Posted by Revamped Pride Sorting Idea (50+ Supports)

MousseMori (#81680)

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Posted on
2018-02-15 12:42:29
I dont know if I just edit the old one or not, because I've got an entirely different idea now.
A lot of times I've found myself digging through my lions to find who's maroon, who's nurturing, etc. I know you can use footnotes w/coding but if you have a lot of lions it might take a while.

My idea is to add a search bar like the one in the TC so you can search for a certain marking, base, etc. It could be turned on and off, and appear in your pride overview. It would help a lot if you have a lion you want to stud, kill, or just look at and compare how many of that base you have.

If you don't support it, feel free to tell me why.

This suggestion has 73 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 04/04/18 @ 11:18:35 by Mousse (#81680)

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CleanGlass Svelte (#131469)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 15:55:15
So kinda like how it already is. Search for frozen, lions with mutations...
Another one to just add onto that is Filter to lions with: and it takes you to another area to put in ____ Base, or ___ eyes. Idk, just a suggestion to add onto that.
Like dropdowns for base, eyes, all that to choose what youre looking for.
I dunno.

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MousseMori (#81680)

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Posted on
2018-02-21 15:56:35
Pretty much

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