Posted by Changing HOW Crunchy Worm Works

Maedre[Natural White
Lions] (#13877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-02 01:48:27
Not long after the description of Crunchy Worm was released, people started worrying for the market's stability.
That's because IF the crunchy worm works as the description says it works (Crunchy Worm upon use will have a big chance to duplicate mother’s looks onto 1 cub from the litter, presumably 40%), it might very well flood the market with special, rare bases, eyes and markings.
Think about this for a while. Special lionesses could be duplicated and sold, and then duplicated again, and again. Event rare bases would become a "on demand" trait, as long as you have one lioness and one crunchy worm.
This would basically drop the price of specials, rare lions, and make applicators and some of the other breeding itens we know and love obsolete.
In other words, if everyone is special, than no lion is really special.
It has been suggested to make it an utterly expensive item or to drastically lower the chances.
I propose another solution: Changing how it works to make it essentially a female version of the "Keep Old King's Looks" feature in retiring.
If we ignore the fact that this item could potentially break the market, it is an awesome tool for those that do not want to lose a beloved (or very expensive lioness) or have thematic prides.
Because sometimes, no matter how special and awesome your lioness is, she might die and not leave a single keepable cub behind.
So I propose two possible options:

1 - Make a lioness permanently infertile AFTER the effect triggers.
This way, she can only have one duplicate, and won't flood the market. Just giving the crunchy worm would not make her infertile, though, only giving birth to a copy would.
Something about how exhausting and demanding such a pregnancy was for her.
This infertility cannot be raised by breeding itens.

2 - Make it usable only on 12 years old lionesses or older.
This basically guarantees they will be used only on their last heat, such as in the case of you having a lioness that has lived enough, but you want her to give you an heir or heiress because you have been unlucky with her litters so far.
As a secondary effect, instead of infertility (since she's old and will be permanently sterile anyway), make the crunchy worm's side effect of giving her a heat if she is on cooldown (but not nursing).
It has been suggested that, in such case, crunchy worm could work 100% chance, which I think is fair.

Every one of these options guarantees a copy, but it limites how many times a lion can be copied, and makes it so that there is only one reproductively active version of the same lion in the game.
So, I figured that this would be a nice option for those of us that want a nice chance to keep reproductive versions of their beloved lionesses, without flooding and crashing the market in the process.
This idea was gotten from Nyanunix suggestion:

If no support, I would like to know the reason and if there's anything I could improve

This suggestion has 69 supports and 225 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/10/17 @ 05:12:20 by Maedre (#13877)

Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 07:22:46
Oh, 5 litters :o!
But the market is heavily based on the players so I'm sure the market will adapt to it somehow?
I'm not very sure but I really don't support the idea ^^;;

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Fuego (#41825)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 07:41:47
I don't support. Making mountains out of molehills in my opinion. Do you know how rare special lionesses are? I've been on this game several years and never won one yet. And even rarer still is to find a winner of a special lioness that isn't completely or often inactive in the game. A potential duplicate cub wouldn't be spammed 1000 times over. Most active players don't even value rare marking slots like they used to so that wouldn't matter much anyway. Why take the fun out off the game with an item you haven't even see work in the game yet?

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Arista Light (#31020)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 07:47:20
Why don't you just make it so that you can only use 1 successful crunchy worm on every lioness? I feel as though the permanent infertile is a bit much and the 12 years old thing just seems like it would be extremely annoying for me. I can see where you're coming from- it's just that I rarely keep lionesses after 10 years anyways.

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Attic of The Sky (#12149)

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Posted on
2017-10-02 10:14:40
I for one, hate super high prices for lions. It just seems unreasonable to me. :/
I'm not going to pay 10+ for a lion based on it's looks (excluding rare mutations but even their prizes seem super duper high to me)
But I don't want players to make clone factories. xD

Lowering the prices/market crash could help players achieve their goals sooner, however.

5 litters out of a lionesses life would leave her only 3 or so natural litters left.
I don't think it would be that bad? Idk.

I still support this only because I don't want clone factories to rip players off and gain a ridiculous amount of profit. xD

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Edited on 02/10/17 @ 10:19:56 by Ladwick (2nd) (#12149)

Lega [Clean MR
Colorbomb] (#122972)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-10-06 05:08:07
By that logic we should remove GMO cows and Lion meats and whatnot from the game too because it mass produces muties, or honeycomb and other stat boosting items because it mass produces high statted lions.

The market for sunsets is already whack seeing everyone keeps sex changing them into males to have sunset studs to make money off. So I mean, giving value to lionesses a bit more wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. Besides. It's a 25% chance of ONE CUB getting the copy. You still have to have a great looking lioness, you still have to wait for breeding cooldowns in case it doesn't work. It's just absurd how pissy people are over this item lmao.

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Edited on 06/10/17 @ 05:11:24 by Lega (#122972)

🌸ᴛᴇᴀ🌸 (#136776)

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Posted on
2018-03-24 10:00:29
I don’t support. Judging by how long Crunchy Worms have been around, it has yet to flood the TC. I already like the effects of Crunchy Worms, and they should honestly stay how they are. Sorry.

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Ivy (Main) (#2473)

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Posted on
2018-03-25 07:41:42
I don’t support..

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Tule (#242211)

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Posted on
2021-11-16 08:40:16
Dude, I've been wanting to get a crunchy worm since I joined the game...this changes everything about one worm and I think I'm going to support!

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