Posted by -ADDED TO THE GAME-Fix How Markings Roll

Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-08-20 20:22:04

Hello, recently I was partaking in a breeding project that served not only to further a king project of mine, but also to prove a point to myself. After I had already spent countless amount of currency and time in this project, I found most of my effort was for not. Although it seems to not be common public knowledge, males roll their markings before females, and I think this needs to change. Below I'm going to give some reasons and possible solutions. In the comments I will gladly give answers the best I can to any questions, and I would appreciate if you included below why you do or do not support, especially for the latter.

1. Our markets tank too fast. Male's rolling first means that there is a greater chance of his markings passing, so he has a higher chance to pass markings to the infinite females that he can breed. As I'll explain below, the current system drives our markets for markings down greatly and ruins any rarity they might have had.

2. Males breed so much more than females. A female can breed once about every 20 days. 23 if you don't use an IBF because of the pregnancy time period. A male can breed until his energy runs out, and then again once it refills. This means that in a single day a stud can breed his genetics into 20+ females of good fertility.

3. No one wants clones of their studs to exist, or at least, most people don't. You work hard for your stud to exist. What is the point of breeding so hard for him if he can just pass all his markings to any female with little to no issue (I know there are marking pass rates or something, but most markings pass quicker than an STD). Most people, like displayed [here], just kill said clones. It's discouraging for other people to profit off your hard work.

To me, honestly, it doesn't make sense that markings rolled like this to begin with.

My suggestion is to change it so:

A. (Suggestion from Locust) For them to make it 50/50 chance for mother & father (mention [Here]).

B. Females roll their markings first.

Either would put more worth back into our females, put more worth into selective breeding [IE: This female to this stud instead of 50 NCLs to a king, which floods the market and tanks it], and put more worth back into the marking market.

So far the most popular fix is "make it 50/50".

[Project Thread] + [Roll Confirmation]


This suggestion has 331 supports and 16 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/12/17 @ 18:53:48 by Heda RedBox (#56702)

Posted on
2017-12-15 13:31:13
It's a rather complicated script; it's less than 75% as it's less "guaranteed" than the same marking being in both slots, but it's something we don't want to confirm at this time. We still want there to be some mystery to breeding, but I just wanted to step in here and correct the theory that male markings roll first.

I hope I've at least helped in that regard :)

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 13:39:33
Is there any particular reason there's a lowered chance for markings to pass if they're not the same?

And for Heda, mostly: I'm getting a (weird) pretty consistent 5% bias towards the male's markings when I roll these cubs one at a time.
I say weird because I haven't actually gotten such a consistent bias before hitting at least 1k rolls before.

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Edited on 15/12/17 @ 13:43:36 by Bezthiel (#81210)

CleanFerusDracoStrip (#124858)

True King
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Posted on
2017-12-15 13:48:54
Thanks to the mod who stepped in to clarify things. I don't pay attention to marking pass rate myself (i usually breed for bases and mutations over markings) so I will take your word for it. If the tests show a fairly even pass rate, then I'm content with that.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-12-15 16:14:24

Bez, keep me updated via PM of your finds? I'm curious what you find with this one at a time thing.

Follow up question, can you at least tell us how the 1 & 2 works?
When it rolls is male always 1 and female always 2? A secondary question, how hard would it be to make it randomly assign the 1 and 2 if it yes to the previous question?

Edit: Bokka the issue is that while the tests say that, the results people are getting from breeding do not. What is there to explain when countless litters take nothing from the mother (Which is awful considering like other have pointed out on that females have very limited cubs born to them while males are limitless), and when litters contain exact copies of kings but not copies of females (Crunchy worms are expensive and alter the breeding so those do not count).

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Edited on 15/12/17 @ 20:51:32 by Heda RedBox (#56702)

Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 06:45:47
Will do! I'm thinking of putting it all into a thread too, see if anyone else gets anything similar. And because RIP my skull pile for January sb.

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CleanFerusDracoStrip (#124858)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 06:55:25
Heda, as the tests were from the same script that runs when you breed a cub, I just don't have a problem seeing numbers from 1300 breedings and leaving it at that. But I'm also dealing with RL stuff that I care a lot more about right now, so I'm content to take them at their word because I'm not expending additional energy on arguing the numbers with people here. Feel free to do all the research you want, and if it contradicts what's said here, okay, carry on, you don't need my support for that. I'm just done with the issue.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 07:02:09
At this point, I trust that the pass roll is 50/50, but I don't personally think this is solved because different markings have a pass of "less than 75% as it's less "guaranteed" than the same marking being in both slots...".

I didn't spend 75GB on making five 10 marked custom ladies because I wanted to have less of a chance of a 0 marked female to have marks pass. I wanted pretty mixes of them and my king, and now I find out that was basically a waste? Their cubs have the same chance of picking up markings as if I bred my king to a 0 mark NCL?

Edits for grammar again- early mornings are not my strong suit.

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Edited on 16/12/17 @ 07:05:25 by Bezthiel (#81210)

☘ Nifur (side (#98977)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 07:32:25
maybe it's bad luck, one second I think maybe it's better to let female markings more passable, but another second I'm afraid it will let the price of special markings drop.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 07:49:51
I thought maybe it was bad luck too, so I started doing this. Not actually at 500 anymore, but the ratio stays pretty firmly at 50% pass; the variations of a few percentages I'm taking as being sample size based. I'm also planning on keeping track of percentage of the time my king's marks roll into an empty slot, to see if they actually are even. If you want to keep track of what I'm doing there or do your own, I definitely encourage you to. The more of us that do this, the closer to 1mil+ we can get to see if it really is 50% when marks are different.

Which is why, again, I really don't feel like this was fixed. We might have had cause wrong, but the basis of the problem on this thread is the same. Female breeding lives are too short for the current pass rate (apparently especially when you breed different marking together).

That might mean just upping the pass rate of markings when two different ones are bred together.

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☘ Nifur (side (#98977)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 08:08:02
@Bezthiel well, but the admins confirmed the passing rate is supposed to be 50/50 through coding, I trust codes. All I can do now is buy as many lionesses with the markings I want as possible and use IBFs

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 08:17:53
That's not what I mean.

I mean, like the modpost says, if you breed two lions with the same marking together, you get a 75% chance of a marking passing at all.

So far, by 600 rolled cubs, if you breed two lions with a different marking in the same slot together, you get a 50% chance of a marking passing at all (which are then 25% kings and 25% queens marks, which is fine, not the problem).

Fairly, it should be, if you breed two lions together with markings in the same slot, you would get a 75% (or at least approx. 75%) chance of a marking passing at all.

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Edited on 18/12/17 @ 08:21:01 by Bezthiel (#81210)

☘ Nifur (side (#98977)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-12-18 08:31:06
that's a good point, 25% make a huge difference, like what we do when breeding lionesses with different fertility percentage. 25% lionesses sometimes take a lot of tries, 50% takes few.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 09:34:11

Another problem is that while the staff say now that it is 50/50, it was said before that males roll first. This was higher up given info, which is why I trusted it. The fact that this seems no longer the case is still perplexing.

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Bezthiel πŸ‰ (#81210)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 09:38:11
Related to our rolls discussion- your inbox is full, Heda.

I'm also still curious as to why some of the staff have said that male markings roll first, but others are equally as sure that this is not the case. I do believe that either way it equates to a 50/50 roll, but do want to know which it is.

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Heda Vampiric (#56702)

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Posted on
2017-12-18 09:47:44

Ah shit, sorry, cleared some space.

I'm equally perplexed how people get so many king clones and minimal female markings when breeding in real time.
(Also, I think that 50% no markings pass is whats really killing shit like damn. So, from here I'm wondering if the real fix is to boost females (but not to much obviously). We need something to give them more worth. In most situations, males are seen as more important than a female because they have far more to give. You can get so much more from a piebald male than a piebald female since he can breed as much as he pleases. Same with a M rosette male vs. M rosette female or a 5k stat male vs. a 5k stat female.)

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Edited on 18/12/17 @ 09:53:22 by Heda RedBox (#56702)

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