Posted by LF: Kingdom Hearts RPers

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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2017-08-25 17:12:38
My KH loving world just got rocked again, but I'm sure most of you all know by now what went down. But I will avoid spoilers so I don't make more enemies here.

But my old RP now has to be changed, at least with one element of it.

So basically I'm looking for people that are okay with MxM RPs, my weird ideas and me tossing in my OC at a later time who happens to be the daughter of two Organization members. (It's KH, anything is possible. I've learned to never question Kingdom Hearts logic)

So also must be open minded.

The main pairing I'm looking for is 411 (Vexen x Marluxia) but I can do others, I just love VexMar.

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