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Posted by | Divided | Dog RP | Character Sheets [Closed] |
![]() 。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478) ![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-13 20:03:02 |
Main Roleplay ThreadPLEASE DO NOT TALK ABOUT ANYTHING HERE, THIS IS FOR CHARACTER SHEETS ONLY, EVERY REPLY WILL NOTIFY A MODERATOR. IF YOU WILL REPLY WITH A NON CHARACTER SHEET, THIS WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM.Post your applications on this thread and either For never, forever (#61889) or I will review your application. We will tell you if you’ve been accepted or not over on the OOC Thread . Please remove everything in brackets ().
![]() Edited on 14/02/18 @ 22:08:46 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478) |
。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)
![]() Phoenix View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 00:35:23 |
![]() Edited on 15/02/18 @ 07:00:55 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478) |
Blue 💤 (G1 Ebony Haze NRLC) (#95211) View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 01:11:59 |
![]() :: Name :: Cairo :: Age :: 4Y 0M :: Gender :: Male :: Sexuality :: Bisexual, Biromantic :: Allegiance :: Fiercely loyal to Otho :: Rank :: Bodyguard :: Breed :: Canis Panther :: Appearance :: Cairo stands at exactly 30 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds, making him at the average size for a male of his breed. Cairo carries himself with a proud, intimidating stature-- head held high and supported by a thick, strong neck. His breed is a heavily muscled dog with a wide chest and jaw, almost like a thicker version of a Doberman. His coat also resembles the other breed-- shiny black with very dark brown accents on his muzzle, chest, and paws that one wouldn't notice from a distance. The only other color on his coat is the lighter brown (but still dark in comparison to his base color) hairs on his neck and forehead. His ears had been cropped and his tail docked as a pup. He also has a thick, black leather collar around his neck that hasn't caused any issued yet. :: Personality :: Cairo seems to be an intimidating, serious, and fierce dog, but is actually quite the contrary. This Canis Panther can be quite lovable at heart, but only to those very close to him. Cairo knows how to effectively take on the Bodyguard role, and will keep his intimidating figure around strange dogs. Around his pack, however, he will chill a bit and be friendly, but alert as always. He takes his job seriously and is fiercely loyal to Otho & the Pack. To dogs that are close to him, Cairo will open up even more and act himself. He likes to be around loved ones, and hangs out with the smaller breeds of the pack quite a bit. He believes in fairness, trust, and that all breeds should have the same chances. Overall, Cairo is an even-tempered male and knows what he has to do and when. He is an obedient dog, having grown up in guarding his owners' estate. He is rather trustworthy to most, and knows when to follow his instincts. He will think before acting, and is an intelligent dog. However, because he lived as the only guard dog in the family before evacuation, Cairo has gotten very used to guarding and working alone. He knows the importance of there being two Bodyguards for the alpha, but finds it a tad bit complicated to work together. Over the time he has been in the pack he has learned hiw to work with others, but he still has quite a bit to learn. :: Backstory :: Cairo was born and raised to become a guard dog. He was born in a litter of five to two purebred parents. His handlers socialized the puppies well, and trained them at a young age. Once the puppies were old enough, they were sold. Four of them left in pairs to the wealthier families, but Cairo was sold off individually. Cairo had not seen or heard from his siblings since, but was forced to adapt to his new lifestyle. He was bought for one reason; guard the estate. Because of his job, Cairo had to constantly remember his training and use the skills needed to be a good guard dog. He did very well in this family, and lived with them in the property all the way up until the evacuation. Once his owners left, Cairo stayed for a while in the house-- they had left him open bags of food and dishes of water. Even during his owners' absence, Cairo still kept up the job of 'guarding' the house to keep him busy. After weeks of living alone, Cairo was getting tired of the loneliness. He had heard of the violence out in the streets between other pets that were left behind, and of a certain dog rising up the ranks. When a single pack of dogs was formed, Cairo decided to leave the house and see for himself. He later ended up joining the pack lead by Illarion and remained in it, quickly figuring out how this new pack was barely any better than when there was no pack at all. Cairo started to dislike the way Illarion led, but was surprised when he found out others did too. That was when the Alpha was discovered deceased one morning. When Otho revealed it was he who killed Illarion, Cairo started to develop a certain respect for smaller breeds, and realized this sense of equality was what differentiated him from the former alpha's pack. When other dogs of all sizes proceeded to follow Otho, Cairo decided to do the same. He had the same views all these other dogs did, and was content in this pack. He took the rank of Fighter, and when his guarding skills were revealed during Gathering patrols he was assigned to, he rose up the ranks to eventually become Otho's Bodyguard, along with another dog. Cairo was honored to have this rank and was proud of his title, and once again he was able to do what he was trained to do; guarding. :: Relations :: Brother - Unknown Status OPEN Brother - Unknown Status Sister - Unknown Status OPEN Sister - Unknown Status :: Other :: Whooooo, I like a lot xD. I really really like guard dog breeds for some reason? Dobermans, Rotties, etc, but I also like Dachshunds-- all of my pets since I was a little kid have been Dachshunds! I currently have one named Abby :) ![]() :: Name :: Steele :: Age :: 3Years 8Months :: Gender :: Male :: Sexuality :: Heterosexual, Biromantic :: Allegiance :: Loyal to Otho :: Rank :: Proud Fighter for the Pack :: Breed :: American Pit Bull Terrier :: Appearance :: Steele is a fairly muscular dog, weighing in at 58 pounds and standing at 21 inches tall, the normal, average weight and height for a male of his breed. His coat is black with a hint of dark brown. Starting from his neck, right under his head, is white fur that covers his chest and half of his underside. A small, thin stripe of white is also apparent on his muzzle, right behind his black nose, as is a splotch of white that covers the tip of his chin. His ears are flopped forward and sit a bit high on his head, and his eyes are a golden-brown. :: Personality :: Steele is sort of a mellow kind of dog when he isn't in combat. He isn't very talkative, but isn't entirely silent either. He won't go searching for friendships, but does find he does not like to be alone. :: Backstory :: Steele was born in a litter of four to a mother who was owned by a backyard breeder and a stud for a father. He never saw his father, let alone meet him. He grew up with his two sisters, one brother, and his mother in that backyard until the pups were old enough to go on their own. He remained with his brother, moved to another secluded part of the yard. Most of their puppyhood was spent together in a square fenced in cemented kennel. In their adolescent years, the pair were recognized for the characteristics they had gotten from their father. When they reached a little bit over a year and a half, Steele and his brother were split up in separate kennels and used as studs. Steele had only bred once when he was bought and trained in 'dog fighting' at two and a half. At this point, he had almost gone mad from lack of proper exercise.He enjoyed the exercise he got in his new job, but did not like any other part of it at all. He remained this way for only one month. Most of the time it was just a blur; he didn't remember any of it, nor did he want to. During his last fight, the other dog had so viciously attacked him that he lost his sense of hearing in one ear. After two weeks it had came back partially, but it was never the same. This injury was noticeable to his handler, who bought the dog that mauled him and left Steele at that warehouse one night, alone. Steele, about to be two and a half, then wandered. He spent most of his time in the alleys of the city. There, he avoided cars, ate trash, and followed females around just like any other stray dog. One day, as he walked the alleys, a woman who had seen him around before reported him. Hours later, he was found, captured by animal control, and sent to the pound, just like every other dog. Luck was on this dog's side, however, as the stray dogs about to be admitted into the pound were almost forgotten. This was due to the virus warnings spreading throughout the city. The humans frantically prepared to evacuate, leaving animal shelters alone as they were rushed. Steele was hurriedly thrown into a kennel and left among other dogs. He remained a day in the kennel when he realized one of the two locks on the gate was left open; to his convenience, it was the bottom one. Steele then spent two more days attempting to bend the wiring. On the night of his third day in the kennel, Steele managed to squeeze through the bend of the gate, receiving a thin scar on his side in the process. Thus began Steele's next part of life. The whole city was entirely different. None of this mattered to him, so the APBT simply resumed life as a stray. Weeks went by, and he realized how different the city was. At this point it was completely empty. That was when Steele noticed how many other pets had gone to the streets, causing chaos and violence, which he did not mind. What he did mind, however, was the loneliness. Steele wasn't accustomed to being alone for such a long period of time, but the other dogs in the areas he wandered were aggressive. He mingled with the population, which resulted in many fights-- some he won, some he lost. As time went by, Steele heard of a male rising up above the rest. He wanted to be there to see the outcome, and eventually saw how this dog progressed into the alpha of a rather large pack in the area, only to be murdered by a small breed. Steele had not joined Illarion's pack, and had only watched from afar. But this new dog seemed to be rather intelligent if he could take down a dog as powerful as Illarion. Once he heard this dog was forming a new pack, Steele decided to join as a Fighter. At first he hadn't thought of smaller breeds and their status, but soon after he joined he was fine with them. Otho's progress had been quite impressive, so Steele decided not to underestimate a small breed. :: Relations :: None, I think? :: Other :: Lost partial hearing in one ear. ![]() Edited on 19/02/18 @ 10:28:53 by Blue (#95211) |
For never, forever (#61889)
Notable Lion View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 02:32:08 |
Huge Wip!!
![]() Edited on 21/01/18 @ 21:47:50 by For never, forever (#61889) |
🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696) Untitled View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 07:59:41 |
![]() Edited on 15/02/18 @ 18:32:30 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696) |
Cervicorn [G1 Ice Ennedi] (#33076) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-14 09:14:50 |
Mapleshade (#70250)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-17 10:24:38 |
still a wip ![]() Otho's dogs have gone mad. These scrawny scraps of fur are leading packs and feeling like they rule this place, but they forgot who the real owners of these lands are. I won't stand for this behavior, Illarion was the only sane creature in here! :: Name :: ![]() Edited on 17/01/18 @ 10:28:13 by Maple (#70250) |
West (#43497)
Usual View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-17 23:01:00 |
![]() Edited on 21/01/18 @ 00:10:24 by West (#43497) |
Gladiator (#44969)
![]() Unholy View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-19 07:59:34 |
:: Name :: Aries :: Age :: 3 years 9 months :: Gender :: Male :: Sexuality :: Heterosexual :: Allegiance :: Loyal to The Rebels :: Rank : Fighter in the Otho Pack :: Breed :: Anatolian Shepherd :: Appearance :: Aries stands roughly around 79cm (30 inches) from the shoulder and is considered slightly above average in height for his breed, weighing in at 125lbs. His coat is a nice cream color with dark brown-black triangular drop ears, muzzle, and eyebrows, his eyes being a dark amber color that has a little bit of dark green mixed in. Thanks to good selective breeding, Aires has a thick neck, broad head, and sturdy body that most of his breed should have if they are a purebred and makes him rather intimidating to other smaller dogs. While he is considered a large dog his muscles are very lean which makes him perfect for running, slipping into smaller/tighter spaces that even some medium sized dogs have trouble getting into. His tail, while some of his breed have curled tails, lays pointing downward with a slight curve at the tip. :: Personality :: While some might take him for muscle mass over brain power, it's quite the opposite. Aries likes to take his time and observe different situations, calculating when the best time to either intervene or walk away is. He can obviously take care of himself when it comes down to fighting but it isn't the first solution that he thinks about. His temperament is rather short and he has practiced keeping an emotionless face during troubling times, but that doesn't stop himself from feeling the appropriate emotions that follow most events. If the situation calls for it, then the dog can be quite forceful and most cannot compete with his strength/size when it really comes down to it. When he isn't busy trying to finish up a task, Aries is quite energetic and will often try to search for a companion to spend some of his time with. :: Backstory :: Aries was born out in the rural areas on a sheep farm, both his parents being sheep herders. He grew up learning the natural way how to use his size and weight as an advantage and became quite agile due to continuous practice, just like his parents. One day when the farm owner didn't return from the market Aries' parents wen't searching for him, being as loyal as any dog could be, but sadly they never returned either. He made the decision to venture off in search of companions as he couldn't stand being alone and with nothing but sheep to talk to. After a few months of wandering he came across a pack of dogs that accepted him as if they had known him all his life and he became very loyal to their leader. When the ruler was killed Aries volunteered to stay behind and become apart of Otho's pack in order to spy on the dogs and relay messages back to the rebels. :: Relations :: Romantic: None (Open, let me know if you are interested) Friends: None Currently Family: Mother - Anastasia (Deceased) Father - Dread (Deceased) :: Other :: I don't really have a favorite, I love them all too much xD ![]() |
Kittenixie (#126870)
Recognizable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-01-21 01:19:14 |
![]() Edited on 21/01/18 @ 21:13:53 by Kittenixie (#126870) |
Gold (#97673)
Good Natured View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-15 05:50:16 |
"Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, loyalty is returned." :: Name :: Athena :: Age :: 2.5 years :: Gender :: Female; she/he :: Sexuality :: Pansexual :: Allegiance :: Otho's pack :: Rank :: Fighter :: Breed :: Great Dane :: Appearance :: Athena is a sleek, jet black canine with a white mark on her lower chest. She has long legs, big paws, and well toned muscles. She has broad shoulders and powerful hind legs. Her ears are very tall, causing them to often flop over when she's relaxed. Her eyes are a deep russet color. :: Personality :: Athena is, despite her demeanor, a friendly dog. She loves to help others and feel useless when she has nothing to do. She is very focused and doesn't get distracted easily. She's not very trusting and a bit naïve, but once she does trust you she is loyal til the end. She's a bit doofy at time and may sometimes even seem stupid. She is calm most times, but once she's in battle she's a very different dog. She is viscous and sometimes even merciless. She would kill and die to protect those in her pack. :: Backstory :: Athena grew up with humans who loved to enter her into dog shows. They fed her a raw diet to ensure her pelt stay shiny and healthy. She's been in plenty of dog shows and even won a few. Her humans seemed like hard-asses but they cared dearly for their dog and would feed her the occasional treat. :: Relations :: Enemies- Any dog in the rebels pack (Open for friendships/love interest~ Just PM me ^^) :: Other :: I love great danes and huskies~ ![]() Edited on 16/02/18 @ 08:04:33 by Gold (#97673) |
⍟ chennie 🏜️ g1 olive nrlc (#84624) Lone Wanderer View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-02-25 10:06:49 |
![]() Edited on 03/03/18 @ 10:23:05 by Taehyung's Face Enthusiast (#84624) |
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