Posted by New Heir Design!

BingBong (#110585)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-11-05 23:40:16
Hey Guys~~

I have this boy lion that I wanted to make my new King! The only problem is, he needs a makeover! I'm not really good at making lions in the wardrobe so that's where you guys come in!

Let's kind of explain how this will benefit you!

I'm going to be creating the winners design a real thing! So, you have to use markings, and colors that are kind of easy to get. Once he is finished I will give the winner free studdings for life! (Until Kazi dies...)

I will be posting another topic about how I will be creating him ^^

Here is my new King.

You can send me links or pictures either through messaging or the comments.

What Design I Want

- I want to keep his bloodbourne mane. It's just so pretty to me!
- I'd like to keep his colors that he has!
- I would like to keep Feline 6 Ebony and the Onyx Vitiligo. (You can change the percentages)

Everything else is free game! But I do like darker colors and if there is lighter colors in some spots, (stomach, face, legs) then that's okay too ^^

Good Luck To Everyone!

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overseer (#51172)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-06 00:23:12
I had my pride come up with 3 different designs

the ladies came up with this...something about the markings being easy on the eyes.
The king came up with this feeling more sound about color quality then quantity
The elders came up with this Easier markings to pronounce.

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