Posted by Zverokruh Zodiac Species Adopts! (WIP)

EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:27:08
Welcome to the world of Zodiacs! The Zverokruh rule over this land, guiding the creatures that find their way to their remote woodlands, and guardians of the sacred forests they call home.

Some information about this species:

Common: bright colors, dragon and feathered wings, dragon tail, no pattern.
Uncommon: dark colors, butterfly wings, Furry tail, Feathered tail, split tail, stripes/blobs patterns.
Rare: dragonfly wings, monkey tail, glowing eyes, swirls/intricate patterns.
Legendary: gold, silver, or copper base coloring, dolphin tail, double/triple tails, glowing patterns.
Mutations: Wingless, Tailless, Hornless, Albino, Melanism, Roseate


Common: Magnetite bracelet. Due to the superstition and abundance of this magnetic ore, It is worn by most Zverokruh as a symbol of good fortune.
Uncommon: Cat’s eye headwear. This gemstone is a sign of willpower, given to those who have proven themselves useful and helpful to their tribe, usually in battle against hostile zodiac tribes. Seen as a great honor.
Rare: Zodiac stone necklace. Each zodiac has their own birthstone, along with several other stones relating to the sign. These stones, when used with the appropriate Zverokruh, enhances the energy and power of the creatures, along with bringing a feeling of wholeness.
Legendary: Nuumite tail band. Known as the Sorcerer’s stone, this mineral promotes magical energy within the tribe, usually worn by the leaders as a sign of protection.

(Depends on zodiac)
Common: Breathe Fire/Water/Wind/Mud balls (one power)
Uncommon Fireballs/Waterballs/Steam/Mudbombs (two powers)
Rare prophet, camouflage (three powers)
Legendary Mind reader, immense strength (four powers)

Fire Tribe Signs have a broader chest than the other tribes.
Water Tribe Signs have gills, and larger, usually webbed wings to propel themselves in the ocean.
Earth Tribe Signs are the strongest of the tribes
Air Tribe Signs are the smallest of the tribes, but have the largest wingspan.

Many zodiacs have similar to almost exact markings within their tribe. (Do don't get upset if someone has the same style XD)

The 4 different tribes usually keep to themselves, staying neutral to the other tribes. The fire tribe is usually the most aggressive, while Earth is usually grounded (Could not figure out how to say that without a pun XD) and wise, Water is smooth and calm, but can have spells of sudden anger (pretty moody) And air is the calmest of the tribes, they are carefree and love life.

There are up to 3 leaders in each Tribe, who all collaborate on leading it.

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Edited on 09/12/17 @ 09:47:32 by 🔥♫EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-08 16:27:16
Adopts! All adopts will be via Auction with a Minimum increase of 200 sb.
Due to my lack of drawing skills, Feathered wings will be shown as the top of the right wing.

Common Bright Colors
Common Dragon Wings
Uncommon Split Dragon tail
Rare Swirls
Common Magnetite Bracelet
Uncommon Fireballs + Fire breath

Sb: 1 GB
Cb: none
Bo: 5 GB

Uncommon dark colors
Common Feathered wings
Rare Monkey tail
Uncommon blob pattern
Rare Zodiac stone necklace (Peridot)
Uncommon Fireballs

SB: 1 gb
CB: none
AB: 5 gb

Common bright colors
Common feathered wings
Uncommon furry tail
Uncommon Stripes
Mutation Roseate
Rare Zodiac Stone Necklace (Amethyst)
Legendary Nuummite Tail Band
Uncommon Fireballs + Firebreathing

sb: 15 gb
cb: none
ab: 30 gb



Uncommon Dark colors
Rare dragonfly wings
Legendary dolphin tail
Uncommon Stripes
No accessories
Common water breathing

sb: 5 GB
cb: none
ab: 10 gb

Uncommon Dark colors
Uncommon butterfly wings
Uncommon furry tail
Common No Markings
No accessories
Common mud balls

sb: 1 gb
cb: none
ab: 5 gb




Common Bright colors
Uncommon Butterfly wings
Common Dragon tail
Uncommon stripes
Uncommon Cat's eye headwear
Rare camouflage, breathe steam.

Sb: 1 gb
Cb: none
Ab: 5gb


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Edited on 09/12/17 @ 14:34:25 by 🔥♫EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-09-08 16:27:22
Custom Designs

You can make your own! send me a PM saying you would like a custom design, and I will make one for you c: (Please pay before I give it to you)

For a base price of 5 gb, you will be able to choose your own design!!

Common/uncommon Appearance/markings/powers/accessories: No extra charge.

Rare Appearance/markings/powers/accessories: +1 gb each

Legendary Appearance/markings/powers/accessories: +2 gb each

Mutations: +10 gb each (because they are very rare)

The colors of the Zverokruh depend on the zodiac.
You may not cross zodiacs. No Leo base colors and Gemeni markings, for example.

Order form
Hi! I would like a custom Zverokruh please!
Amount of Rare Appearance/Markings/Powers/Accessories:
Amount of Legendary Appearance/Markings/Powers/Accessories:

I will proceed to ask what colors and specifics you would like. Depending on your zodiac, I will let you know what colors you would need. Once the order is complete, please send the payment and I will get to it as soon as I can!~

PLEASE order in a PM so it does not spam the replies! Thanks <3

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Edited on 09/12/17 @ 09:56:46 by 🔥♫EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-01 13:22:40
Breeding of the species is open, but please keep it between the same zodiac.
Each zodiac breeds at a specific time, so the babies are hatched in their tribe's zodiac type. There are specific breeding seasons, 3 in each tribe. Egg development is relatively slow, the seasons are usually 2 months before the zodiac's sign.


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Edited on 15/02/18 @ 04:43:22 by 🔥♫EveningShadow♫🔥 (#80109)

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