Posted by Option to set "Hunter" role as default

Qetzel (#36420)

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Posted on
2017-11-10 09:25:28
In my pride, I usually hunt with whatever lions I have available, and only rarely will there be one that I don't want to hunt. With the new "Hunter" role, I will have to change the role to hunter every time a new lion is born. Also, the symbol does not show up in the unsorted den, making it a bit difficult to tell as that's typically where I interact with my pride.
If there was an option to set the default role as "Hunter" rather than "None", that would help avoid annoying switches.

Please post your opinions below, I'm happy to hear suggestions or comments.

This suggestion has 64 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/11/17 @ 15:34:10 by Qetzel [SFD] #DreamTeam (#36420)

Meso (#49519)

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Posted on
2017-11-10 22:30:07
Lionesses are the hunters in the wild, well any carnivore is a hunter. So it seemed really stupid that all the people who do hunt with all their lionesses or mix and match have to do this for every lioness born. Plus on cubs the hunter symbol doesn't even show up so I had to double check them all again. I think ultimately the default should be to hunter but just having the option to set your own default is best.

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Starblazer (#51170)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-11-10 22:30:25
Support. I clicked the Make All Hunters button and it didn't work for cubs or nesting lions. Not adding Broodmothers I understand, but that doesn't mean the nesting lion is never going to hunt again.

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Bayhorse (#109910)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-12-16 21:26:25
Maybe even make the default be HUNTER, with the option to turn it to none on individual lions, rather than having the default be none. I just had a bunch of babies not get trained because I understood it to mean that you chose hunter or none at adult, not as baby. My babies never got trained because they were not set to hunter...when I use all of mine for hunting, as well, and want them to get training. I agree lionesses hunt in the wild so why would the default not be hunter?? People could have the option to turn OFF hunter if desired on occasional lions, but I would bet more hunt than not hunt, so at least make the default be hunter so that people don't miss out on training babies not knowing that hunter has to be turned on to train :(

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