Posted by Divided | Dog RP | Character Sheets [Closed]

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-13 20:03:02

Main Roleplay Thread


Post your applications on this thread and either For never, forever (#61889) or I will review your application. We will tell you if you’ve been accepted or not over on the OOC Thread . Please remove everything in brackets ().

(If using an image, place it here)

:: Name ::
(Your character's name and nicknames)
:: Age ::
(To start off with all dogs should be 2+, we may get pups sometime over the course of the roleplay)
:: Gender ::
(The gender/pronouns that your character identifies with)
:: Sexuality ::
(All are accepted!)
:: Allegiance ::
(Is your dog loyal to Otho's Pack, the Rebels, or are they a loner?)
:: Rank ::
(Your character's rank within their group)
:: Breed ::
(Your characters breed of dog. Note that if they were a stray before the humans left, they will most likely be a mix breed)
:: Appearance ::
(Using an image/link is fine, but please write at least 1 or 2 paragraphs describing your character in more detail)
:: Personality ::
(Self-explanatory. Make sure your character has an equal balance of strengths/weaknesses)
:: Backstory ::
(I know some people don't like writing backstories that much, so it doesn't need to be very detailed, but please include at least the basics of your character's history)
:: Relations ::
(The friends/enemies/romantic interest of your character. Include any living/relevant family members)
:: Other ::
(Anything else we need to know about your character?)

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Edited on 14/02/18 @ 22:08:46 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-14 00:35:23

"Being underestimated is one of the biggest competitive advantages you can have. Embrace it."

♔ Name ♔
[Meaning 'wealthy']

♔ Age ♔
4 Years, 6 Months

♔ Gender ♔
He/Him Pronouns

♔ Sexuality ♔
Biromantic & Asexual

♔ Allegiance ♔
Otho's Pack

♔ Rank ♔

♔ Breed ♔

♔ Appearance ♔
Nine inches tall at the shoulder and thirty-two pounds in weight, Otho is on the larger side for a standard dachshund, but still very small compared to many of the members of his pack. His coat color is a blend of several reds, ranging from a very dark, almost brown shade on most of his body, to a light, fiery shade on his ears. He is of the long-haired variety, and he looks rather grand, especially with the thick feathering on his neck and chest. But no matter how elegant he may look, his long body and short legs can be a source of amusement for others, because they make his walking gait look more like a waddle. His eyes are a dark brown, almost black color, and his snout is long and pointed, giving him a very serious, alert expression. The feathering on his ears is especially long, almost making it look like he has 'earrings'. His fur is silky to the touch and dense, protecting him well from cold weather.

♔ Personality ♔
Otho clearly isn't the strongest or most imposing dog in the city, so he's been relying on his intelligence and craftiness to survive ever since his owners left him. He likes to be organized and structured at all times, but can also come up with plans on-the-spot if necessary. He's seen as a sort of wise figure to many in his pack, someone that other dogs can come to when they need advice, and because he's so open and friendly to all dogs, regardless of their breed, he seems like a soft-hearted and gentle soul. In reality, however, Otho is silver-tongued and extremely deceiving when he needs to be. He likes to get the upper-hand from his enemies through manipulation and mind games, and he's not afraid to go to the extremes to get what he wants, a trait which he displayed when he murdered Illarion.

Otho is much more logical than he is emotional, and while that has its advantages, it also means it's difficult for him to recognize his own emotions. He has a hard time opening up about his feelings towards others, and because he's so closed off it's difficult for him to build strong relationships. This leads to him keeping his emotions pent up inside of him, building up until it's too much to handle. What's more, the situation with the Rebels is bothering him more than he lets on. He's rather anxious, wanting to deal with them quickly before they grow stronger. He sees them as a ticking time bomb, and while he's doing a good job at putting on a brave face for the pack, it's only a matter of time before the higher ranking dogs, who spend a lot of time around him, start to realize how stressed he is.

♔ Backstory ♔
Otho doesn't remember much of his birth family because he was separated from his mother rather early on to be sold, but the fact doesn't bother him very much, and, if anything, he considered his owners his family. He lived with an old, married couple. It was a very comfortable and simple life, filled with quiet evenings by the fireplace and peaceful strolls through the park. Otho cared deeply for his owners and would try to do as many little things as possible to make life easier for them, such as bringing them their newspapers. He was heartbroken when they left him, and he tried to stay in the house for as long as possible, surviving on the food his humans had left behind with him. But it wasn't long before Illarion took over, and a patrol dragged him from his villa, claiming he was on pack territory and had to go. Obviously not wanting to be forced into unknown territory, he came to a compromise with the dogs and decided to join their pack.

It wasn't long, however, before Illarion's actions began to get on his nerves. Otho had joined as a Gatherer but had begun to notice that Illarion would purposely send him on less gathering parties, and when he did it was usually just a quick scavenge around in a nearby house. Then the large canine's aggression and unfairness to other smaller breeds got worse, and it was enough to push Otho over the edge. He began to plot the Leader's murder, observing others and mentally noting down the names of dogs who also seemed to show discontent with Illarion's leadership so that he could approach them about his plans later. Once he had a good majority of the pack backing him, he carried out his plan and poisoned Illarion's food, gaining control of the pack when he was found dead the next morning.

♔ Relations ♔
Enemies: The Rebels
[Open for friends/enemies/possible romantic interest. PM me!]

♔ Other ♔
I think it's pretty obvious that I like dachshunds.

"If you need violence to enforce your ideas, your ideas are worthless."

[Meaning 'peace']

3 Years, 2 Months

She/Her Pronouns

Heterosexual & Heteroromantic

Otho's Pack


Border Collie

Olive is the average size for a border collie, exactly twenty inches at the shoulder and weighing in at thirty-six pounds. Her medium-length fur is glossy and soft, and she has longer feathering on her legs, chest, and belly. Her coat is actually much denser than it may seem at first glance. Her fur is mostly chocolate brown in color, but she has white markings on her chest, neck, and muzzle. She also has white socks on all four paws. Her ears are pricked up but the ends point downwards, making them resemble the shape of button ears. Her muzzle is also more rounded than pointed, giving her a friendly expression. Her eyes are such a light shade of amber that they appear to be a pale yellow color when in bright lighting. She carries herself rather confidently, with her head held high and ears pricked forward.

A carefree, positive female. Olive rarely takes can usually be found joking around, which can be refreshing at times, especially with all of the drama between the Pack and the Rebels, but it does lead some dogs to believe that she can't take anything seriously. Because she tries to be positive so often, she also seems slightly ditzy. What's more, she can also occasionally be very flirty. If she's interested in a particular male she's sure to let them know. She's known for being somewhat ignorant towards rules, and she's a stubborn dog. If she doesn't see a reason for following a particular rule she won't, and she's often gotten in trouble exactly for this reason. She isn't completely without reason, however, and if she knows that a rule is there for her safety, she won't go out of her way to break it.

Because of her scatterbrained and carefree reputation, others are often surprised to learn that Olive is actually very perceptive. She finds it very easy to read the emotions of others, and she does know when to keep quiet and observe a situation. She can be very tactical when necessary, a trait which is often displayed when she's hunting in groups. She'll often be the one to step forward and propose a plan. She's quite intelligent, and there have been moments where she's said something very wise without realizing it, sometimes to the amusement of others. She's very loyal to the pack and her loved ones, and she'd do anything to keep those she cares about safe.

Even when Olive's owners were still around she had a very active, interesting life. From a very young age, she was trained in agility and she'd often travel to several different states and occasionally even to countries in Europe to compete. She loved agility competitions and felt that it gave her a set purpose. But aside from being a great show dog, she was also an amazing family pet when back at home. Her owners had three children, and while she loved them all, the youngest, a little boy, was her favorite. He was the one who played with her the most, and fed her scraps under the table and let her sleep on his bed, even though he technically wasn't allowed to.

When her family left Olive was in denial for a long time, reassuring herself that her loving family couldn't possibly have left her behind, but after a month had passed and it became clear that nobody was coming back to get her, she began to change for the worse. She would roam the street, barely surviving off scraps because she couldn't gather the energy to hunt. Over time she started to accept the situation and got a bit better, slowly starting to put on weight again, but she avoided all other dogs, mainly because she was afraid of what she had heard about Illarion's pack. When news spread around the city of Otho's rise to power, Olive finally decided that she had been on her own for long enough, and joined the pack as a Gatherer. Her mood has improved drastically since joining the pack, and she feels like she has a family and purpose again.

Nothing very notable, she has a strong dislike for the rebels.
[Open for friends/enemies/possible romantic interest. PM me!]

I like herding dogs as well! Especially border collies or Australian shepherds.

"Once you become fearless, life is limitless."

[Named after an Italian firearms company]

4 Years, 3 Months

She/Her Pronouns

Heteroromantic & Greysexual

The Rebels


Belgian Tervuren

When you first look at Beretta, you'll notice she carries an air of power and confidence about her, and even though she may not be the most important dog among the rebels, she certainly could look like it. She holds her head high and walks with long, elegant strides, and she stands at an imposing twenty-four and a half inches at the shoulder, large even for her breed standard. She has an agile, well-muscled build, covered by a shiny brown coat. She has a black mask covering her face, as well as black markings on her ears, neck, and chest. The feathery fur on her belly is a lighter, creamy shade. Her facial features are all very pointed, with triangular ears and a long, slender muzzle. She has a long scar running down diagonally from the top of her right shoulder to the bottom of her rib cage; her fur has stopped growing around the scar, making it more noticeable.

Beretta might be the only female among the rebels, but she grew up with five brothers and knows how to hold her own. In fact, she is just as, if not more than, fierce as many of the males in her group. She strongly believes in the notion that actions speak louder than words, and she tries not to waste time with silly formalities. She's blunt and straight-forward; if she has something on her mind she'll speak it, disregarding how others may react to it. This trait has its positives, but will sometimes make her seem as if she lacks empathy or is rude. On the topic of words, Beretta doesn't allow herself to fall victim to false charm or deceit, mostly because she rarely gives her enemies a chance to speak. She's much more of a 'bite first, ask questions later' type of dog. She acts as if she has no fears, and she'll often be the first to rush into battle; a trait that is considered admirable by the rebels, but one that can potentially get her into very dangerous situations.

On top of all that, Beretta is fiercely loyal to her leader. She'd follow him into any battle, and wouldn't betray him even if her life depended on it. Nobody should mistake her for being a brainless soldier, though. If anyone but Dorran tries to give her orders she becomes snappy and stubborn, and she isn't the easiest dog to work with in teams. Under her harsh exterior, however, there's a nicer side to her. Those that manage to get close to Beretta will find her company much more enjoyable, and she's loyal to those she loves. Once you've befriended her, you've got an ally for life.

Beretta was born into a very loud, active litter of six puppies, of which she was the only female. Though her brothers tended to bully her a bit in the beginning, she soon proved during play-fights to be one of the fiercer, intelligent puppies, and at two months old she was selected from her litter to become a begin police dog training. Whenever she wasn't training she was still allowed to spend time with her brothers and mother, but when she was around two years old she completed her training and was separated from her family to join the police force permanently. She missed them, of course, but didn't get much time to think about them because her new job was very demanding, and by the time she was off-duty she was usually exhausted. Beretta loved her job nonetheless, and felt that it gave her a purpose. On one particularly eventful night the police force was shutting down a large drug cartel and one of the suspects made a run for it. She tracked the man down and managed to grab a hold of his arm, but the man pulled a knife out of his pocket with his free hand, giving her a nasty gash right across her right side.

The wound was bad. Beretta had to be temporarily removed from the police force to recover. It ended up needing stitches, and it soon became apparent that Beretta would carry the scar for life. Despite all this, she still wanted to continue with police work, and was longing for the day where she could rejoin the force. Unfortunately for her, the disease broke out only two days after she'd gotten her stitches removed, and she had to fend for herself. She might have liked to live on her own, but her wound was still hurting, and she felt that she needed a bit of protection, at least until it fully healed. So she joined the strongest pack that was around at the time: Illarion's. Though she only intended on staying for a few months, she ended up quite liking it there, and she began to get very close to Illarion in hopes of becoming his second-in-command, and many in the pack began to suspect that the two had become mates. Because of her close ties with Illarion, Beretta was one of the first dogs to be chased away when Otho rose to power, and also one of the first dogs to join the rebels' plight.

Nothing notable at the moment.
Though rumors say she was Illarion's mate, it actually wasn't the case. They seemed to have chemistry, but nothing more than flirting happened between the two.
[Open for friends/enemies/possible romantic interest. PM me!]

Theme Song: Homemade Dynamite by Lorde

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Edited on 15/02/18 @ 07:00:55 by BlazeRed {WCU} (#27478)

Blue 💤 (G1 Ebony
Haze NRLC) (#95211)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-14 01:11:59


:: Name ::

:: Age ::
4Y 0M

:: Gender ::

:: Sexuality ::
Bisexual, Biromantic

:: Allegiance ::
Fiercely loyal to Otho

:: Rank ::

:: Breed ::
Canis Panther

:: Appearance ::
Cairo stands at exactly 30 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds, making him at the average size for a male of his breed. Cairo carries himself with a proud, intimidating stature-- head held high and supported by a thick, strong neck. His breed is a heavily muscled dog with a wide chest and jaw, almost like a thicker version of a Doberman. His coat also resembles the other breed-- shiny black with very dark brown accents on his muzzle, chest, and paws that one wouldn't notice from a distance. The only other color on his coat is the lighter brown (but still dark in comparison to his base color) hairs on his neck and forehead. His ears had been cropped and his tail docked as a pup. He also has a thick, black leather collar around his neck that hasn't caused any issued yet.

:: Personality ::
Cairo seems to be an intimidating, serious, and fierce dog, but is actually quite the contrary. This Canis Panther can be quite lovable at heart, but only to those very close to him. Cairo knows how to effectively take on the Bodyguard role, and will keep his intimidating figure around strange dogs. Around his pack, however, he will chill a bit and be friendly, but alert as always. He takes his job seriously and is fiercely loyal to Otho & the Pack.
To dogs that are close to him, Cairo will open up even more and act himself. He likes to be around loved ones, and hangs out with the smaller breeds of the pack quite a bit. He believes in fairness, trust, and that all breeds should have the same chances.
Overall, Cairo is an even-tempered male and knows what he has to do and when. He is an obedient dog, having grown up in guarding his owners' estate. He is rather trustworthy to most, and knows when to follow his instincts. He will think before acting, and is an intelligent dog.
However, because he lived as the only guard dog in the family before evacuation, Cairo has gotten very used to guarding and working alone. He knows the importance of there being two Bodyguards for the alpha, but finds it a tad bit complicated to work together. Over the time he has been in the pack he has learned hiw to work with others, but he still has quite a bit to learn.

:: Backstory ::
Cairo was born and raised to become a guard dog. He was born in a litter of five to two purebred parents. His handlers socialized the puppies well, and trained them at a young age. Once the puppies were old enough, they were sold. Four of them left in pairs to the wealthier families, but Cairo was sold off individually. Cairo had not seen or heard from his siblings since, but was forced to adapt to his new lifestyle. He was bought for one reason; guard the estate. Because of his job, Cairo had to constantly remember his training and use the skills needed to be a good guard dog. He did very well in this family, and lived with them in the property all the way up until the evacuation. Once his owners left, Cairo stayed for a while in the house-- they had left him open bags of food and dishes of water. Even during his owners' absence, Cairo still kept up the job of 'guarding' the house to keep him busy. After weeks of living alone, Cairo was getting tired of the loneliness. He had heard of the violence out in the streets between other pets that were left behind, and of a certain dog rising up the ranks. When a single pack of dogs was formed, Cairo decided to leave the house and see for himself. He later ended up joining the pack lead by Illarion and remained in it, quickly figuring out how this new pack was barely any better than when there was no pack at all. Cairo started to dislike the way Illarion led, but was surprised when he found out others did too. That was when the Alpha was discovered deceased one morning. When Otho revealed it was he who killed Illarion, Cairo started to develop a certain respect for smaller breeds, and realized this sense of equality was what differentiated him from the former alpha's pack.
When other dogs of all sizes proceeded to follow Otho, Cairo decided to do the same. He had the same views all these other dogs did, and was content in this pack. He took the rank of Fighter, and when his guarding skills were revealed during Gathering patrols he was assigned to, he rose up the ranks to eventually become Otho's Bodyguard, along with another dog. Cairo was honored to have this rank and was proud of his title, and once again he was able to do what he was trained to do; guarding.

:: Relations ::
Brother - Unknown Status OPEN
Brother - Unknown Status
Sister - Unknown Status OPEN
Sister - Unknown Status

:: Other ::
Whooooo, I like a lot xD. I really really like guard dog breeds for some reason? Dobermans, Rotties, etc, but I also like Dachshunds-- all of my pets since I was a little kid have been Dachshunds! I currently have one named Abby :)


:: Name ::

:: Age ::
3Years 8Months

:: Gender ::

:: Sexuality ::
Heterosexual, Biromantic

:: Allegiance ::
Loyal to Otho

:: Rank ::
Proud Fighter for the Pack

:: Breed ::
American Pit Bull Terrier

:: Appearance ::
Steele is a fairly muscular dog, weighing in at 58 pounds and standing at 21 inches tall, the normal, average weight and height for a male of his breed. His coat is black with a hint of dark brown. Starting from his neck, right under his head, is white fur that covers his chest and half of his underside. A small, thin stripe of white is also apparent on his muzzle, right behind his black nose, as is a splotch of white that covers the tip of his chin. His ears are flopped forward and sit a bit high on his head, and his eyes are a golden-brown.

:: Personality ::
Steele is sort of a mellow kind of dog when he isn't in combat. He isn't very talkative, but isn't entirely silent either. He won't go searching for friendships, but does find he does not like to be alone.

:: Backstory ::
Steele was born in a litter of four to a mother who was owned by a backyard breeder and a stud for a father. He never saw his father, let alone meet him. He grew up with his two sisters, one brother, and his mother in that backyard until the pups were old enough to go on their own. He remained with his brother, moved to another secluded part of the yard. Most of their puppyhood was spent together in a square fenced in cemented kennel. In their adolescent years, the pair were recognized for the characteristics they had gotten from their father. When they reached a little bit over a year and a half, Steele and his brother were split up in separate kennels and used as studs. Steele had only bred once when he was bought and trained in 'dog fighting' at two and a half. At this point, he had almost gone mad from lack of proper exercise.He enjoyed the exercise he got in his new job, but did not like any other part of it at all. He remained this way for only one month. Most of the time it was just a blur; he didn't remember any of it, nor did he want to. During his last fight, the other dog had so viciously attacked him that he lost his sense of hearing in one ear. After two weeks it had came back partially, but it was never the same. This injury was noticeable to his handler, who bought the dog that mauled him and left Steele at that warehouse one night, alone.
Steele, about to be two and a half, then wandered. He spent most of his time in the alleys of the city. There, he avoided cars, ate trash, and followed females around just like any other stray dog. One day, as he walked the alleys, a woman who had seen him around before reported him. Hours later, he was found, captured by animal control, and sent to the pound, just like every other dog. Luck was on this dog's side, however, as the stray dogs about to be admitted into the pound were almost forgotten. This was due to the virus warnings spreading throughout the city. The humans frantically prepared to evacuate, leaving animal shelters alone as they were rushed. Steele was hurriedly thrown into a kennel and left among other dogs. He remained a day in the kennel when he realized one of the two locks on the gate was left open; to his convenience, it was the bottom one. Steele then spent two more days attempting to bend the wiring. On the night of his third day in the kennel, Steele managed to squeeze through the bend of the gate, receiving a thin scar on his side in the process.

Thus began Steele's next part of life. The whole city was entirely different. None of this mattered to him, so the APBT simply resumed life as a stray. Weeks went by, and he realized how different the city was. At this point it was completely empty. That was when Steele noticed how many other pets had gone to the streets, causing chaos and violence, which he did not mind. What he did mind, however, was the loneliness. Steele wasn't accustomed to being alone for such a long period of time, but the other dogs in the areas he wandered were aggressive. He mingled with the population, which resulted in many fights-- some he won, some he lost. As time went by, Steele heard of a male rising up above the rest. He wanted to be there to see the outcome, and eventually saw how this dog progressed into the alpha of a rather large pack in the area, only to be murdered by a small breed. Steele had not joined Illarion's pack, and had only watched from afar. But this new dog seemed to be rather intelligent if he could take down a dog as powerful as Illarion. Once he heard this dog was forming a new pack, Steele decided to join as a Fighter. At first he hadn't thought of smaller breeds and their status, but soon after he joined he was fine with them. Otho's progress had been quite impressive, so Steele decided not to underestimate a small breed.

:: Relations ::
None, I think?

:: Other ::
Lost partial hearing in one ear.

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Edited on 19/02/18 @ 10:28:53 by Blue (#95211)

For never, forever (#61889)

Notable Lion
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-14 02:32:08

Huge Wip!!


"Never forget what someone says to you when they’re angry because that is hen the truth comes out."

➶ Name ➶
(Pronounced Door-aan)
((Meaning stranger))
➶ Age ➶
3 years 2 months
➶ Gender ➶
((He // Him))
➶ Sexuality ➶
Pansexual / Panromantic
➶ Allegiance ➶
The Rebels
➶ Rank ➶
➶ Breed ➶
Ibizan Hound
➶ Appearance ➶
As an Ibizan hound, Dorran is a fairly strange looking dog. He weighs only 50 pounds and yet stands 26 inches tall. He has a thin build. His carries a slim head and a long, thin, muzzle. His pink, shiny, nose tops off his oddly shaped head. His ruff is just as skinny as his chest. The size of his rib cage differs greatly to his belly. His chest slants quickly upwards right at the end, leaving him looking very very thin. His back haunches stick out slightly from his skinny build. He appears to have very fragile features, his legs are thin and oddly long. By his haunches, a very long tail compliments his large, upright ears. His fur is so short it as if he doesn’t even have any. Under his forelegs and back legs, at the base, The fur is so short and thin that his pink skin appears out from underneath.

Dorran is of a common color of Ibizan hounds. He has a striking amber color base, covered with a bright white overlay. The white leaves only a few amber spots still visible, like leaves atop snow. His patches lay over his ears, tail base, and one on his right shoulder. On his muzzle, a reddish pink stain lines his nose and around his mouth. Dorran stands squared almost every time. He holds his head fairly high at all of his gaits. The strides he takes are long and often exaggerated at all gaits. As a sight hound, he relies mostly on his vision more so than smell, so his eyes are always bright and vigilant, his irises are similar to his orangish fur in color.
➶ Personality ➶
Dorran is a cold dog. He is known for snapping at others even when they haven't done anything wrong. He is a very aggressive character, and has almost no sense of humor. When he does crack a joke it's usually some dark humor tied together with an insult. He strongly sided with illarion’s opinions, believing that small dogs are practically worthless and expecting every dog to treat him with respect. Darron does not take crap from anybody, and he isn't afraid to put them in their place. He expects only the utmost respect coming from his followers and will not tolerate any defiance.

Dorran is known fr over exaggerating his emotions to get attention, and he can be manipulative in order to get what he wants. He has little to no empathy for others, and is not a fan of any dog who cannot provide efficiently for the group. If you are not of worth to him or the group, you will likely be abandoned...again. If a dog is "of worth," Dorran will treat them with respect, which is high praise coming from him. They will also most likely get first choice of scraps, and other useful advances in the group. Even if Dorran can seem mean and heartless, he does run his pack successfully for the most part. Everyone has a place and a job, and the group has to stay productive.
➶ Backstory ➶
Dorran was born to a well known Ibizan hound breeder. His mother had participated and placed well in many obedience shows. His father was also a show hound, a fairly well known stud. Dorran never properly met his father, but he and his mother were very close. His mother had 4 other puppies not including Dorran. When he was old enough to leave his family he was sold to a loving home. He was trained in obedience, as his mother was.

He was very successful in his disipline, but he only ever went to about 2 or 3 shows. His owner fell chronicly I'll and was not able to train or compete anymore. Dorran was handed over to his previous owner's sister and her family. They had two small kids that loved to run and play. He was well cared for and happy until the sickness swept the city. His loving owner's left in a hurry, and they didn't bring him. Dorran was confused, they had gone on trips before, but this felt different. After a month of eating scraps off the counters he knew they weren't coming home.
Everything was clear to him now, they must not have ever cared for him, not enough to make sure he was safe.

He left the house, jumped the backyard fence. The hound wandered aimlessly around until he found a group that took him in. It was lead by a dog named illarion. He liked the way illarion ruled, he inspired Darron as well. Darron would follow Illarion to the ends of the earth. But that never happened, because Illarion was poisoned by a small dog. To Darron, Otho is no dog, but a rat. Darron will do anything it takes to see Illarion avenged and Otho's downfall.
➶ Relations ➶
None at the moment (Open!)
Mother ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Loved ~ Open!
Father ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Never Met ~ Open!
Brother ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Loved ~ Open!
Brother ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Loved ~ Open!
Brother ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Loved ~ Open!
Brother ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Loved ~ Open!
Sister ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Loved ~ Open!
Otho ~ Leader of enemy pack ~ Hates ~ Played by BlazeRed
Romantic Interest ❤
None at the moment, open
➶ Other ➶
Wow he's so mean...
I’m a sucker for sighthounds and shepherds! Nothing special here




"Just because you are small doesn't mean you are helpless to your cause."

☾ Name ☽
((Meaning Peace))
☾ Age ☽
3 years 7 months
☾ Gender ☽
((She // Her))
☾ Sexuality ☽
Bisexual / Biromantic
☾ Allegiance ☽
Otho’s Pack
Rank ☽
☾ Breed ☽
Shetland Sheepdog
☾ Appearance ☽
Pax is small, even for a shetland sheepdog. She weighs only 22 pounds, and stands 14 inches tall at her withers. Her build is average for her breed. She has a large, circular head, and a fairly short and rounded muzzle. Her shiny nose is about the same size as her small, bright eyes. Her ears point upwards util midway up, when they start to droop. Her ruff is covered with her long, fluffy fur. Her thick pelt makes her appear fatter than she actually is. She is quite thin underneath her fluff and her legs are very thin. She does not have as much fur on her legs from the upper arm and down. There is long fur on her elbows, making it appear like she has a mane sometimes. Her tail is not docked, unlike most shelties.

Her coat is mainly a light caramel color. Her back starts with a dark brown color which fades the lower down her sides it gets. Over that, white falls from her forehead down to her nose. The bright color travels down her chin, All the way around her neck, to her chest, and then her belly. The tip of her tail is also topped of with a white spot. Pax's head stays at a comfortable height. Her gaits are exaggerated, well, all her movements are. She has a wide stride, but being as small as she is she kind of has to to keep up. Pax holds her tail straight up most of the time, and she is always on alert, eyes and ears alike. She does not have good paw-eye coordination, she’s quite clumsy in her movements.
☾ Personality ☽
Pax is a sweet and humorous dog, her emotions are always highly exaggerated. Everything she says or does can almost always be considered hilarious so someone, even if she is trying to be serious. Pax doesn't really know any real insults, and her small size and high pitch voice make it impossible for her to be intimidating. She is a naturally sweet dog, Pax believes that even one should be equal, big or small. She is a very empathetic and deeply cares about how others feel. She does not really care what others think of her though, she is happy doing her own thing without anyone else's opinions. She might not be the brightest, but she is one of the sweetest.

Recently, with the groups fighting and the humans gone, she has been very emotional. Mainly angry and sad. Sometimes she forgets that's she's small and does or says something that could potentially get her in trouble. Pax tends not to think before she speaks or acts, she always says exactly what she's thinking, good or bad. She is very determined to knock some sense into the rebel, they drive her crazy.
☾ Backstory ☽
Pax doesn't remember her family, she was taken from them as soon as she could open her eyes. She grew up in a severe hoarding situation. She was grossly underweight and malnourished. Having to fight for every scrap of food was hard for a dog of her size. She was rescued by a canine rescue organization, along with all the other dogs that had been in the same situation. She made a full recovery and had no lasting physical problems after her rescue. A foster home took her in. These owners where known for helping out the rescue organization by fostering recuses.

The owners quickly fell in love with Pax's quirky personality. They adopted her along with another rescue. Tania, the other rescue dog, turned out to be the closest thing Pax ever had to a family. Pax's new owners gave her a very loving home, something that she had never had, and she loved it. They helped her come out of her shell after the horrible situation she was in. She would do anything for them, but apparently that wasn't enough.

The woman had fallen deathly ill, and her mate was deeply worried. Sometimes he would forget to feed Pax and Tania, and sometimes he would even forget to feed himself. He never left her side. Then one sad morning, the woman passed away. the man was beside himself, he had practically lost his mind do to grief and panic. he packed everything in the house into a truck, except the dogs of course, and left. Either he had forgotten about his pets, or he had simply stopped caring, but either way Pax's heart was broken. She and Tania stuck together after that until they stumbled upon a group of dogs, but they were cruel to dogs of smaller size, and the pair refused to join them.

The two dogs lived together and yet alone for a while after that, they managed to stay fed and healthy for the most part. They later found out that the previous, cruel, ruler of the group had been overthrown by a small dachshund named Otho. Pax and Tania Joined Otho's side, Pax was willing to fight to show the other group what little dogs were really made of. She is aware that it might seem illogical for her to be a fighter in her small size, but she doesn't care and she won't let anyone tell her otherwise.
☾ Relations ☽
Tania ~ Close Friend / Old house-mate ~ Loves like family ~ Played by Kittenixie (#126870)
Mother ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Never Met ~ Open!
Father ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Never Met ~ Open!
Sister ~ Whereabouts Unknown ~ Never Met ~ Open!
The Rebels, literally all of them.
Romantic Interest ❤
None at the moment, open
☾ Other ☽
She thinks “Walnut” is an insult
All sighthounds and shepherds!




"Standing alone is better than being around others who don't value you."

☆ Name ☆
((Meaning god of the moon))
☆ Age ☆
4 years 3 Months
☆ Gender ☆
((He // Him))
☆ Sexuality ☆
Bisexual / Biromantic
☆ Allegiance ☆
The Rebels
Rank ☆
☆ Breed ☆
☆ Appearance ☆
As a saluki, Shiva is naturally a very skinny dog. He is very tall, even for his breed. standing 28 inches at his withers and weighs only 48 pounds, Shiva’s height is due mostly to his strikingly long legs. He has a circular head shape with a long, pointed muzzle. He has very long and fluffy ears. He only appears so have long fur on his ears, tail, and elbows. His facial expression usually gives off a calm vibe. His thin ruff is supported by his slim shoulders and haunches. A barrel chest differs from his short belly, and you can see some of Shiva’s ribs popping out of his sides.

Shiva’s coat has a bright tan, almost white, base. A blackish grey color lays over the tan on his back, sides, haunches, shoulders, forehead, and even his forehead around his eye dots. The same color stripes down his forehead to his nose in a thin, faded line. His tan unders stand out against his black cover greatly, and eyes are usually drawn to the lighter parts of his body. He holds his head level with his shoulders when he walks, trots and gallops. When he stands his head usually lifts to a more comfortable height. He moves very gracefully and has great body coordination. He does not have very wide strides, but they aren’t particularly short either. He has a tail that steams behind him naturally, as if he isn’t even in control of it.
☆ Personality ☆
Shiva is an extremely smart dog. He doesn't exactly agree with the rebel's opinions, but he would never tell any of them, out of his own safety. Shiva simply goes along with a lot of what others tell him. Right now, he is just surviving. Shiva is a quiet dog, he doesn't speak much, he mostly observes. He tries not to judge others, who knows what anyone is going through. Shiva is very antisocial, and keeps his thought and emotions to himself. When he does speak, it's usually just small talk. Even though he doesn't talk much, his speech skills are exceptional, his words flow easily and he never has a problem getting his point across. He would rather not be in a group at all, to go it alone and never look back, but he knows that would simply be suicide.

He followed the rebels because he knows here he has a job, he gets food, and no one expects anymore from him. Shiva has no roots planted anywhere, not with anyone nor any group and he plans to keep it that way. There isn't much known about Shiva, other than he doesn't talk much. He will roll with most anything, except having to hurt someone, that's where he draws the line. Shiva would never hurt another dog, which could potentially lead to his downfall.
☆ Backstory ☆
☆ Relations ☆
None at the moment (Open!)
None at the moment (Open!)
Romantic Interest ❤
None at the moment, open
☆ Other ☆
All sighthounds and shepherds!

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Edited on 21/01/18 @ 21:47:50 by For never, forever (#61889)

🌺α ℓ ℓ
o (#134696)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-14 07:59:41


DNIKkGN.gif \


:: Lucky, Luck, Lou. Lucky being the most common name::

*+:: Age ::+*
:: 3 years, eight months. ::

*+:: Gender ::+*
:: Female ::

*+:: Sexuality ::+*
:: Pansexual ::

*+:: Allegiance ::+*
:: A loner. ::

*+:: Rank ::+*
:: She wants to become her own Alpha ::

*+:: Breed ::+*
:: German Shepherd / Husky mix ::

*+:: Appearance ::+*
:: Lucky is sixty centimeters tall at the withers and weighs seventy pounds, which is average for a German Shepherd. With a black and white bi-color coat, she could easily pass off as either a Husky or Shepherd at first glance.
Lucky's ears are the normal height for both her inheritance breeds, but her left is lopsided which gives her the appearance of a puppy, despite her age. With deep amber eyes outlined by the "eyeliner" genetic known to almost all shepherds, Lucky is very proud of her appearance.::

*+:: Personality ::+*
Before the world caved in suddenly, Lucky was a very playful dog. She was always out exploring, finding just about anything she could get her shout in. Being a free-roam dog even before the two legs left, Lucky spent most of her time walking about town through back alleys and streets to meet up with her friends. With puppy nature still brimming inside her, she can be easily entertained.
When the humans left, however, her attitude changed. It was a very rude awakening to what life was truly like beyond the warm care of her two legs, and her awing puppy nature soon disappeared.
Now Lucky can be often seen hiding under stairs and scrapping for any food, she hardly trusts anyone. Even just seeing another dog will have her bolting in the opposite direction; she's strong, but is not much of a fighter. Her sarcasm and height can usually scare off smaller dogs, but she will never try to challenge one bigger than herself. Her thoughts are often depressing ones, as she is quite lonely now, but refuses to join a pack. Lucky dislikes the thought of bowing to another dog worth less then herself.

*+:: Backstory ::+*
Lucky was born in a firehouse to a loving father, mother, and a pack of humans. For the few months she did know her mother, she believed no beauty could overpass such a charming soul like her mother. Lucky remembers snuggling into her mom's Siberian pelt and the world would slow down as she escaped off into her thoughts.
When Lucky was eight months old, her mother left one day and never returned, and Lucky still wonders if her mother might still be alive.
Her father, on the other hand, was a K-9 unit German Shepherd, and boy was he big. Lucky never expected her father to play with her, as he was usually busy running off with the pack of humans. When the humans deserted them all, her father was desperate to follow them. She remembers him telling her to never submit to another, and only believe in herself. With that, he ran off into the dark and has never returned.
With no family, and hardly any close friends, a depressed Lucky hides up in the bell-tower of a local church, staring out of the broken stained glass murals.
She longs for a friend, but is scared of being used.

*+:: Relations ::+*
Lucky's truest friend is another German Shepherd named Amber, who is a gatherer for one of the main packs that formed shortly after the humans left. Though they cannot meet all the time, when they do, they share stories of their lives, and confide in each-other.

*+:: Other ::+*
My favorite dog breed is a German Shepherd, having owned many of them in my lifetime.




✧・゚:: Name ::・゚✧
:: Amber, Amy. ::

✧・゚:: Age ::・゚✧
:: 2 years old. ::

✧・゚:: Sexuality ::・゚✧
:: Pansexual. ::

✧・゚:: Allegiance ::・゚✧
:: Otho's Pack. ::

✧・゚:: Rank ::・゚✧
:: Gatherer. ::

✧・゚:: Breed ::・゚✧
:: Purebred German Shepherd. ::

✧・゚:: Appearance ::・゚✧
:: Amber has the appearance of a hyena; a mush of black and bright brown fur, with a long snout and gleaming amber eyes. She stands at at fifty six centimeters high, and weighs forty pounds. She's longer than her height, and uses her colors to sneak through dark places and dry grass. ::

✧・゚:: Personality ::・゚✧
:: Amber was once a very enthusiastic pup, but when the humans left, she became very submissive. It was the only trait she could use to survive into Otho's pack, and now acts as their gatherer. Being a purebred Shepherd, her jaws can bring down pray or rip away fabrics and plastic. However, with the a back that's almost heavier that the rest of her body combined, she's not the best jumper.
Amber likes to sit alone and think about what life has become, and will always tend to shy away from large crowds. ::

✧・゚:: Backstory ::・゚✧
:: Amber was raised by a single female human, and she loved her very much. Her life was paradise, and Amber had all she ever asked for. Playing fetch, going to new places, and swimming in the long rivers were her favorite pastime.
She was very spoiled.
Amber was in horrible shock where her human left her, and had no other ability then submit. ::

:: Amber has always liked Lucky, her one true friend, but with everything going it it'd be best to just focus on surviving. ::




o○:: Name ::○o

o○:: Age ::○o
Eight years old.

o○:: Gender ::○o
Male, he/him.

o○:: Sexuality ::○o

o○:: Allegiance ::○o
Otho's Pack

o○:: Rank ::○o

o○:: Breed ::○o
Bernese Mountain Dog

o○:: Appearance ::○o
Oliver is a large, broad shouldered Bernese Mountain Dog, weighing in at 50kg and his back harboring half of his weight. His head is wide and square, making it more sustainable to impact and bites. Oliver's coat is thick and his whole back is covered with shiny slick black tuff, while his belly up to his nose is white with amber socks. With a long bushy tail in his back, and bright blue eyes, he can be quite intimidating. His natural posture is to have his head as high as it will stand, making him look larger.
With his thick fur, Oliver appears very hefty, and can be known to shove with great force.

o○:: Personality ::○o
Although known for his fighting, working, and strong jaws, Oliver can be a gentle giant. Many dogs confide in him when he's not on duty, and he acts as a sort of therapist for the others.
He has a deep voice that can both sooth and scare, depends on what his view on you is.
Although he doesn't keep others close, he has an undying loyalty to his pack, and will easily put himself infront of others.

o○:: Backstory ::○o
Oliver was born into a purebred program, and he's the product of generation of perfection breeding, making him live a very spoiled life for his earliest years. He spent his time inside the horse stable that resides in his human's six hundred acres property of land. He wasn't often put to work, but was still trained heavily to appear in shows and tournaments, which he had many medals to show for.
When the humans abandoned town, Oliver opened his mansion to other dogs, letting them eat from the hundreds of feet of food his humans had left.

o○:: Relations ::○o
Any real friends Oliver has are those in Otho's pack, but he's very weary about trusting other dogs.
He had no siblings, and both of his parents were sold when he was young.

o○:: Other ::○o
Oliver is proud, and will quickly respond to a challenge.
Although asexual, he doesn't dislike romance, just never looks for it or wants it.

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Edited on 15/02/18 @ 18:32:30 by 🌺α ℓ ℓ o (#134696)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-14 09:14:50

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Edited on 26/02/18 @ 22:18:35 by Tater Tot [Main] (#33076)

Mapleshade (#70250)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-17 10:24:38

still a wip

Otho's dogs have gone mad. These scrawny scraps of fur are leading packs and feeling like they rule this place, but they forgot who the real owners of these lands are. I won't stand for this behavior, Illarion was the only sane creature in here!

:: Name ::
:: Age ::
2,5 years old
:: Gender ::
Female (she/her)
:: Sexuality ::
Bisexual Polyromantic
:: Allegiance ::
Loyal to the Rebels
:: Rank ::
:: Breed ::
German Shepherd x Siberian Husky mix
:: Appearance ::
Light cream/white fur w/ grey saddle. The saddle is darker on the top of the back, and lightens up as it goes down. Bisected nose (brown & pink), blue-grey eyes and a pink tongue. Dark brown pawpads. Her tail is very fluffy, like a husky's, but her coat is shorter and thicker. Her ears are big and pointed upwards, and her nose is small. Maple's overall appearance makes her look reserved and calm, although that's far away from what she really is.
:: Personality ::
Energetic, hot-headed, jumpy, unreliable, sincere, impulsive, dreamy and understanding.
:: Backstory ::
She was a rescue dog that came from a hoarding background. The conditions she lived in were filthy, her and the other 25 dogs all had health issues, and were very skittish. After the rescue, Maple was one of the dogs considered too jumpy and unpredictable to be adopted right away, and faced the threat of euthanasia if she didn't change. She was sent to a foster home to rehabilitate, and for a while she did well. The family she was in decided to adopt her, in an effort to try and "tame" her. Shortly after, the strange disease hit the human population, taking her caretakers away. Maple has been wandering alone ever since, until one day she was recruted to be part of the Rebels. It wasn't a place she adored, but at least she felt safe around dogs who think and act like her.
:: Relations ::
These will develop during RP, but it's open in case anyone wants anything to do with her!
:: Other ::
She's got a worn collar on her, that reminds her domestic past.
My fave breed is the Borzoi, but i'm a sucker for sight hounds in general <3

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Edited on 17/01/18 @ 10:28:13 by Maple (#70250)

West (#43497)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-01-17 23:01:00


“If only we could see the endless string of consequences that result from our smallest actions. But we can't know better until knowing better is useless.”

{{ Name }}
Lorelei, Lori

{{ Age }}
2 years, 5 months

{{ Gender }}

{{ Sexuality }}

{{ Allegiance }}
Otho’s Pack

{{ Rank }}

{{ Breed }}
Icelandic Sheepdog Mix

{{ Appearance }}
Lori is a thick, fluffy-furred dog composed of varying hues of reds and golds along her face, back, and flanks. Her muzzle, ears and tail are tipped with a darkening tone of brown and black, giving her a sense of muscular thickness when bristled. Along with her perked ears, she can be a sharply intimidating figure at times. The white of her throat creeps down her neck and belly until it reaches her toes on most legs, angling down from the inside of her thighs. A thin line of white divides her face in half while her eyes are lined with dark lashes, giving the amber inside an intense glare.
All in all, she’s also not that tall, standing at a meager 16” at the shoulder. She weighs in normally anywhere between 26lbs. and 32lbs., depending on the season and productivity of her hunts.

{{ Personality }}
This canine can somewhat easily and not-so-easily be described as a subdued and calm individual, at least until something or someone she cares about is brought into the picture. She’s incredibly compassionate about the world around her and tends to be very submissive at first glance, especially when coupled with her introductory politeness. Being loyal to a fault sometimes gets the better of her, and though she can be a rather restrained canine- both physically and vocally-, occasionally enough is enough.
Once you get past her preface of niceties and passivity, she can be quite the sharp-tongued individual when she allows herself to be. This female isn’t one to put up with anything she believes immoral, at least not for long. When she’s not out seeking justice for the world, however, Lorelei can also be relaxed and lazy. She doesn’t always have fast-wit or seem the friendliest but she does want for company more often than not, tending to isolate herself only when needed.
One will find that her nose is one of her strongest features, accompanied by her eyes, which is why she fell into the Gatherer position rather gratefully. Her ears are about average in their capabilities. She has an adventurous and curious demeanor that more often than not leads her into trouble. Being on the smaller, lithe side of the canine spectrum, she has to rely on her instincts or her fast, slender limbs. That, or hope the dog she’s opposing is a few seconds slower than herself and can’t get a good grab at her skin through her thick pelt. She can become instinctively panicked and unpredictable during fights, and she’d likely rather talk things out unless she knows the challenge is necessary.

{{ Backstory }}
This young dog was adopted from the shelter when she was a few days over two months old. Her and three siblings had been turned in with their mother in a crate outside the shelter overnight, without any explanation or possible belongings. She doesn’t know what happened to her family, but she was adopted by a nice young man who’d just moved out on his own. He cared for her like family, and she fell into a simple routine with him, playing and learning and exploring the human world. Then he too was taken from her, by the sickness she didn’t understand, and she was forced to learn how to care for herself. She was slowly withering away when she first found the Pack, ran by Illarion and his dogs. She grew with them and over time, began to see the problems the dogs around her were facing. She helped eagerly after she found out about Otho’s crafty betrayal and has continued to serve the new Pack until present.

{{ Relations }}
[Mother and siblings are adoptable.]
[OPEN for relationships with packmembers/others.]

{{ Other }}
Picture linked to source!
Theme Song possibly to come?
I can’t choose a favorite. How can I? I love them all. Er…
Herding, Hound, and Sport dogs are all great


“I'm not saying that everything is survivable. Just that everything except the last thing is.”

{{ Name }}

{{ Age }}
4 years, 3 months

{{ Gender }}

{{ Sexuality }}

{{ Allegiance }}
The Rebels

{{ Rank }}

{{ Breed }}
Spinone Italiano

{{ Appearance }}
Over the years, this brute has grown into the thickness of both his pelt and his muscles. He stands at a tall 28”, give or take a centimeter or two, and weighs in normally between 108lbs. and 117lbs., varying between seasons.
Sterling has large paws that hold his thick frame easily, his coat a wired mess of silvery-white and red-brown speckling that covers his body from head to toes. His ears darken especially, and he has one significant spot of orange-hued brown over his lower rump. The outer coat of silvery-wire gives him an appearance of prickliness when bristled. His maw especially has begun to grow a thicker beard in the absence of human grooming utensils, the thickened whiskers giving him the appearance of savagery, even if there is none. His tail is a terse whip behind him. His nails, nose, and the skin around his eyes all hold the same tone of darkening orange-brown as the rest of his bodily markings. His eyes, should one get close enough to see them, are an odd mixture of olive-green caressed with sunset orange.

{{ Personality }}
Sterling has two very distinctive moods he falls into often. One is independent and calculating, wherein he silently observes and more often than not holds his usually sharp-tongue. He can be clever and sly, with an awfully persistent mind when it comes to detecting and categorizing anomalies for later use. This most often helps him put things together as quickly as he can, in both judging a fellow canine’s lies or in simply telling it how he believes it is. Which he does confidently and snidely, even if he so happens to be wrong.
The other side of this brute can be a little less quiet and a bit more brash. When he’s not in a “pleasant” mood, those around him had best be warned out of his path. He can be incredibly crude and blatant in his observations and chooses to ignore most social cues presented to him, leading him to be seen as rude and insensitive at best. His biggest downfall in interacting is being ignored, and it causes him to grow rather agitated rather quickly.
When his restless energy gets the better of him and he’s already frustrated, this canine is one to grow reckless and daring. He hardly thinks about his actions two-thirds of his life anyway, but all forethought is suddenly buried behind him when his emotions grab reign. He can grow hostile with little provocation and when aggressive, he’s more than readily ferocious with a determined bloodlust. This ferocity isn’t easily handled, and though he’s definitely both bite and bark, he’s most loyal to the Rebels and their cause, leaving him to be obedient under the more dominant dogs there.

{{ Backstory }}
Sterling was bought from a semi-reputable breeder in Europe and brought back to the Americas under the pretense of a protection dog for a man and his family. As it turned out, there was no family awaiting him. Just the tight-knit business of a dog fighting ring.
He was put through all the training of a protection dog for the first year and a half of his life. The man had clearly put a lot of money into him and loved to see him successful, both in training, and letter in prowess when he was ordered to attack humans and dogs alike on several separate occasions. He watched him like a hawk and punished him when he disappointed. Sterling tried not to disappoint often. At three and a half years of age, they fully opened up the dog-fights and after a few weeks of finding him different opponents, he was named reigning champion. But then the humans stopped coming to the fights and, one day, his owner and sponsor vanished. He found his way out of the building he’d been enclosed in and fell into order with the Pack. He lavished under Illarion’s control, and when the ruler was killed, Sterling ran with his followers.

{{ Relations }}
[I guess siblings and parents are probs open, though there’s likely only 1-2 also in the Americas]
[OPEN to any and all possible relationships]

{{ Other }}
Picture linked to source!
Theme song to come?

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Edited on 21/01/18 @ 00:10:24 by West (#43497)

Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2018-01-19 07:59:34
:: Name ::

:: Age ::
3 years 9 months

:: Gender ::

:: Sexuality ::

:: Allegiance ::
Loyal to The Rebels

:: Rank :
Fighter in the Otho Pack

:: Breed ::
Anatolian Shepherd

:: Appearance ::
Aries stands roughly around 79cm (30 inches) from the shoulder and is considered slightly above average in height for his breed, weighing in at 125lbs. His coat is a nice cream color with dark brown-black triangular drop ears, muzzle, and eyebrows, his eyes being a dark amber color that has a little bit of dark green mixed in. Thanks to good selective breeding, Aires has a thick neck, broad head, and sturdy body that most of his breed should have if they are a purebred and makes him rather intimidating to other smaller dogs. While he is considered a large dog his muscles are very lean which makes him perfect for running, slipping into smaller/tighter spaces that even some medium sized dogs have trouble getting into. His tail, while some of his breed have curled tails, lays pointing downward with a slight curve at the tip.

:: Personality ::
While some might take him for muscle mass over brain power, it's quite the opposite. Aries likes to take his time and observe different situations, calculating when the best time to either intervene or walk away is. He can obviously take care of himself when it comes down to fighting but it isn't the first solution that he thinks about. His temperament is rather short and he has practiced keeping an emotionless face during troubling times, but that doesn't stop himself from feeling the appropriate emotions that follow most events. If the situation calls for it, then the dog can be quite forceful and most cannot compete with his strength/size when it really comes down to it. When he isn't busy trying to finish up a task, Aries is quite energetic and will often try to search for a companion to spend some of his time with.

:: Backstory ::
Aries was born out in the rural areas on a sheep farm, both his parents being sheep herders. He grew up learning the natural way how to use his size and weight as an advantage and became quite agile due to continuous practice, just like his parents. One day when the farm owner didn't return from the market Aries' parents wen't searching for him, being as loyal as any dog could be, but sadly they never returned either. He made the decision to venture off in search of companions as he couldn't stand being alone and with nothing but sheep to talk to. After a few months of wandering he came across a pack of dogs that accepted him as if they had known him all his life and he became very loyal to their leader. When the ruler was killed Aries volunteered to stay behind and become apart of Otho's pack in order to spy on the dogs and relay messages back to the rebels.

:: Relations ::
Romantic: None (Open, let me know if you are interested)
Friends: None Currently
Mother - Anastasia (Deceased)
Father - Dread (Deceased)

:: Other ::
I don't really have a favorite, I love them all too much xD

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Kittenixie (#126870)

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Posted on
2018-01-21 01:19:14

"Sometimes what we do know is scarier than what we don't."


4 years and 9 months


Otho's Pack


Italian Greyhound

Maya is a white Italian greyhound with fawn splotches and speckles scattered over her body. She's about a foot and a quarter, and weighs around 10 pounds. She has deep brown eyes and a soft black nose and paw pads. She often shakes nervously and appears alert most of the time. She's rarely relaxed, near constantly tense. Despite being rather thin, her muscles are clearly strong, especially in her legs.

Maya is extremely anxious and worrisome. She is protective of her friends and family, and extremely alert. She's very rarely at ease, only calming around close friends, and wary of strangers and those she doesn't know very well.

As one of her breed, and a former racing dog, she's quick on her feet. As such, she's fit to be a gatherer, or a messenger, if need be. She hates being alone for extended period, and prefers to go in groups. She's fairly energetic, and enjoys going for a quick run when she's not working.

Mother: An unknown racing dog
Father: An unknown racing dog
Siblings: Unknown
Romantic Partners: None (pm if you wanna talk about it lol)
Pups: None

Maya was a racing dog before illness struck the humans. Her owner treated her unkindly, resulting in her especially anxious and wary tendencies. She was a prized dog, quick on her feet, and managing to win a few prizes in her time.

After illness took her owner away, she started to make a living on her own. Her quick feet allowed her to keep out of much of the trouble, and the nature of Illarion's pack only served to worsen her distrust in others. However, once Otho took over, she-- although warily-- chose to join. She found her place as a gatherer, making use of her speed to help her pack.

None (yet)

Image Source
i don't have a favorite dog bc i love them all, but french bulldogs and borzois hold a place in my heart tbh

"As long as you have family, you have hope."


Four years and two months



Saint Bernard

Tania is approximately 27 inches tall and around 125 pounds. She is mostly white and brown with small bits of black on her face and back. She is a Bernard with longer fur, with a fluffy neck ruff and tail. Her wrinkles and skin rolls, plus her ever kind eyes, make her look fairly nonthreatening despite her size.

Tania is a rather selfless dog, and cares for her packmates beyond all else. She focuses on family, and sees the whole pack as one big family, therefore being loyal and motherly to all of her packmates. Because of this, she can be overbearing, but you can always be sure that she has her pack's best interests at heart. She typically eats little only so that her packmates can have something to eat, leaving the best pieces of food for the rest of the dogs.

Despite being protective of her pack, she is also willing to give other dogs such as the rebels or loners a chance. However, she will keep an extremely close eye on said dogs to ensure they don't harm her family. Tania isn't a fighter by any standards and prefers negotiations and peace, though if there is a threat to the pack, she will not hesitate to fight to protect the other dogs.

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Romantic Partners: None (open)
Pups: None

Tania was previously owned by abusive owners. She grew up sheepish and nervous, constantly worried of being punished for doing something wrong. Eventually, she was rescued by an organization, and soon after, adopted by a foster home, along with another dog, Pax.

After her rescue, she grew to be more confident and happy, plus having her kind and motherly personality truly come out. Pax grew to be like family to her, and she became fiercely protective of the smaller dog.

After a while, the woman of the home had fallen ill, and the dogs were neglected due to her mate's preoccupation. Tania didn't mind very much, she was worried about the woman, and hoped she would get better soon. However, soon things turned for the worst. The woman died, and she and Pax were left to fend for themselves. Despite the fact that it likely would've been easier to survive on her own, she stayed with Pax, refusing to leave her all alone.

Soon enough, a pack was formed with an unruly dog as the leader. Yet again, she would've found living easier if she left Pax and joined the pack, but she refused to leave her family. Instead, she took it upon herself to take care of herself and Pax despite the difficulties. Eventually, a smaller dog named Otho took over the pack. Once she'd heard the news, she joined the pack with Pax, soon finding herself in place as the second in command.

Pax - Best Friend and Family (played by For never, forever)

Image Source
favorite dog breed above!

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Edited on 21/01/18 @ 21:13:53 by Kittenixie (#126870)

Gold (#97673)

Good Natured
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-15 05:50:16

"Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, loyalty is returned."

:: Name ::

:: Age ::
2.5 years

:: Gender ::
Female; she/he

:: Sexuality ::

:: Allegiance ::
Otho's pack

:: Rank ::

:: Breed ::
Great Dane

:: Appearance ::
Athena is a sleek, jet black canine with a white mark on her lower chest. She has long legs, big paws, and well toned muscles. She has broad shoulders and powerful hind legs. Her ears are very tall, causing them to often flop over when she's relaxed. Her eyes are a deep russet color.

:: Personality ::
Athena is, despite her demeanor, a friendly dog. She loves to help others and feel useless when she has nothing to do. She is very focused and doesn't get distracted easily. She's not very trusting and a bit naïve, but once she does trust you she is loyal til the end. She's a bit doofy at time and may sometimes even seem stupid. She is calm most times, but once she's in battle she's a very different dog. She is viscous and sometimes even merciless. She would kill and die to protect those in her pack.

:: Backstory ::
Athena grew up with humans who loved to enter her into dog shows. They fed her a raw diet to ensure her pelt stay shiny and healthy. She's been in plenty of dog shows and even won a few. Her humans seemed like hard-asses but they cared dearly for their dog and would feed her the occasional treat.

:: Relations ::
Enemies- Any dog in the rebels pack
(Open for friendships/love interest~ Just PM me ^^)

:: Other ::
I love great danes and huskies~

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Edited on 16/02/18 @ 08:04:33 by Gold (#97673)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g1 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-25 10:06:49


"Be who you are, and say what you feel. It's not being rude, it's being real."


Gender & Orientation
Female, Heterosexual


Belgian Sheepdog

Otho's Pack

Rabbit is a bit more of an ambivert, tending to keep to herself at times. She is very protective of the sheep, and thinks highly of them. She is very loyal to those she trusts, and intelligent, knowing commands quickly and responding very well. She is also very much a courageous and lionhearted individual, her bravery and determination strong. She is quite apathetic towards anything she doesn't care for, and if she doesn't want to do something, she won't.


Rabbit is a regally formed female, her body slim and sleek with black fur that shines in the sunlight. Her particularly long black legs are quite strong and support her long body. She is quite agile and swift due to her build, and while it may seem that she is only built for speed and no bite, she can bite with a tough force. She has muscles rippling underneath her sleek fur due to working with sheep all day. Her dark brown eyes glitter, and are with deep meaning. She has a kinder look to her eyes, and it seems quite motherly and warm towards her allies. Her ears are upright, black and furry.

Rabbit is a strong individual, no doubt. She was the daughter of a champion show dog, but her mother died soon after she was weaned. She's been on her own for a few years now, the humans leaving not affecting her much.

Bandit ~ Sire ~ Deceased
Shep ~ Dam ~ Deceased
Midnight ~ Sibling ~ Deceased
Luna ~ Sibling ~ Deceased
Batman ~ Sibling ~ Deceased







4 years, 11 months


Pansexual; leans more towards females

The Rebels


Mix breed; unknown



:: Backstory ::
(I know some people don't like writing backstories that much, so it doesn't need to be very detailed, but please include at least the basics of your character's history)

:: Relations ::
(The friends/enemies/romantic interest of your character. Include any living/relevant family members)

:: Other ::

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Edited on 03/03/18 @ 10:23:05 by Taehyung's Face Enthusiast (#84624)

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