Posted by Rollover

Sheriff (#120443)

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Posted on
2018-02-04 18:15:16
So I see people, including myself, constantly asking when rollover is all the time. A simple fix is a rollover timer where in the top corner where it says the date and the lioden time and how many people are online it should have the time until rollover.
Possible issues:Timezones
I hope you agree as I would really find this feature useful and I hope that if it is implemented that others will too.

This suggestion has 33 supports and 1 NO support.

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TwiztedSmilez707 (#41411)

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Posted on
2018-02-04 18:23:02
I support, but Rollover is ALWAYS at 2:00 a.m. LioDen Time. I've played this game for years, so I wouldn't need a timer, but I know a few people that would find this handy. ^~^

Also, maybe have the little timer be like a digital clock/count-down thing that only appears, maybe 2 hours, before Rollover to give people a head's up that it'll be soon. Have it in bright red so that it's noticeable.

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Hawkeye (#93542)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-04 18:23:09
Ah well, it's usually 12am or 1am lioden time I believe, I don't think there's a need for that
I'm two hours ahead Lioden time myself and it didn't take me very long to figure out when rollover time was
It's different for others because of timezones, but like I said, it happens 12am or 1am Lioden time

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Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2018-02-04 18:48:56
I thought it was 2:05 Lioden time :0

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Sheriff (#120443)

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Posted on
2018-02-04 18:50:14
it is lol. i think they meant it was 12am in real life for them. But it is 4am for me

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