Posted by Need quick sb?

{Primal} (#109894)

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Posted on
2017-10-23 19:14:18
Do you have unwanted lions and need more space in your den, but don’t want to kill them? Well you’re in the right place! I will be accepting ALL lions for a price of 5 sb EACH. Not only this, but your sent lion will not be killed, they will be sent to a nature preserve! The following instructions will help you with the rest.

- If you are interested in sb and need space, then head to the trading center.
- go to “create trade” and scroll to the bottom where it states “private trade”
- set up a private trade to #109894 for 5 sb
-next, pick the lion you would like to get rid of.
- done! I will accept within 2 days or less. :)
*For each lion you select, add on 5 more sb.
* This will be up for awhile hopefully, not too sure.

* Please only send lions you DO NOT want. I will not be responsible for
the loss of a lion. Refrain from doing so by double checking or naming
them "Unwanted".


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Edited on 10/12/17 @ 12:49:28 by ♥Lilac {Primal} (#109894)

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