Posted by LF: Smilus Cub H: GB/SB/etc

TheGeeko (#24694)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-09 11:46:11
Plain and simple, looking for a smilus cub to be my heir~

.Looks do not matter, can be the ugliest thing in existence for all I care
.MUST be smilus. NO normal primal or Felis.
.MUST be a cub, under 1 year old
.Gender does not matter, male is preferred, but I can sex change if need be
.The higher the stats, the better!

I have GB, SB, some items and //POSSIBLY// I can offer art services.

Please PM me to work something out, Commenting is wasting your time, since I will not be subscribed to this topic. Commenting will be like talking to a brick wall.

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Edited on 09/12/17 @ 12:23:23 by TheGeeko (Ruffy's Side) (#24694)

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