Posted by Play Catch-up lioden

Silvertounge (#23528)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-03 05:08:24
Hello my name is Mike I've been playing on lioden for a while and don't really have any breed pacific goals such as colors, mutations, stats.....ex.....For one's to demanding....brings no joy or ambition to play the game sometimes when someone's like OMG statssssss! or OMG heritage....To me lioden is my getaway from the RL I live and I play the game how I see fit.....honestly I feel like lioden is getting away from itself and letting this game turn upside down in a sense of they are releasing way to much and not playing catch-up enough these days....... a lotttt of the decors, markings, bases, ex. arn't getting caught up fast enough with the releases and I know it's gotta be hard on the artists and coders alike. This game is the bomb I just think instead of releasing so much all the time just play catch-up for a few months and get everything updated so we as a whole can enjoy all the decor, markings, bases ex. for all our lions <3

I want everyone to enjoy the great things and features of this game! And I'm sure we don't mind waiting for new things to come out and I'm sure just like me that people won't mind getting the things they have been wanting and waiting for the cool new shiny things next go round without choosing between new and old stuff they have been waiting to come back out :) I hope maybe this will get a lot of good votes and maybe the artist and coders can get a wee break and catch up to make the game a better place >< Thank you for any and all supports <3

This suggestion has 70 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-03 05:13:19
You make a point, but with the new releases they also have been fixing old bugs along the way.

But you make a point, so I support.

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Tougal (sunset,
blazing) (#91879)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-09-03 05:13:48
Same point as Eden C: but support

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QueenCrayons [6G
Clean King] (#23551)

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Posted on
2017-09-03 05:43:10
Yes! i support

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KingCrayons (#23495)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-03 05:44:10
Supporting because it took forever for my poly's base to finally appear (half a year later ) and I scrounged and saved for a grace of the king cheetah for my dwarf only to go to the wardrobe to pick what color and... it doesn't show up yet for them

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Winter_Scars [HM] (#57411)

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Posted on
2017-09-03 06:00:39
You have a valid point while I love new items etc. I have a hard time keeping up with new markings and mutations.

My problem was I took a few months (2+) of a break from lioden, and I came back to at least 3+ new applicators and a 3+ mutations. So I ended up a bit confused.

Plus while I was gone some item prices and cub prices changed for better and for worse. Example Cheetah Skulls at first I did not even know could be crafted into a applicator because of so many news post it was buried.(So the price increase just made me think what happened to the market.

My point is even if player does not take a long break like me. Most people have school or jobs and can not keep up with the level things are added.

I would like to see a new event item here and there though. Even just adding one item here and there can lead for a lot more time being spent on other things, while keeping things interesting.

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πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita
β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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Posted on
2017-09-04 03:34:04
Yep, I got kind of sick of not seeing the new Cheetah Royal markings showing up on my Dwarves, especially since I have a Dwarf King. Retiring him soon because I got sick of waiting, tbh. And Smilus got updated before Dwarfism, which has been around much longer? I'm sure there is a good reason for it but I still feel this is a good suggestion. Supported.

Lioden may be getting a tiny bit ahead of themselves with all of the new stuff coming out so far ahead of their time, before the rest of the game can catch up to it. (Sort of like that, anyway.) We all want new features and stuff, they're great, but we also want the older features to work correctly first. It couldn't hurt to take pause to work on existing game features for a bit. And I think everyone would understand.

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Edited on 04/09/17 @ 03:41:15 by πŸ’Žβ­ Kiita β­πŸ’Ž (#85179)

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