Posted by LF; A lion roleplay

🏳️‍🌈 (#4834)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-03 13:14:29
Break out the old skills, and I mean old. >> Haven't properly RP'ed in bloody ages.

.Lions are my strong point
.I am quite literate (Native English, good grammar and vocab), but PLEASE take note that I am extremely busy IRL, I cannot do more than a paragraph per reply.
.I cannot RP in groups. My anxiety flies through the roof when I have several people to catch up with. 1x1s ONLY.
.I prefer to use characters/OCs, not set characters to choose from.
.I'm cool with MxF/MxM/FxF, any and all
.I don't do sex scenes, simple.
.I like to build stories, so y'know...don't just abandon it, aye?
.Skype, LD topic or DeviantART notes are my preferred place.

Please lemme know~PMing me guarantees a faster reply though.

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Edited on 03/09/17 @ 13:15:20 by MissRufaro (Sales Pitch Queen) (#4834)


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Posted on
2017-09-10 20:24:35
I'm interested In 1x1 w/ you!

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