Posted by Friend List Adjustment

Kyuuna (#1723)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-07 15:22:32
"You don't have any friends!"

This is the phrase that greets you when you first join Lioden. And a friend of mine pointed out 'that's kinda mean'. I have to say I agree; I mean sure not everyone would take it the same way but you never know if that may well hurt someone's feelings. After all online life is an 'escape' for some folks who may have had that phrase thrown at them quite often. So my suggestions are as follows: either change the wording to 'here is where your friends show up!' or 'go here to make some new friends! *insert url to the Forums*. You could even make a tutorial on making friends? perhaps even an npc account that occasionally helps a new player out after so many days logging in?

This suggestion has 11 supports and 4 NO supports.

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