Posted by | Paws of Sand |
![]() Unova, Rebellion's overseer (#51172) King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2017-12-19 14:54:04 |
Mankind was right.....and now they're gone. Global warming has destabilized everything, but nowhere is the heat felt more than in Arizona. The desert landscape harshened and spread by the relentless, and seemingly endless, summer heat. Now only wolves and other equally adaptable beasts remain, but for how long? Infighting, desertion, coups and betrayal are commonplace. Will you forge bonds stronger than stone or will you be blown about like paw-fulls of sand? Links Roleplay-you are here Chatter Pup/family ads RULES ~ Lioden Rules Apply ~ No god-modding or powerplay ~ Please fade to black in mating or birthing ~ All levels of Roleplayers are welcome ~ Unlimited characters ~ Rogues are allowed (there will be a limit) ~ Swearing is ok but not too much ~ Be polite and kind to everyone out of character ~ No same character mates ~ Have fun! Packs: Lore - A pack of wolves wise in the ways of other areas due to their diverse backgrounds, quick witted and sharp minded, their strength is the ability to out-think and outmaneuver their opponent. Of the three packs that roam the area, these are the most feared Shadow - A pack settled in what was, in the time of humans, Yuma Arizona. quick footed and silent as the night, their biggest strength is the ability to be in and out without anyone being the wiser, of the three packs they are the most abundant. Thunder - A pack that roams the borders between Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado. These bulky wolves have size and ferocity on their side, though not without cost. Of the three packs, these wolves have the shortest life expectancy. Sign-up sheet(Post in Character sheet area){as for a picture, use realistic as possible colors on This creator Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Picture or appearance) Personality: Mate: Rank: Pack: Ranks {Most are shared among the three packs, however a few differ due to their strengths} Alpha: {L} {S} Jupiter {T} Halberd Alphaess: {L} Miri {S} {T} Beta: {L} Nuit {S}Shrike {T} Betaess: {L} Juno {S} {T} Delta: {L} {S}Siku {T} Deltaess: {L} {S} {T} Tier 2{Each of the pack spacific titles tend to go to a mated pair, though this is not required} Warloard:{L} Assistant:{L} Spymaster:{S} Head agent:{S} General:{T} Lieutenant:{T} Lead Hunter{0/2}: {L} {S}Anouk {T} Lead Guard{0/2}: {L} {S} {T} Apprentice: [Paw picked by either the Warlord{L}, The Spymaster{S}, or the General{T} For training after 6 months of age, normally chosen in pairs.][0/6 -2 each] {L} {S} {T} Tier 3 Warriors {L} {S} {T}Mutig, Hunters {L} {S}Enki {T} Guards {L} {S} {T} Trainees: Pups over 6 months old that were not picked as apprentices, Training for one of tier 3's ranks. {L} {S} {T} Young-claws: Pups between 1&5.5 months old, most still with their mother. {L} {S} {T} Elders: Respected for their age and wisdom, first to eat and to flee from danger with aid of the trainees. {L} {S} {T} Omegas: Universal wolf term for training dummy {L} {S} {T} Character SheetsView and Post Character Sheets![]() Edited on 04/01/18 @ 13:29:36 by Unova Solarflare (#51172) |
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