Posted by Enhanced Caves

Jax (#124236)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 20:03:35
The title may not be as accurate to the idea as I'd like but it'll have to do. Anyway, I understand that Caves are simply a good way to sort your pride, which is definitely handy if you have a lot of lions, but perhaps it could serve more than that?

What I suggest is... "Enhanced Caves" but since that says absolutely nothing, here's a more specific example:

A cave for Broodmothers and cubs. Nurturing Broodmothers and Young Cubs who require protection would especially benefit from this, giving their mood a small boost each rollover (relating of course to the King's personality still). Adolescents, in contrast, would probably have a penalty to mood if they are to be stuck in a cave with all the cubs. (Maybe even Grandpaws can join the fun too, benefitting from being around the cubbos)

This could perhaps work with hunters as well, the Lionesses being grouped together, with the future hunters as well (Adolescents) giving them a chance to strengthen their bond (or in OOC terms, just boost their mood a small percentage). It would also be nice if putting them into the Hunter specific cave automatically changed their role to hunter (but that's just me being lazy and not wanting to do it manually lol)

** Both of these examples could also maybe offer a training boost for both the cubs and adols but I realize that could be pushing it a bit so this bit of the suggestion can be overlooked/dropped. **

The effects would only work with lions placed directly in these specific caves, meaning lions left unsorted would not get any sort of boosts (same for "default caves"), further incentivizing users into building new caves and reward those who dedicate more time into keeping their lions sorted.


This was a random thought that crossed my mind (and I'm poor at explanations so hopefully, this actually makes sense), but I figured it couldn't hurt to share in case it's actually something that *could* be implemented and that people might support. If not, it's no skin off my nose! :V

** Also I apologize if I posted this in the wrong place! **

This suggestion has 34 supports and 1 NO support.

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FNaF Foxy {Side
Account} (#49849)

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Posted on
2017-12-16 20:07:39
Love the idea of caves doing a bit more than Just sorting them. Lol i fail at explainin thing too ....but i understand ye tho' ^ ^

Edit: im kinda thinking that maybe their could be Rp interactions at random that shows how well they be getting along or just some more life inta them. Random addition.

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Edited on 16/12/17 @ 20:11:13 by FNaF Foxy {Side Account} (#49849)

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