Posted by Roles Consolidation

🐧Laurel [G1
Magpie] 🫐 (#65209)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 16:25:07
Seems to me it would make a lot of sense to change the "Roles" selection to

Instead of having a whole separate section for making a lioness a broodmother or not. It would be neater and easier.

This suggestion has 59 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Aconitira #B@H 💙 (#102117)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 17:53:38
youd still need the extra section to assign cubs, so no support from me

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🐧Laurel [G1
Magpie] 🫐 (#65209)

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Posted on
2017-11-28 22:32:22
Or a dropdown could be added to the section if broodmother is selected.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2017-11-29 06:15:45
I was told that Broodmothers are coded a bit differently and that it would take a while, but that it was planned for Broodmother to be added to the "roles" :3

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Gatekeeper [6K
2Rosette Ruby] (#69933)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-03 20:57:20
i say no only because s broodmother can also be a hunter.

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🐧Laurel [G1
Magpie] 🫐 (#65209)

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Posted on
2017-12-04 07:24:34
@Becky, no they can't

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Gatekeeper [6K
2Rosette Ruby] (#69933)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-04 07:27:26
it says they can, but i guess they dont actually show up in the hunting area?? that's pretty stupid. i change my mind lmao

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2017-12-11 20:56:02
I just had a random idea about this-- maybe instead of there being radio buttons to select broodmother/no role/hunter, the hunter role can be added on to the broodmother box?

So, something like this:

This lioness can be assigned the role of Broodmother. This means she will not be able to be traded, transferred or hunted, and will be able to protect up to a total of 5 (6 if Nurturing personality) cubs. Each pride can have 1 broodmother per 10 territory. When a broodmother protects a cub, it means that that cub has a 100% chance of survival, thanks to the lioness' watchful eye. Every day she protects these cubs she will gain EXP.

[Become Broodmother?]

Additionally, this lioness can be assigned the role of Hunter. This means she will be able to join a hunting party and hunt for prey to feed your pride. She will not be able to become a broodmother or protect any cubs unless she is relieved of her duty as Hunter. She cannot be traded or transferred while hunting. This lioness can hunt up to ten times per day and will gain stats and EXP every time she hunts.

[Become Hunter?]

If the lioness is a Hunter it can look something like this:

This lioness has been assigned the role of Hunter and [is/is not] in [a/the] hunting party [name]. She can be hunted [x] more times today. (someone add more to this because this is super short xD)

[Remove as Hunter]

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🐧Laurel [G1
Magpie] 🫐 (#65209)

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Posted on
2017-12-12 09:25:26
That works too!

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