Posted by Decorations - Return to Hoard

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2017-10-11 01:09:28
This is a very tentative suggestion of mine, since it would need tons of coding and would probably also cause changes to the market but I feel this needs to be posted to see the opinions.

I personally always had an issue with decors. Although they are pretty and nice... but once you use a decor, it vanishes from your hoard and sticks to the lion, unusable until you detach it from said lion, despite the decor having multiple uses.

This is especially frustrating if the decor is relatively expensive but you want to use it on multiple lions. You have to buy multiple decors, despite said decor having 10 uses. Not to mention if you intend to put the decor onto an immortal lion... you lose the decor for good.

Good example being Tiger's Eye. It has 100 uses! And can be only equipped on 1 lion at a time.
But it applies to any other decors in the game.

My suggestion:

Decors should return to hoard upon use

  • Decors could be used on multiple lions at once
  • Decors would be used up quicker, potentially increasing the market for them
  • No more lost decors on immortal lions
  • Tiger's Eye issue would be solved

  • Could potentially cause the opposite effect on the market, since people would not need to buy -say- 10 Apollyon's Grace to equip it to 10 lions at once if they intend to use it only once.
  • Tons of coding involved, since the decoration system would need to be reworked

Now, tell me your opinion.
Why do you think this would be a good idea?
Why do you think this would be a bad idea?
Would the pros outweigh the cons?
What do you think would be its effect on the market?

Thanks for reading.

This suggestion has 19 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Edited on 11/10/17 @ 01:15:51 by Axel (#6627)

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