Posted by American Dragon RP WIP

Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-11-18 14:36:54

I've been on a nostalgia spree lately and this Cartoon came to mind. Ever wanted to roleplay as a character with dragon powers? Well hopefully you can! I need some help fleshing out the idea for this RP.

So far the setting I have in mind will be in New York like the show. I would like to have this RP take place on Discord.


1. This will be a literate RP, meaning, posts should be at least four sentences long.

2. Don't steal art. Stock photos are alright, but please credit your source. You are most welcome to use your own art.

3. You'll need a reference for both your character's human and dragon form.

4. More rules to be added.


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