Posted by Age Restriction Lion-Raffles

rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2017-12-29 15:55:19
I just saw a Raffle for a Lioness with an age of 14+.
I know we should care for what we buy tickets, but why not make this little change to have it easier, especially for new players who might get confused by it.

My suggestion is, that we are not able to chose a Lioness or Lion with an age of ~13+ to be raffled off. Similar to a hunting Lioness, which doesn't show up in TC.

Simple and easy to change?! What do you think? :)

Looks like a controversial theme. So here are some Edits, based on comments/discussions with others.
● There should be a difference between frozen/mutated and common Lions. Lions which are freeze-worthy in general. (IE Lepons, Dwarfs etc. - Please keep in mind, that those kind of Lions are barely raffled off in a typical Raffle)
● What about a little Icon in Raffles/Trades in general which indicates an older Lion in it? (This could be optional, an alternative, to help new AND old players)
● ....

Small Note:
Seems like the people who already made this mistake are upvoting this. I do realize it's kind of your own fault, if you participate in such a raffle/buy out such a trade, but why do we need to make this mistake in the first place.
I don't say people are doing this, because they want to "be mean", but i am pretty sure that those people exist.
Example: I sold a Dwarf declared as "Trophy-Lion" to a person who just didn't realized the whole thing. She was mad about the situation, not me - but i felt sorry anyways. *Sh.. happens* (But we could change that)

This suggestion has 12 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 30/12/17 @ 12:34:11 by rabe●nschwarz (#89506)

Anonymous (#44152)

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Posted on
2017-12-29 16:17:16
What about when people are raffling trophy lions? Such as old leopons for someone else to freeze?

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Rose Quartz (#73494)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-12-29 16:18:59
Don't get me wrong I understand why this would be useful. However, shouldn't the player have enough interest to check the lion by themselves, as they are entering a raffle to get it..? At least they can make that personal choice if they still want it.
(i.e you checking the lioness in the raffle and seeing that it was 14+)

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Vessy (#44229)

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Posted on
2017-12-30 10:32:42
I definitely agree that this would be an interesting change - but I do see where Nightmare is coming from. It makes sense to freeze them and stuff, unfortunately a lot of newer players don't always fully understand the whole age thing, and don't always look for that when thinking they may get this awesome lion/lioness.

Are we able to raffle off already frozen lions/lionesses?

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rabe & tox
[Hiatus] (#89506)

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Posted on
2017-12-30 11:19:34
Updated/Edited some things based on your comments and discussions - Thank you!

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