Posted by ✨Buying Event Items for GB! 🔥

Luna (#53)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-02-04 22:11:48


Hi all! For this event, I am buying...

- Yohimbe Barks | 2GB each
- Buffalo Scrotums | 6GB each

Please free to PM and click here to trade with me if you want to sell your items for GB (please do not forget to add a buy out). I will automatically buy out any trade when the items are still wanted.
Note: This post will be edited if items are no longer desired.


If you prefer to trade, I have the following items...

- Spicy Ice
- Crunchy Worm
- Hyena Meat
- Heavy & Scarce Hyena App
- Ethereal Fur
- Ivory Carvings
- MOD: Primal
- Speckled Pigeons
- Spiderweb - Thick
- Spiderweb - Scarce
- Spiderweb - Veil
- Giant Torts
- GMO Cows


Thanks! If you're interested in trading Yohimbe Barks and Buffalo Scrotums for 300 Monkey Teeth, click here!

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Edited on 05/02/18 @ 23:35:31 by Luna (#53)

Julia*grace* (#127710)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-26 14:49:20
Are you looking for march items?

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