Posted by Looking for a 1x1 partner!

Shikablep (#116749)

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Posted on
2017-12-12 14:17:41
Role play Status: Open!

Hi!! I’m Kim Seok Jin! I’m looking for a long-term role-play partner. I’ve been roleplaying for a while now, and am a semi-Literate roleplayer. Please keep in mind while I can write better quality/longer posts, it may take me a while since I am a high school student and I do have a lot to do. I also recommend that you be okay with cursing because the things I role-play often include that.

Fandoms: K-Pop! My favorite K-Pop bands include BTS, GOT7, BIGBANG, And Astro! I like the show Voltron, Legendary Defender, Marvel and some DC, Pysch, PERCY JACKSON!!! and probably more that I can’t think of

Onsite or Off-site?: I want to keep the roleplay on site, In the PMs. If this is an inconvenience, I'm sorry, but I have no interest in adding another website to my long list.

My Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time

Romance: I will do MxF, but MxM and FxF I don’t do.

NOTE: I love a good romance but I will not have the characters fall in love by the second message. It makes it more fun when it occurs over time!


-I would love it if you came prepared with a plot in mind, or have ideas that we could put together! I don’t do ‘go-with-the-flow’ roleplays, as they tend to die off or become disinteresting quickly.

-Nobody has perfect grammar, I get that. The occasional mistake or error I’ll ignore, I only ask that you have at least decent grammar, and correct punctuation.

- I always love to get to know my roleplay partner better. For me, it’s necessary to be in contact, even if it is solely to exchange idea’s to keep the role-play exciting.

-If you are unable to be online for an extended period of time, it would be nice to give me a heads-up. It’s never fun to be deep into a roleplay, only to have your partner to disappear into the void, so just gimme a heads up!

-Like every writer knows, perfect characters are a no. My rule is 1 strength, 1 weakness. Simple as that.

-I will do Cannon characters if it comes down to it or if I’m just feeling too lazy to make my own. But most of the time I will use an OC and I request that you don’t use my OC’s in your other 1x1’s as they are my characters.

-I am a very detail oriented person, so either make your posts and characters as detailed as they can be or send me a link to a picture. I don’t like just building a character from scratch without even a basic description of physical appearance and personality.

Subjects I will do
-Supernatural Human based RP, I enjoy these very much
-Mythology/Percy Jackson style RPs, these are my jam
-X-Men/Any Marvel kind of RP

Subjects I won’t do:
-Depressing role plays. I don’t like writing them
-Anything gory, I don’t like gory.
-One thing I refuse to do is anything with Mature content. No. Just. No.
-Suicide or any other triggering kind of thing

*NOTE: please post a form before messaging me!

Tell me about yourself:
Example of writing:
Time Zone:
Long Time?: (will you be abole to be a long time RP partner)

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Edited on 12/12/17 @ 16:21:14 by Kim Seok Jin (#116749)

≧◠‿◠≦✌ (#83209)

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Posted on
2018-02-01 12:07:47
tell me about yourself: hey!!! my name is nyah (not really, thats just what i go by on here lol)! im a relatively sane teenager living in the south so like yeehaw or whatever

triggers: hmm,,, i guess rape?? and anything related to that, like abusive relationships or whatnot

canon/original/mix: i saw that you like voltron and i was gonna suggest a klance roleplay! but if you'd rather not to that, that's totally fine with me! i can do oc's too

example of writing: im not sure what this means?? if you'd explain then i'd be happy to give an example lol

time zone: central time! i usually run 2 hours ahead of lioden time unless its daylight savings time

long time: yes!!! i love doing long term roleplays

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Shikablep (#116749)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 17:02:32
I’ll PM you Likenya sorry this is so late DX I got sidetracked with school

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Posted on
2018-03-24 13:50:03
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I'm moving this to the Out of Character boards, a more appropriate place for this kind of thread :)

Have a nice day!

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Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 14:02:18
Tell me about yourself: I'm fairly boring in real life, but definitely obsessed with hockey (noticable for sure if you go to my den page). I love RPing on my days off from work, I can attempt some things that I'm not too familiar or comfortable RPing. And you can just call me Mots, not my real name but it's short for Motsumi which is one of my really old lioness OCs.

Triggers?: Anything dark or depressing, including rape or anything that ends up being really sad. I usually prefer romance, fluff or pretty much anything happy if that makes sense.

Canon/Original/Mix: Lately I've been doing OCs, only because I can't throw any canon characters that I normally play into RPs I end up doing. (Mainly due to people not being familiar with the fandoms).

Example of writing: Like a RP sample ?

Ideas: I have a few, but some I may have to re-think for male x female RPs.

Time Zone: Eastern

Long Time?: I hope I could be. Sometimes life gets in the way, but with me it's only with work Tuesday, Thursday - Saturday. And of course sleep and other things.

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Shikablep (#116749)

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Posted on
2018-04-15 14:08:34
@mots I’ll PM you now!!

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