Posted by Leopon Wanted

Maha (#130828)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-12-19 18:58:42
Hi! Me and my firend/partner have been attempting to breed a leopon with no luck. 5 GMO COWS and 2 lion meats and I've gotten one primal girl ;-; anyway, I am looking for Leopons under 3 that anyone would be willing to offer. We have lions, gb, decor, apps, and MoD black and white patches for trade. If anyone is interested to learn more please pm me or re0ly to this post! Mottled girls are especially sought after ^-^
- we are also both somewhat decent artists and if you like our art will offer monthly/weekly free commission for a year as well as everything else

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Edited on 19/12/17 @ 19:15:32 by Maha (#130828)

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