Posted by | Legends Of the Wycadamy OUT OF CHARACTER BOARD |
![]() 🐊🎶Cajun Rogue🎶🐊 (#130413) Scourge of Lions View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-11 10:06:21 |
(warning im going to keep adding onto this forum so its probably going to end up quite long. All comments and questions are welcome!) Legends Of The Wycadamyplayable speicies... Human Usual humans are the more common speicies of hunter, though most of the time not nearly as close in the instinctual role of hunting. Limbs are capeable of holding and manipulating large and small weapons, quick or heavy. Feline/Melynx small cat like bipeadal creatres, have the same mental capacity as humans. Their speech is often mixed into cat sounds just for the fun of MH spirit. so "monster" may be pronounced as "meownster". Cannot carry the same large or long ranged weapons humans do, and rely on small blades, picaxes, cleavers or hammers. But they have a special abillity to rapidly burrow underground, hidden from view, quickly and effectively. Their counterparts, Melynx, are known for their darker fur and being basicly possesed with kleptomania. Any of them instinctively love Felvine, but Melynx are intoxicated by its scent and will follow it for miles. Many are known, Melynx or Feline, to enter and become a valuable part of human civilizations, and have become a national symbol. Many of the domesticated Felynes come in mainly different colours, and sport numerous talents. They have been known to perform such duties as Cooking, Cleaning, exporting and importing goods, providing hunting services, as well as performing jobs for local community stores. Wild Felynes are known to throw small bombs at you if disturbed. Exotio Exotios are human/peacock hybrids known for their tribal nature. unable to fly, but their lightweight frame allow for easy and fast movement. Their are many different tribes and alliences between Exotio, but each are confined to one greater power, the rainforest dwelling Harachik and the desert nomadic kalacki. Harachik are commonly borm with darker green, brown or black colors, while Kalaki are mostly white, tan and grey. No matter what area, they are both known to have colorful patterns and spots along their tailfeathers, wings or head feathers. Exotios are also revered for their ability of greater mind capacity than humans, so they are easily able to recognize situations the second they happen, so its almost inpossible to outsmart one. Wings are utilized as arms, able to easily switch them between weapons. Though adapted to life in family units of tribes, some have entered society as equals to humans. Exotios are mostly fit to be followers instead of leaders in a hunting party, as they are to fast for the eye to follow, to quick to keep up with. Thus, most do not travel with Felines. Most are actually equal in height or taller than most humans. But for appearence, i would refer to Lord Shen from Kung Fu panda 2... ![]() Edited on 11/12/17 @ 11:29:24 by The Cajun Rogue of Xmas. (#130413) |
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