Posted by Upgraded Giving Tree?

⚜️Seraph (any
prns)⚜️ (#134704)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:11:50
Okay hear me out:

You know how random the giving tree is right? And how it's a great feature.

BUT! What if there was a slight change?
I had a dream (this was in a dream, weird) where there are two 'sides'
If your lion is good, you get to go to the angelic side of the tree, where you can get good cubbies.
But the twist is: they were once old lion/lionesses.
Yes, what if old lions that passed on get reincarnated as cubs again and are able to be adopted?
You go there to get your cubs like the normal tree, but you'll most likely get pretty cubs and higher stat cubs, the higher your karma, the better your chance to get rare cubs. (mottled rosettes, and in rarer chances, mutations)

If your karma is neither good nor bad, you get the normal giving tree, nothing special.

But if you're an evil lion, you get the devil lion. Where you get cubs that you and other players have KILLED. Yes, killed. And you know that the potatoes are the ones that are usually killed, so you know what that means, YOU get the potatoes. You *may* get lucky and get good cubs, but this is the devil's way of 'punishing' you for your awful deeds.

Well? What do you think? Want to add/get rid of anything? Let me know!

*EDIT*: Okay thanks to some friends (Mal and Rowan) I'm gonna fix this up.
Evil lions won't just get potato cubs, but it'll be a little harder to get the better cubs, but it won't always be bad cubs.
Neutral will also get the equal chance to get the cubs as well.
And there's an evil counterpart to the angel lion, like a fallen angel one. Where you can get either good OR bad cubs, regardless of your karma. But choose wisely, as you only can take one per day from either lions.

K ANOTHER EDIT: Since people find this unfair (while I didn't want it to seem like I wanted to punish people for evil lions)
Good/kind lions OR lions who were part of a good pride, they go to the good side.
Evil/snarky lions or lions who were part of a bad pride, go to the bad side.
(this was suggested by multiple people)

This suggestion has 34 supports and 25 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/02/18 @ 19:59:34 by Tipsy Tea (#134704)

Crescendo (#135233)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:18:26
Support. It adds more to the idea of karma, and gives people more to think about. And about the mutie thing, I agree, because the Giving Tree wipes mutations. This is a nice idea that's cute and seems like something that could happen. (:

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mylighthouse57 (#128566)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:18:58
Support! This sounds awesome ^^

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Ax9BOG1}👑 (#84858)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:26:35
This is very creative and I love the idea but I’m not sure it’s very fair. I personally like being an evil lion. So evil means I only get potato cubs. All of the good lions get all of the special ones? The idea would be really cool if evil and neutral lions had an equal chance of receiving special lions. Otherwise Lioden would start to fill with only good lions and karma wouldn’t really have much of a purpose anymore if everyone is the same. If things were more equal I think this suggestion would be an excellent additive to the game!

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⚜️Seraph (any
prns)⚜️ (#134704)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:31:17
I'll fix the post to have that added, you're right about the unfair part

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:34:06
I like it. It add more to the karma. I work hard on my main and side account to have my king have good karma. I 100% support your idea. I am also giving you a support from my side account.

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Theo x Sora (#50134)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:37:50
Maybe a way to make it equal is to have which lion a player can get is still based on their lions karma and depending on the personality of the dead lions like if the lions personality was good then they'd go to higher karma with evil ones going to lower karmas but there would be tiers based on the karma where lions that fall under the different personality groups that match it maybe with a 300 karma threshold between each

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:39:46
I don't agree with this. This promotes only having good karma and makes it less of a choice for the player. It's saying that you have to have good karma or you'll have to get bad cubs. This could be switched to where lion(esse)s that have died in a pride with bad karma would go to the evil side of the tree and vice versa.

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Crescendo (#135233)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:41:10
or maybe, lions that come from prides with a king who had evil karma goes to the bad karma lions, and vice versa?

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rvedBetter (#99089)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:43:23
Whoops, that's what I meant.

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:45:36
I feel as if this would be more fair if both good and evil karmas received deceased lions, however, the lions found in the trees would be determined by their personalities. Good lions go to the good tree; evil lions go to the evil tree. That way, one karma wouldn’t be “better” than the other.

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Muffin (#104843)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 19:46:58
As cool of an idea as it is, I don't think the karma should affect what kind of cub you get, it's just a little unfair and no one should have to be punished for wanting to have a evil lion.

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⚜️Seraph (any
prns)⚜️ (#134704)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 20:04:23
Fixed it! I didn't want to seem like I wanted to punish anyone for wanting an evil lion

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Muffin (#104843)

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Posted on
2018-02-10 20:20:01
Cool, changed my vote then because it's a awesome suggestion!

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MousseMori (#81680)

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Posted on
2018-02-12 00:03:18
I support evil lions getting the evil/snarky ones but getting potatoes all the time would suck lol
My current king has good karma I think but my next one's gonna be evil.

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⚜️Seraph (any
prns)⚜️ (#134704)

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Posted on
2018-02-12 00:16:44
Yeah they wont get potatoes all the time, im just too lazy to fix that part so i just added the edits

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