Posted by Looking for help w/ a RP

lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

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Posted on
2017-11-09 20:57:26

⇉ W e l c o m e ↴

Hello everyone! I am currently working to reboot an old roleplay of mine.
The roleplay is called The Mountain Tribes. While I have some details of
the roleplay worked out, I am currently stuck on a few other details and I
am in desperate need of help with them. I am looking to get some people
to help me with some very specific things and because of this will be
accepting applications for help. Please look below for more information
on the roleplay itself and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions!

Also, please excuse the way I may type within this post. I prefer to type
like this as it helps to keep the post aligned and pretty looking. If you have
problems reading my post, just send me a message and I can give you a
version of my post that is easier to read.

⇉ O r i g i n ✦ o f ✦ t h e ✦ R o l e p l a y ↴

When this roleplay was originally made in 2012, it started out as a Warrior
Cat roleplay. The cats didn't live in Clans, but rather in Tribes like the Tribe
of Rushing Water from the actual series. The Tribes were originally called
the Thunder Tribe, the Ice Tribe, the Hurricane Tribe and the Fire Tribe.

However, after years of the roleplay going nowhere, I soon closed the
roleplaying aspect of it and attempted to turn it into a book. This attempt
soon failed as I am a horrible writer and often suffer from writer's block
when it comes to stories. Two years ago on November 28th, I started creating
a new concept for the roleplay. While the roleplay is still based on cats,
it now has a new theme to it. It is a mix of Medieval and Fantasy. It is
also slightly based on the Avatar: the Last Airbender and The
Legend of Korra
series. The cats can bend the elements that correlate
to the Tribe that they live in. However, unlike the two series', there is
no one cat that can bend all of the elements.

The Tribes still have a ranking system like the Warrior Cats series, but it
is extremely different than the actual series. There are also "jobs" that
characters can have within the roleplay and because of this, this is where
I am mainly stuck and having issues. More information on this stuff can be
found below.

⇉ H e l p ✦ I n f o ✦ a n d ✦ F o r m s ↴

As stated multiple times above, I am currently looking for some help with
this roleplay. I am looking to find at least three or four
helpers. Those who fill out the form and get chosen to help me will get
the following things:

✔ Full access to all google docs regarding the roleplay's new concept
✔ Admin privileges on the website that I will be creating as an informational
----hub for the roleplay
✔ Moderator privileges within the roleplay

More things may be added over time, but for now, this is all I can think of.
If you are interested in helping out, please fill out the following form and
PM me the form with the Subject line titled "TMT Helper App"



⇉ E x t r a ✦ I n f o ↴

If I can get help with this roleplay and actually get it up and running and
it become active, I will more than likely create a Clan for it where all the
members can interact and such outside of the roleplay.

▪ Current Admins
No one

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Edited on 02/04/19 @ 19:48:19 by lcyStudios #WCU (#7498)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-10 05:33:52
Username: InsertCleverNameHere

▪ Why do you want to help?: I love to help people kickstart roleplays and participate in them. I think the plot idea is very interesting and I could help with coding and getting some really good RPers on board!

▪ How extensive is your knowledge on the things mentioned in the post: (by this I mean ATLA, LoK, Warriors, Fantasy things, etc) I know very little about ATLA and LoK, but know quite a bit about Warriors and fantasy.

▪ How active are you on Lioden?: (1 = not very active, 10 = very active) 9.5; I get on a lot every day, but sometimes I just like to lurk around.

▪ How much time can you devote to the roleplay?: (1 = not very much, 10 = a lot) 7; I currently have two other large-scale roleplays of my own, so I'd need to dedicate some of my time to those.

▪ Would you be willing to discuss things via PM, Skype, etc?: (yes or no) Absolutely! PM works best for me, but I also have limited access to discord.

▪ Anything else I should know?: I am a literate RPer and can provide good pictures and coding.

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lcyStudios [G2
Arctic Splash] (#7498)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-08 09:29:58
beep boop going back to idea above

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Edited on 02/04/19 @ 19:50:16 by lcyStudios #WCU (#7498)

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