Posted by Previous Event Apps?

jessiepage95 (#125418)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-03 01:58:57
I'm getting to the point where I'm needing to look into getting a new heir, but I'm still new enough to this that any heirs I have are kind of crap, so I decided to look for any males for sale I could possibly buy to replace my current king when the time comes. I noticed alot of sales are for SB or GB, but some will accept applicators or certain items in exchange. I'm garbage at saving up currency here, but I tend to hoard applicators, so I was going to post a thread looking for anyone willing to trade an heir for apps, but I'm never any good at pricing them. I was wondering if anyone could look at the apps I currently have and tell me how much they're generally selling for at the moment. I'd be super grateful for any help or advice! These are the apps I currently have and don't plan on using in the future:

Dust: Rough Opal
Ethereal Fur
Fossil Fur
Fossil Body
Penumbra Body
Penumbra Fur
Sacred Fur
Supernal Body
Supernal Fur

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