Posted by Custom king RPG/Flavor texts

JustJeff (#63596)

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Posted on
2017-09-16 10:03:53
I was thinking a while back what a cute feature flavor texts are to come across when you're browsing your den. Why can't our boys have these as well after being king'd? We could have ones pre-made, but it sounds like a bit more fun to make our own (will likely need to be approved before they can be shown to prevent "inappropriate" king texts being used) to have the chance of showing up for players who visit our kings pages.

If not, let me know why.

This suggestion has 52 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/09/17 @ 19:45:06 by Keon [Hard Mode] (#63596)

The Crow (#112292)

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Posted on
2017-10-09 17:52:13
I support this!

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-11-02 17:45:44
I would suggest that if this were to happen, that there be basically 'flavor text slots'. Each person starts out with a baseline 3 slots, which go through an approval queue when set. To add extra slots you would have to pay a bit, and it would also have to go through a queue. I think it would be tough in the beginning to run it through the approval process because so many people would have to transfer over onto the new system, but the amount to approve would go down after the main mass moves over. Then it would only be brand new players joining that needed to do it.

Another suggestion would be to have the option of the slots being 'unlocked' as an "Achievement" record, or a "Seniority" bonus. Like maybe if you complete a certain amount of achievements, you unlock the slots, or if you reach a certain number of rollovers on your account.

Ie, I join lioden and don't have any flavor text slots open. After my first 25 Rollovers, I get my first slot unlocked. at 75 rollovers, I get a second. At 150 rollovers, a third unlocks. 300 RO, and then I get a fourth. At an astounding 500 rollovers, I would get a fifth and final slot unlocked.

(or something like that with growing difficulty)

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JustJeff (#63596)

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Posted on
2017-11-02 17:51:44
That's a good idea, the slots. It would definitely give people something to work for, unlocking more of them. I know I would feel like I had to unlock them all for OCD-esq reasons.

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Razz [Clean Sidereal
Svelte] (#18166)

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Posted on
2017-11-02 17:58:59
Lol for sure! It would bring more reason to do things like achievements or rollover goals

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