Posted by | Karma / Personality Special Cub-Claiming Ideas |
![]() Cobia (#95963) Ruthless View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-09-17 09:04:55 |
Hello! I thought that maybe, after you claim a cub, a little message could pop up just for a fun little detail. I couldn't think of options for all the personality types, so feel free to suggest them and/or edits to my already written ideas! ![]() BAD KARMA In a hurry, you dive forwards and snatch a young lion/lioness from where they were sitting. They yelp in surprise as you drag them by the scruff back to your territory. This child will have to do. GOOD KARMA You stroll to a group of young lion/lionesses, a warm smile on your maw. You nod towards one lucky orphan and they come bouncing towards you excitedly. VVhat a wonderful child. NEUTRAL KARMA You walk towards a batch of small lions/lionesses. You point a claw at one youngster, and they quietly come forwards. In silence the two of you head back to your pride. A child is a child, after all. Or maybe they could even be for the different personality types! Arrogant - You puff out your chest as you stride up to the orphaned cubs, a smirk on your face. You tell them of your amazing and intrepid want to take in a stray youngster. The small lions/lionesses glance at eachother before one steps quietly forwards. You grin, shake out your mane, and begin to walk off while informing her/him about the beautiful and rich life they will have soon in your pride. Bold - You leap over the roots of The Giving Tree, landing right infront of a cluster of startled young lions/lionesses. They stare at you in awe as you begin to jump from place to place, looking over the cubs currently there. As you do an ultra amazing double tailspin and roll back to the abandoned felines one jumps forwards and smiles at you. Looks like you have a new kitty to adventure with. Candid - You plonk your lovely bottom down infront of a group of young lions/lionesses. They look up at you in silence, wondering what you are going to say. You briefly inform the cubs that you are looking for a (adolescent/cub) (male/female) to join your pride and live happily with your family, cutting to the chase. One feline fitting those categories stands up and walks to you. Smiling, you nod to them and begin to lumber off. Confident - You stroll up to the group of abandoned cubs, assured in your ability to find a small being to come home to your pride. You call out and gather a small amount of little ones. Scanning the group, you pick out a certain youngster that is what you need. They come forwards sheepishly. Ah, she/he is truly all you wanted. You walk home with your new pridemate and feel reassured about yourself. Even-tempered - You walk up to the base of the Giving Tree where small group of cubs lay. Spotting an adult in their field of view, the youngsters rush forwards and begin jabbering quickly at you. One begins to chew your tail. You begin to ignore the annoyances below and spot one cub that is simply staring at you. Perfect. You shake off the parasites and begin the journey home with the other cub while bleeding from a toe. Forgiving - As you walk closer, you can hear the plains suddently go silent except for hushed giggles and a few strange noises from above. You raise your head just in time to see a lion/lioness fall from the tree above. He/she collides with your back and tumbles downwards. You quickly turn to ensure the health of the little one and hear laughing all around. It seemed this was set up. Looking up at you, the cub says a sincere sorry and jumps to their feet. You assure the youngster it is alright and that we all make mistakes before beginning to amble back home with the small guy/girl on your heels. Heartless - Time to get a freebie cub from the Giving Tree. You begin to stride up to the small punks, giving a glare all around. This cub is the opposite gender you are looking for. Smack them away. This booger is too old/too young for what you need. VVhip them harshly with your tail. Ah, here they are. A suitable cub for your doings. Grabbing the cub in your jaws, you begin the long march back home. Humble - You trot up to the orphaned cubs seated below the Giving Tree. As you chat with the young lions/lionesses you assure a few anxious children that they will be adopted soon. You choose one to come back to your pride and another adult lion looking for a cub applauds you. Apparently, your kind words made even the king's day. You shake your head at him and quietly say thank you, beginning to walk off with your new pridemate in hand. Hyperactive - You bounce about the Giving tree, barely being able to stay still in excitement. You are choosing a new family member! How awesome! Your paws tap quickly on the dirt as you smile and do a triple-nod at a cub. Barely giving the youngster enough time to stand up, you challenge her/him to a race back to your pride and begin zooming away. Loner - There is a small group of adult lions conversing about their pride picks when you arrive at the Giving Tree. Nope, not going over there. You decide to walk around to the other side of the group and tap a cub on the shoulder from behind. They spin around with a surprised yelp and you awkwardly inform them that they are now in your pride. You stride back to your home, the little one strolling quietly beside you. Mysterious - You approach the Giving Tree as a strong breeze blows your mane over your face. Atop a root, you stare in silence down at the abandoned cubs down below. You whisper down to a specific little one below that they have been selected. Glancing at his/her friends the cub hops up to meet you, only to find you are already gone. They run to catch up to the dark figure walking off into the fog. Patient - Protectice - Self-absorbed Stoic - Unscrupulous - Vicious - Thanks for reading, and make sure you vote yes if you agree! <3 |
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