However, at around 5-10 territory it may be time to start looking into the other method of expanding your territory - one that costs no SB, but instead you can win by attacking other players!

PVP for Territory:Finding Other Kings

PVP is short for "player versus player," which means attacking another player's lion for territory. This allows you to gain new territory without spending SB! While it sounds harsh, rest assured that the king you attack does not actually lose any territory, and should your attack fail you do not lose territory either. You are never penalized for a PVP loss - instead, you receive a small experience gain as a consolation.

There are two main ways to find lions for PVP, the first of which is found by going to Crossroads and the choosing Territory along the bottom, to the left of the Hunting button.


Once you select territory, you'll be presented with a map that will look similar to the hunting or patrolling maps. Each tile represents another member's pride, and selecting one will allow you to attack their king.


While this map is a possible way to find other kings, it is not the optimal method - the kings here won't necessarily be in your level or skill range, which is necessary for having a good chance at winning the PVP. You might have to choose many tiles just to find one king within your level range.

This brings us to the second option for finding other players' kings, which is using the Search function. This is also found in Crossroads, towards the top left corner.



There are many ways to search for kings, but for territory you've going to want to focus on level. Whe attacking for territory, you can't fight lions more than two levels below you, so you'll want to type in two levels lower than you in the 'level' box and hit search. For example, if you were level 9, you could fight level 8 or 7 kings, but not level 6 or below.


From these results you can find kings within your stat range (names of kings and players have been blurred). It's best to look for kings with lower stats that yours, ex. the king's stats in the red box. A lion with higher stats, such as in the blue box, will make it much harder for you to win. The ability to preview stats and sort by level is what makes this a more optimal option for gaining territory than the Territory map. Go ahead and select the username under the 'Played By' column (not the lion's name) when you've found on you like.

Once you've chosen a lion from either method, you're ready to learn about the PVP options and how to win territory.

PVP Explanation

There are a few general rules to PVP. Each attempt at attacking another player will cost 20% energy. As previously mentioned, you can't attack a lion more than 2 levels lower than you are. Additionally, you can only attack once every hour. If a king is unable to be attacked, they may be in cooldown. A king may only be attacked once every two hours, and may only be attacked for territory once per day.


Scrolling down on their den page, you'll find three options for attacking - Skill, Experience, and Territory.

Skill makes it easier to win against other lions. The more skill you have compared to the enemy lion, the more likely you are to win against them. You can check a lion's skill on their king's page, under 'Lion Stats'. It is recommended you attack for skill a few times before trying to attack for territory, and try to find kings with both lower skill and lower total stats than you for the best chance at winning territory. I usually stop attacking for skill at around 10-15 skill points, but it's up to you where you feel comfortable stopping.

Experience will reward you with a big experience gain, should you win against the lion. This is useful for leveling up, but won't help you win territory otherwise, so it won't be discussed in-depth here.

Territory will allow you to expand your territory by one slot, should you win against the king. This will also give you some experience, though not as much as attacking for exclusively experience gives, as well as some impression.


You can continue using PVP to gain territory slots up until you've reached 40 territory. At that point, you will be unable to fight for territory, though you can still attack for experience or skill. Past 40 territory, your only option for expanding your territory is to purchase more slots using GB.

Buying Territory (GB)

Past 40 territory, the method for buying more slots is very similar to that of buying them before - head to your den and click the + next to your territory slots - except this time slots are much more expensive. Slot 41 costs 2 GB, as does every slot up to 101. Subsequent slots will continue to increase in price until capping out at 10 GB each (slot 252 and on). For a detailed price breakdown, you can check the wiki.


As this is the only way to gain more slots past 40 territory, it becomes the preferred method by default. You can continue buying territory as much as you like, provided you have the GB to make the purchases.

Sub Males and Frozen Slots

If you want more space for sub males or for frozen lions, you'll need to purchase those separately. While not technically part of territory, buying sub male slots and frozen slots is done in a similar method to purchasing territory. Again, go to your den page, but this time choose the + sign after the one you'd like to expand.


Expanding sub male and frozen lion space is much more costly than that of normal territory. In addition, there is no way to use PVP to gain slots - they must be purchased.

Anything I missed or didn't explain well enough? Still have questions? Did this guide help you at all? Feel free to leave a comment!

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RawlaZee [Main] (#121854)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 21:02:55
This guide was brilliant! It helped me a lot. Thank you.

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SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2017-08-19 22:01:08
Thank you RawlaZee, I'm glad it was useful!

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Maeve (#137308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-05 05:23:20
I'm getting the same error message when attacking for territory. I'm very low on SB so I'm using the other method (since I love all my lionesses and cannot bear to part with any) and I have about six cubs growing fast.
Here's my stats:
Level: 3 Stats: 40 Territory:4 (+)
Lionesses: 3
Cubs: 7 / 20 Sub Males: None!
Cave Slots: 1 / 3 (+)
"Your lion needs to level up before you can attack anyone."
Not sure why i keep getting this, I've attacked a Level 1 den and a Level 2 and both have the same message.
What do I do?

EDIT: I just tried on a player lower than mine (with stats and level) and still the same message.

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Edited on 05/02/18 @ 05:29:26 by Maeve (#137308)

SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2018-02-05 10:23:51
This error message shows up when your experience bar is full (or overfull), and will go away and let you fight for territory once you level up on your king's page, so you're always fighting people in your correct level range. If there's still an issue after leveling up let me know!

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Maeve (#137308)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-06 08:45:37
@sept, thank you!! :D
this is also a super helpful guide too :D
brilliant <3

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proud.pride (#137922)

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Posted on
2018-02-11 12:43:51
Thank you so much!! It said I had to get more space bc I had young lions growing up and I was worried I would lose them but thanks to this I won't!! Thank you <3

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SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2018-02-11 12:56:13
I'm glad it helped ^^ Thanks!

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Styx (#35067)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-02-13 14:06:27
I'm stuck at territory lvl 20, how do I get past this?

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SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2018-02-13 14:21:49
Between 20-40 territory, you'll have to fight for territory by PvP on other players' dens. Once you hit 40, you'll then have to buy territory for GB.

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Styx (#35067)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-02-13 14:23:29
I totally derped and read past that. Thank you though.

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Starling (#165991)

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Posted on
2019-02-15 04:40:18
When I fight for territory and win I don't gain another territory slot only buying it works maybe I'm doing to wrong?

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SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2019-02-15 10:15:06
That's odd! When you attack for territory and the popup message appears afterwards saying you've won, does it also say that you've gained +1 territory and it just doesn't seem to increase your territory number on your den?

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Starling (#165991)

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Posted on
2019-02-15 14:49:40
I think the matter has fixed itself a new option has appeared that says attack for territory never had that option before idk what was wrong before.

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Shosple (#176604)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-05-27 23:16:23
Hey for some reason when I try to challenge lions for territory who are 1-2 levels lower than me, the territory option doesn’t show up, I’m confused, but I have way past my limit for cubs etc. so I need some territory soon ;w;

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SeptSapphire (#111765)

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Posted on
2019-05-28 10:45:25
It might be that the lions you're trying to attack for territory have already been attacked today, and can't be attacked again until rollover. If you're using the Search feature to find kings near your level, try going onto the second or third page of results and picking kings from there, and seeing if the territory option is available again.

(Also I just noticed all the images in the original post are borked, I'll fix that soon x.x)

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