Posted by Looking for 1x1 Partner

Nebiri (#129989)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-11-22 18:28:04
I'm looking for a semi literate to literate rp partner! I'm interested in any rp with fantasy, scifi, or suspense worlds. I am personally a viewpoint descriptive 3rd person writer. I am totally chill with any tone for the rp (but in most cases a deeper more serious tone is most appropriate). I would prefer a more active rp partner but as long as you post once a month/ tell me when you are going to take a break that is chill as well. I generally prefer more autonomous and complex characters. I know lioden isn't always the best rp platform so I would certainly be willing to rp with you on another platform! I have personally be an avid writer but it is okay for someone to rp with me who is a bit more new to this as long as by are at least semi-literate. I personally have no age preferences or anything when it comes to rp partners (after all we all should be 16+). If you are interested in intresting rps then please contact me! 😁

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